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The crime rate all over the world is increasing at a rapid rate which is not

surprising but what is, is the increasing involvement of juveniles. A very good
morning to everyone present here today I, Vijaya Singha stand before you to
speak on the topic ,”Juveniles should be tried and treated as adults in courts of

Juveniles, by definition, are individuals below a certain age, typically 18, and
they are treated differently in the legal system for a reason. The belief is that
they lack the emotional and psychological development of adults, making them
more prone to impulsive behavior and less capable of fully understanding the
consequences of their actions.

However, there are situations where the crimes committed by juveniles are so
heinous, so horrific, that the idea of leniency in the justice system becomes
hard to justify. The crimes committed cannot to done without proper planning
In such cases, trying and treating juveniles as adults may be necessary to
ensure justice is served.

One argument in favor of this approach is fear. If juveniles know that they can
face the same consequences as adults for serious crimes, they may be less
likely to engage in criminal activities in the first place. This could potentially
reduce crime rates and protect society.

Moreover, it's essential to consider the victims and their families. When a
juvenile commits a violent or severe crime, the suffering experienced by the
victims is just as real as if the perpetrator were an adult. Ensuring that the
juvenile is held accountable for their actions can provide some sense of justice
and closure to those affected.

However, the whole idea of treating juveniles differently is that it is simpler to

assemble solid young men and women than broken adults. Treating them as
adults just undermines the whole reason as to why the system was created in
the first place.

Additionally, Teenagers are to put simply Stupid and quite vulnerable to peer
pressure as said above

In conclusion, the question of whether juveniles should be tried and treated as

adults in courts of law is a complex and morally charged issue. It should be
approached on a case-by-case basis, considering the severity of the crime and
the potential for rehabilitation. While there are arguments in favor of treating
juveniles as adults in certain circumstances, we must always strive to find the
right balance between accountability and rehabilitation, keeping in mind the
ultimate goal of a just and fair legal system.

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