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 Grandmother telling a story of the mansion on the hill.
 Peg tries to sell Avon products.
 Peg goes to the mansion and finds Edward.
 Takes Edward back to Suburbia.
 All the gossip about the new arrival.
 Edward falls in love with Kim’s photo.
 Local women demand a BBQ to meet Edward.
 Edward makes friends at the BBQ.
 Edward starts cutting shrubs
 Edward starts cutting hair and grooming dogs.
 Kim returns home.
 Thinks about starting a hair – Joyce tries to seduce him.
 Gets refused for a bank loan.
 Jim convinces Kim to break into his parent’s house Ed unlocks the door but gets locked
 Gets arrested. Family tries to teach Ed morals
 Neighborhood turns against Ed, No one will go to Christmas party.
 Ed accidently cuts Kim while doing a ice sculpture, Kim breaks up with Jim, Ed leaves and
destroys a plant and car tires
 Police look for Ed, Neighbors get worried.
 Ed returns home, hugs Kim.
 Jim makes his drunk friend drive back to Kim’s house
 Ed saves Kim’s brother from being hit by the van
 Everyone thinks Ed is trying to hurt the boy.
 There is a fight Jim is hurt
 Kim tells Ed to run.
 Ed goes home everyone follows
 The policeman tells everyone to leave
 Kim finds Ed. Jim and Ed fight Jim dies, Kim tells everyone that Ed is dead
 Grandma finishes telling the story.
Edward: Edward is like a child very imaginative and innocent. He doesn’t know right
from wrong and makes decisions based on his feelings. Edward is pale skinned with cuts on
his face. He wears a leather jacket with bits of metal holding him together

The Inventor: The Inventor is lonely creating robots in his spare time He created
Edward because of this loneliness. The inventor is a short man wears glasses and has a bold
patch like all great inventor or scientist should have.

Peg: Peg is a sweat and caring Avon lady who gives more then she takes, she is not very
successful in her job. Peg is small in stature with blonde hair and a big pleasant smile.

Kim: Kim seems to be a typical teenager only going out with Jim because He’s popular
you can tell she doesn’t like him. She seems lonely and feels bad about the way Edward is
treated. Kim is average height with blonde hair

Esmeralda: Esmeralda is a superstitious woman who tries to influence other

people into thinking that Edward is evil. She seems crazy, looks crazy and is crazy

Mansion: The Mansion is old and creepy with machines taking up most of the
gigantic space. There are lots of stair cases most leading up. But outside in the garden is
beautiful with all the bushes well kept and carved each into something different

Suburbia: Suburbia is an average and ordinary town yet colorful. Everyone

expects each other to act normal so it makes for a very boring town. Although when Edward
comes it turns into a very artistic town indeed

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