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Isabelle Ciaramitaro

Template for Planning Vocabulary and Comprehension Support in a Storybook Reading Session:
Reading 1 of Multiple Readings

Title of Book: The Proudest Blue Grade Level of Students: K

Instructional Aims and Support for Oral Language & Comprehension

I. Book I chose this book because it includes themes of diversity and inclusion. It can foster
Selection conversations that help students to feel proud of their identities and cultivate tolerance. The book
has complex features such as its illustrations and language. The complex features of the book
provide an opportunity for the teacher to use the book to develop student’s vocabulary and
inferential thinking skills.
II. Story Reading the Title and the Names of Author and Illustrator: “Our new book today is titled,
Introduction “The Proudest Blue”. The author of this story is Ibtihaj Muhammad. The person who created the
art and illustrations is named Hatem Aly.” Note: Teacher will show the book’s front cover during
this introduction and when reading the title, author, illustrator names underline the print to show
speech-to-print matching.

Introducing the Main Characters: “Here on the cover we see the main character Faizah
(teacher points to Faizah on cover) and here is her older sister Asiya (teacher points to Asiya on
cover). Asiya is now old enough to wear a hijab, which is a head scarf some muslim women
choose to wear to show dedication to their religion. (teacher points to hijab on cover)

Stating the Story’s Problem: In the story, at school Faizah sees other children make fun of
Asiya’s new blue hijab and she gets worried. Faizah thinks Asiya’s Hijab is beautiful and
imagines it to be like different things in nature. Like the ocean seen here (teacher points to ocean
on cover)

Transition Language: “Let’s read the story. It is told from the perspective of Faizah. Let’s learn
how she views her sister and how her old sister-Asiya reacts to people’s mean comments.”

Rationale: I chose to introduce the main characters during the story introduction because it will
help prevent difficulties with students identifying the characters and their relationship to one
another. Faizah’s name is not provided until page 5. Based on the cultural background of the
students they may not have background knowledge on hijabs. Hijabs are central to the plot.
Therefore, I chose to point out the hijab on the cover and explain why it looked like an ocean. If
students looked at the cover without explanation they may develop misconceptions such as
thinking the setting of the story was in the ocean and that one of the sisters was part ocean. I
chose to preview the story’s problem so that children would have a better chance at
understanding the significance of the story events, at determining what details to attend to, and
at not getting confused by the illustrations. I chose the transition language to end the
introduction in order to create curiosity about the story.
Isabelle Ciaramitaro

III. Vocabulary words: Hijab, Counter, Squint, Twirling, Curtsy, Tablecloth, Pounding, Pavement.
Vocabulary ● Hijab
Support ○ Strategy: pg. cover, pointing and definition (“which is a head scarf some muslim
women choose to wear to show dedication to their religion”)
○ Rationale: It is a tier 3 word that appears repeatedly throughout the text. It is
critical for students to comprehend as it is central to story’s problem and the
characters’ identity.
● Counter
○ Strategy: pg. 1-2, pointing and definition ( after reading page: “a counter is
long, flat-topped surface where customers are helped in a store. You can see a
fuller image of it on the previous page (turn to previous page and point to
counter) The family is behind the counter and getting help selecting a hijab for
Asiya from a store worker.”
○ Rationale: It is a tier 2 word. The text does not explicitly state that the family is
in a store. Explaining the meaning of the word helps students understand where
the family is and their purpose for being there.
● Squint
○ Strategy: pg. 1-2, gesture (when reading word teacher squints eyes) and
definition (after sentence:“squinting is when you almost close your eyes”)
○ Rationale: It is a tier 2 word. It helps students understand that Faizah at times
sees things as something else.
● Twirling
○ Strategy: pg. 3, synonym (after word: “spinning around”) and gesture (teacher
rotates finger in a circle)
○ Rationale: It is a tier 2 word and a new verb that students can easily relate to
their own lives. Drawing attention to the word also supports the students'
understanding of Faizah being excited for the first day of school.
● Curtsy
○ Strategy: pg. 6, definition (after sentence: “to curtsy means to bow by bending
your knee, it is done to show thanks or respect typically to royalty.”)
○ Rationale: It is a tier 2 word. It is important for students to understand the
meaning behind Faizah doing a curtsy toward her sister because it reveals
something about the sister’s relationship.
● Tablecloth
○ Strategy: pg. 20, definition (after sentence: “a tablecloth is a napkin used to
cover a table”)
○ Rationale: This is a tier 1 word, however if is critical that students are aware of
its meaning so that they can understand how school kids were degrading the
● Pounding
○ Strategy: pg. 22, synonym (after word: “hitting”), gesture (teacher points at feet
of children)
Isabelle Ciaramitaro

○ Rationale: This is a tier 2 word that students will likely encounter frequently in
books. If the definition is not provided the phrase “shoes pounding the
pavement” may cause confusion for students.
● Pavement
○ Strategy: pg. 22, synonym (after word: “sidewalk”)
○ Rationale: This is a tier 2 word that students will likely encounter frequently in
books and conversation. It is a word that is easy to provide a synonym for, that
students could easily incorporate into their vocabulary, and that relates to
children’s lives.

IV. Inner cover: Teacher says “Faizah, Asiya and her mother are going to a store to shop for Asiya’s
Comprehens first Hijab” while pointing to family and Hijab store.
ion Support p. 1: teacher says “hijab” and point to pink hijab after reading “Mama hold out the pink”
(during p.1: teacher says “Faizah thinks” after reading “I know why”
reading) p.2: teacher points to Asiya and to Faizah during the line “Asiya knows it. I know it”
p. 4: teacher points to Asiya “notice she is wearing the blue Hijab her mom bought her at the
p.5: After the first paragraph- “Faizah thinks her sister is like a princess!”
p. 6: After the text: “Asiya is older than Faizah so she goes to a different part of the school.”
p. 8: After the text:“the girl Faizah is talking to looks concerned and Faizah has red on her
cheeks so she might feel embarrassed”
p.10: After the text: “Faizah thinks her sister Hijab is bright and it reminds her of the sky.” Point
to image.
P. 13: After the text: Point to image on pg. 14 “they are making fun of Asiya”
P. 15: After the text: “Asiya’s hijab reminds Faizah of an ocean and she is imagining herself in
the ocean”
p. 17: Point of illustration after sentence: In class I draw a picture
p. 20: after the text: the boy is making fun of Faizah’s sister Asiya again and you can see a frown
on Faizah’s face. This upsets her!
p. 22: After the first paragraph: “Asiya and Faizah both ignore the boy’s mean comments. They
remember the advice their mother gave them.”
p.25: After text: point to picture, “Faizah looks nervous”
p. 26: After paragraph: Point to Asiya, “the school day is over”
p. 28: After text: Turn back to pg 17 to show students again the picture Faizah drew. Remember
she drew this earlier in the day during school.
p. 29: After text: Point to Hijab “Faizah compares Asiya’s hijab to the ocean and sky because it
is all blue.”
p. 30: After text: Point to Hijab on pg. 29, “Asiya will always now wear the hijab at school just
like her and Faziah will always be sisters.”
Isabelle Ciaramitaro

(discussion Main Idea: Faizah looks up to her sister and is inspired by her.
reading) ● p. 5-6 “Faizah calls her sister a princess. She looks at her with a smile and joyful eyes.
She curtsies before her sister leaves for 6th grade. Based on these story details, how do
you think Faizah feels about her sister?”
● p. 11-12 “Why do you think Faizah feels better after talking to her sister?
● p. 17 “Faizah drew a picture of her sister and her. Study the picture. Why do you think
Faizah drew a picture of them both wearing Hijabs? ”

V. My What did you wonder about, learn, struggle with, have “eureka” moments about as you studied
Curiosities the book and planned the reading?
Reflections I wondered about how many vocabulary words and comprehension asides were too many. There
is a balance between helping students understand a story and interrupting the story to the point
that it takes students away from the plot. I think it would be important that I rehearsed the story
reading with the vocab and asides to test out the flow before I was in front of kids. I am also used
to teaching secondary so I am less familiar with being in front of younger students. It is therefore
harder for me to predict their possible misconceptions. I also worried if I selected the correct
grade level for the test/questions. I could see this book and the questions also working in first
and second grade. I did find it easy though to develop questions and to identify vocabulary. The
thought processes I used are similar to ones I had to use during my time teaching 7th grade. In
developing inferential questions it became apparent to me that subtle changes in wording can
make a big difference. For example, my first question for p. 11-12 was “How does Faizah’s
emotions change after talking to her sister?” However, after relooking at the page I realized that
students can easily repeat the wording on the page: She feels better. Therefore, I changed the
wording from “how” to “why.” This resulted in a question that requires more inferential thinking
on part of the students.
VI. Topics Briefly describe your discussion themes for all three readings. Provide rationales for the order of
for these topics.
across Main Idea #1: Faizah looks up to her sister and is inspired by her.
Multiple Main Idea #2: Hijabs are special tradition in Faizah’s family
Readings Main Idea #3: Do not change who you are based on other people’s judgements.

I chose how Faziah views her sister as the first topic because it is important to establish the
strong familial connection between Faizah and her sister. If students understand that Faziah
views her sister as a role model it will be easier for them to comprehend why Faziah also wants
to wear a Hijab. If the sister's relationship and the importance of hijabs are explained first then it
is easier for children to understand Faizah worry about the other children’s teasing. If students
know that Faziah looks up to her sister they will understand why she follows her sister’s lead and
doesn’t engage with the bullies.
Isabelle Ciaramitaro

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