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Which member of Stalin's Central Committee ordered the death of Red Army
soldiers protecting his dacha during the Battle for Moscow?

Andrey Andreyevich Andreyev

2. What was Stalin's favourite genre of movies?


3. Which three letters were found in Stalin's personal cabinet upon his death?

Letter from Lenin, note from Bukharin and letter from Tito

4. What was the name of the second most influential Georgian in the USSR?

Beria or Ordzhonikidze

5. Which functionary initated the purge of Voznesensky and Rodionov?


6. What did Voroshilov do at the 1937 May Day parade that never happened again?

Voroshilov brought a revolver

7. How many people left Stalin's Politburo without dying?

Only one

8. Who was the last Old Bolshevik to die?

Lazar Kaganovich

9. Which Soviet general put down the Kronstadt rebellion?

Mikhail Tukhachevsky

10. Who was the most famous Tsarist general to join the Red Army?

Aleksei Brusilov

11. Which party functionary led the initiative to replace Christmas with New Year's

Pavlo Postyshev

12. Which communist slapped Stalin?

Peljidiin Genden

13. What was the name of the truly proletarian faction in the CCP?

28 and a half Bolsheviks

14. Who said the following: "Communist humanity can be created from the human
material of capitalism through forced labour and killings by the proletariat"

Nikolai Bukharin
15. What was Stalin's nickname among friends?


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