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One evening, an old woman tells her granddaughter a bedtime story where snow comes

from, by telling her the story of a young man named Edward, who has scissors for hands,
the creation of an old Inventor. The Inventor's final result was a humanlike young boy who
had everything except for hands, but the Inventor suffered a heart attack and died, leaving
him "unfinished" forever.
Many years ago, a woman who sales makeup products` Peg Boggs visits the hill where
Edward lives. There, she finds Edward alone, broken and white lot of scars on his face, she
decides to take him to her home. Edward becomes friends with Peg's young son Kevin and
her husband Bill. He later falls in love with the Boggs' beautiful teenage daughter, Kim.
Peg's neighbors are impressed by Edward's adept hedge-trimming and hair-cutting skills
(both of which he does with his scissor-hands), but two of the townspeople hate Edward, a
religious fanatic named Esmeralda and Kim's boyfriend, Jim.
Wanting money for a car, Jim takes advantage of Edward's ability to pick locks, and uses
this as an attempt to break into his parents' house. The burglar alarm sounds and everyone
except Edward escape. Edward is arrested, but is released when a psychological
examination reveals that his isolation allowed him to live without a sense of reality and
common sense. So after this everybody started to spread rumors about him. During the
Christmas season, Edward is feared and outcasted by almost everyone around him except
the Boggs family, resulting in the family becoming outcasts as well.
While the family is setting up Christmas decorations, Edward creates an angel ice sculpture.
The shavings create an effect of falling snow, which Kim dances under. Jim calls out to Kim,
distracting her, and Edward accidentally cuts her hand. Jim says that Edward had
intentionally harmed her and attacks him. Edward runs away. While the police is searching
for Edward, he returns and Kim greets him with a hug. When Kevin is almost run over by
Jim's drunk friend, Edward pushes him out of the way, but cuts his face, causing witnesses
to think he was attacking him. When the police arrive, Edward flees to his hilltop mansion
and the neighbors form an angry mob, wanted to kill him.
Kim runs to the mansion to see Edward last time. Jim follows her, attacks Edward.. Edward
stabs Jim in the stomach and pushes him out a window to his death. Kim confesses her love
for Edward and says goodbye. And when she run out of the mansion she tells to the crowd
that she killed Jim and trew him out of the window. And shows them a scissor-hand similar
to that of Edward's telling that as well she killed him too. Happy, but at the same time
indifferent neighbors return home.
The elderly woman who is actually Kim in her old agefinishes telling her granddaughter the
story, saying that she never saw Edward again. She chose not to visit him because she
wanted him to remember her the way she was in her youth. She also mentions that Edward
is still alive, and he "creates snow" from his ice sculptures, which falls upon the
neighborhood below. While Edward creates more ice sculptures, a flashback of a young Kim
is shown dancing under the snow falling from the angel ice sculpture above her.

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