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Faculty:- Presented by:-

Dr. Madhu Ojha Harshita Narang
Roll no - 2315137450004
B. Com 2nd sem 2020-2023
Development of

☛ Introduction:Management
☛ Development of management thoughts
☛ Scientific management approach
☛ Administrative approach
☛ Bureaucratic approach
☛ Human Relation approach
☛ Behavioral approach
☛ Quantitative approach
☛ System approach
☛ Contingency approach
Introduction: Management
(Development of management thoughts. )

Management:-It is a process of planning ,organizing, directing and

controlling the activities of others for attainment of a common objective of
the organisation.

Management has become a powerful and innovative Force for all the
successful functioning of the business operation , it has a separate discipline
image only during the second half of the 19th Century with the introduction
of company form of organisation.
Development of management thoughts
Scientific Management Approach
This approach is given by FW Taylor ,he was the first to give the approach in the field of
Management .He wrote his book the Principles of Scientific Management.

FW Taylor gives his approach in this words:-

Science ,not rule of thumb

Harmony, not discord
Co-operation ,not individualism
Division of responsibility
Maximum output, in the place of restricted output
Scientific selection and training and development of
Techniques of Scientific Management
1. Scientific study of work.
2. Scientific Task Planning
3. Selection and training of workers
4. Standardization
5. Different wage system
6. Specialisation of functions of
7. Mental Revolution
Administrative Approach

This approach is given by Henry Fayol.

He is also called " The father of
principles of management. He gives
fourteenth principles in his approach,
which became very helpful for the
success of the organization.
Fourteen principles of Henry Fayol.
1) Division of work
2) Authority and Responsibility
3) Discipline
4) Unity of command
5) Unity of Direction
6) Subordination of individual interest into group
7) Remuneration
8) Centralization
9) Scaler Chain
10) Order
11) Equity
12) Stability of tenure
13) Initiative
14) Esprit De Corps
Bureaucratic Approach
This approach is given by Max Weber.
He contributes to management his theory of authority structure and his
discipline concept.

Characteristics of Bureaucratic approach

▪Division of work

Clear hierarchy of authority
System of rules

▪Promotion based on competence

Impersonal relationship between person
Human Relation Approach
This approach is given by Elton Mayo.
He was the first, who give the management approach regarding
Human relation by overcome the criticism of Classical Approaches.

Characteristics of Human Relation Approach

▪Relationship between light and production

▪Relationship between conditions of work and production

▪Relationship between economic incentives and production

Informal groups and relationship between production
Behavioral Approach
The main thinkers contributing in this management approach are Elton Mayo,
Roethlisberger, McGregor and Keith Maslow and this approach has also benefitted
by Abraham Maslow, Fredrick Hertberg, Rensis Likert, Robert Tennen Baum.


▪ The employee should have a share in the matter of policy determination

▪ The employee should have be treated as a human

▪ The system of Self Discipline instead of imposed discipline should be adopted

It is duty of manager to bring out the late talent of the
Quantitative Approach
The Quantitative approach is given by C W Churchman in
1950,he was the theorist who see the management as a
system of mathematical models and process. He give statistical
and mathematical tools in his approach.

Tools of Quantitative approach

▪ ▪
▪ variance analysis

theory of probability
sampling analysis
▪ statical quality control

▪ correlation for regression

▪ Game Theory

▪ break even
network analysis
▪ ratio analysis
time series analysis
System Approach
This approach is given by Chester- I- Bernard and Hertberg- A- Simon.

Features of System Approach

▪Management is a open system

It is a social technical system
It is man made system

▪ Multipurpose oriented and multi disciplinary

Interelation between factors and components
Contingency Approach
☛ 1970

▪ The managerial action influence the environment

▪ The managerial actions change according to the situations

There are essentially according Nation between the
organisation and the environment
I would like to conclude that this PowerPoint presentation
of the subject business management on the topic
development of Management thought is very useful and
informative for me. I would like to extend my thanks of
gratitude to my subject teacher who gave me the accurate
knowledge about this topic now I am able to understand
that the meaning of Management the evolution or the
development of Management thoughts it's different
Thank you
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