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Writing Task 2 (Mhd.

Muslim Syaifullah)

Discussion + Opinion
In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

There is a cultural message conveyed to children that they will be able to achieve whatever they want if
they try hard. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to conveying this message to

The advantage of conveying this message is that young children are likely to believe that everything
can be achieved if they try their best. They will perhaps strive to achieve their desires and not give up
easily. Moreover, they may learn to think critically and plan something so that they can increase the
possibility to achieve their goals. If their plans fail, they tend to find alternative ways to successfully
reach their goals. Their motivation can increase even more if they encounter failure and they will persist
in trying.

However, there are also disadvantages that may arise if this message is conveyed to children. Every
parent must supervise the efforts made by their children in achieving the goals they want to accomplish.
Children have not been able to distinguish between good and bad methods, so parents have to make
sure that their children don't do bad ways to achieve their goals. Moreover, parents are supposed to
teach their children that they should not work too hard on themselves and work without paying attention
to their physical condition. Children might need some time to rest before continuing their efforts toward
their goals.

In conclusion, this message has both advantages and disadvantages, especially for children. Parents
play an important role in overseeing all the things their children do to achieve what they desire.

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