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Should abortion be restricted?

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Our world today is full of unsolved, decisive and controversial issues. Most of
them relate to our morals, ethics, and religion, thus creating a very strong yes or ne,
or good and bad side. One of these issues include abortion. Abortion is the ending of
a pregnancy by real or expulsion of an embryo or Jetus before it can survive outside
the uterus, sometimes it is called “termination of pregnancy. To impart information,
abortion techniques were developed us early as 1550 BC, when the Egyptian
medical text Ebers Papyrus suggested that the vaginal insertion of plant fiber
covered with honey and crushed dates could induce abortion. Abortion was an
accepted practice in ancient Greece and Rome as the Greek philosopher Aristotle
wrote that “when couples have children in excess, let abortion be obtained before
sense and the have begun.” Throughout much of Western history, abortion was not
considered a criminal act as long as it was performed before the first detectable
movement of the jetio, which can occur between 13- 25 weeks of pregnancy. Until at
least the earty-1800s, abortion prefectures and methods were legal and openly
advertised throughout the United States and other neighboring places, however, for
over a century, abortion has been criminalized In the Philippines. The criminal
provisions on abortion do not contain any exceptions allowing abortion, including to
save the life of the pregnant woman or to protect her health. Abortion was
criminalized through the Penal Code of 1870 under Spanish colonial rule, and the
criminal provides were incorporated into the Revised Penal Code passed in 1930
under 115. Occupation of the Philippines. Like the Chinese yin and yang sign,
abortion has a very prominent black and white side but also contains traces of each
in the alternating color This shows that if you were to come to any kind of conclusion
on abortion, there would be a downside to it, and that is primarily why the world
cannot agree on this sensitive and emotional issue. But looking at the pessimistic
side, we consider that abortion violates the human rights of the child, defies the
Word of God, and affects the health of the mother.

Counter Argument
Abortion should be part of a country’s contraception policy, People should
plan their families & society must allowed women to end unwanted pregnancies, in
order to death with failures of birth control la accordance with this, abortion should be
legal but encourage. Legal simply because it is a chore, and what grows inside your
body is yours. Also, keeping it illegal doesn’t stop it from happening. It only mean
women are forced to undergo unsafe and fetal procedures. As a result of the criminal
abortion law and the discriminatory environment in the Philippines, winner are left
without a means to control their fertility, exposed to unsafe abortions, and made
vulnerable to abuse in the health system in other word, prohibiting abortions doesn’t
step abortions, women would simply seek abortions via illegal means which are
unsafe & legal, so it is better to provide woman with safe and legal ways to do an
abortion. As stated during a forum by Ana Maria “Princess Nemenzo, who spoke on
behalf of the Center for Reproductive Rights, Women’s Global Network for
Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), and Philippine Safe Abortion Advocacy Network
(Pinauan), and is currently the national coordinator of Woman Health Philippines, the
Philippines should end the continued criminalization of abortion as they are
concerned that a low enacted increased the number of pharmacists who dispense
abortifacients without prescription resulting the increasing number of abortions,
complications, injuries, and maternal deaths caused by unsafe measures of abortion.
Another one in, abortion would give a piece of mind to the woman, especially when
the pregnancy was a result of rape. According to the Philippine Commission on
Women, 4% of women age 15-49 experienced forced first sexual intercourse and
109% of women age 15-49 experienced sexual violence, In the case, abortion
should be made legal, especially to those women who are rape victims because
having a child after a traumatic experience can be detrimental for them for life.

Abortion violates the human rights of the child. Life begins at conception, so
fattener have already human rights. As we all know, human life is sacred and
inviolable and the use of prenatal diagnosis for selective purposes must be strongly
discouraged because it is the expression of an human mentality, which removes the
possibility for families to accept, embrace and live their weakest children. As stated
in the Article 11 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution says, in part, “Section 12. The
State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family
as a basic autonomous social meditation. It shall equally protect the life of the
mother and the life of the unborn from conception” Therefore, the right to life is a
universally recognized right for all human beings. It is a fundamental right which
governs all other existing rights. In its absence, all other fundamental rights have no
reason to exist. For children, the right to life is the chance to be able to live and have
the proximity to grow, to develop and become adults. This right comprise two
essential aspects the right to have one’s life protected from birth and the right to be
able to survive and develop appropriated in observance with the kid, abortion is
prohibited and should be treated as cruel and unnatural, absolutely immoral human
behavior for the reason that every child has the right to survive.
Abortion also defies the Word of God. According to the scriptures, God said
that “T gave them eternal life, and they shall never perish; ne one will snatch them
out of my hand” (John 10:28). Abortion in a sin in the eyes of the Lord No one can
take one’s life except God Himself. And even though unexpected, the life of a child
inside the mother’s womb is still important and a gift from God. Based on the bible
verse Psalm 127:3, “Behold children are the gift from the Lord the fruit of the womb
is a reward.” Killing is a sin which disobeys one of the ten commandments of God
which is “Thou shall not kill” (Erodus 20:13) A survey in Florida last 2015 showed that
almost 92% of the abortions were performed to healthy women, with healthy
children. There was nothing problematic with the circumstances of conception and
nothing problematic with the help of the mother or baby. Therefore, we can say that
people or mainly abortion was mostly fur beneficially of women, in their life or social
and economic reasons. They focus on their needs and status rather than the child in
their whom that came from God. It defies the word of God considering their own
purposes for abortion. They lack knowledge and skill in decision- making in choosing
between the Law of God or the reasons that can affect their social status, image and
figure. Furthermore, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippian (CRCP)
President stressed that abortion remains a serious wrong” because terminating the
life of the unborn trespasses the sacred ground that human life is. Not only does it
bring death on another, it brings about the spiritual death of one who commits it with
full knowledge of its malice and the consequences of this absolutely abhorrent act.
As a result, warden who do this violates teachings of God such as not to kill, cherish
one’s life and they didn’t valued the sacrifice jesus made just to obtain life or eternal
Lastly, abortion affects the health of the mother Physical, emotional, and
mental health are affected by abortion. First, in physical health, the mother
experiences not just physical side effects but also serious complications. According
to a research of National Library of Medicine in US, physical side effects of it are
abdominal pain, spotting and Bleeding. While the serious complication a mother con
experience are heavy or persistent bleeding, infection or sepsis, damage to the
cervix, scarring of the uterine lining area perforation of the uterus (Bethesda (MD),
2017). Abortion affects the mother physically, Because it can cause damages even
on its other organs specifically on her reproductive organs. It can cause cancer and
other serious problems that can cause the malfunctioning of them. It can also affect
the emotional and mental health of a woman After an abortion a woman may have
both positive and negative feelings regarding her choice, even at the same time. It’s
typical to feel instant relief due to the fact that the procedure is over and that she is
no longer in an unplanned pregnancy. However, after a few months, this relief can be
replaced with many other emotional reactions. One woman may feel sad that she
was in a position where all of her choices were difficult ones. She may feel
emotionally sad about ending her pregnancy She may alto experience a sense of
emptiness era guilt, wondering whether or not her decision was correct. Some
women who describe these feelings find they go away with time. Others find them
more difficult to overcome as time advances. Based on the Abortion among
Adolescents, abortion has side effects such as guilt, suicidal thoughts and feelings,
depression and anxiety (Adler, Nancy, et al, 2013). Women have different reasons of
abortions and each of them has an emotional or mental negative effect later on.
Depression nightmares common among women after abortion because a study in
prestigious journal shows abortion harms women’s mental health (Coleman (PhD),
2009). Abortion has a lot of negative effects to women undergoing through it though
they have their own reasons why they do such thing they are also facing
consequences later on that can put their life and health on risk.
Therefore, we conclude that abortion has negative impacts which makes it
unethical to undertake. Thus, abortion violates the human rights of the child, defies
the Word of God, and affects the health of the mother. We cannot deny the fact that
sometimes the circumstances surrounding a pregnancy are tragic. Perhaps the
woman was raped. Maybe the baby has been diagnosed with a defect. Or the
woman’s health might be at risk. However, tragedy is not answered with another. We
do not erase a rape by killing a child. We do not cure a baby by taking his life. And
we do not avoid all health issues by avoiding the reality of another human being. No
matter how hard we try, we can never erase what abortion does. Abortion takes it
kills an innocent human being. Time does not erase murder or ease the reality of
what it is. Abortion is a cruel tragedy, but it is also a choice that should never be
made. Such a choice stays with us forever. It’s important to take the time you need to
make the best decision for us. It’s also a good Idea to talk to u nurse doctor as soon
as you can so you can get the best medical care possible. In addition, abortion is too
often treated though it was the centerpiece of women’s reproductive lives, rather
than a last result, when another options fail, fasted, women should universally rely
controlling their fertility contraception as the primary and dominant means of a
prevention agenda is likely to have wide popular appeal because it addresses real
difficulties that people currently face trying to responsibly manage their fertility.

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- Research of National Library of Medicine in US

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