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Are Electric Cars the solution and the better counterpart of normal

combustion engines?

In recent years, the switch from combustion engines to electrical vehicle’s (EV’s) is seen as a
solution to the environmental negative changes caused by combustion engines. Supporters
argue that electric cars offer a cleaner alternative for long and medium range travel, while
skeptics raise concerns about their efficiency and environmental impact. This essay covers the
downs and ups of the electric vehicle’s takeover.
Electric cars offer a clean solution to transportation by car. Unlike combustion engines, they emit
way less C02 when powered by renewable sources like solar energy or most commonly lithium-
ion batteries, which helps combat air pollution and climate change. Additionally, electric motors
are more energy-efficient, resulting in lower fuel costs and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. With
instant torque delivery, electric cars provide smoother acceleration and a more enjoyable driving
experience compared to traditional vehicles.

Limited range, long charging times and the mining of the scarce lithium-ion material are the
biggest concerns due to current battery technology. While progress has been made, electric
vehicles still fall short compared to gasoline cars, especially for long trips. Moreover, lacking
charging infrastructure is also a big reason for why not everyone wants to switch.

Another issue is the environmental impact of battery production and the disposal of it. Making
lithium-ion batteries demands a lot of resources and time, leading to carbon emissions and even
more environmental harm. Recycling and disposing of used batteries also pose challenges.

Overall, the transition to electrical vehicle’s seems like the perfect solution to a huge problem,
even though also having it’s downsides such as the making of lithium powered batteries. Finding
a good balance between the benefits and challenges of electrical vehicle’s is essential for the car
industry to keep the people

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