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ca») United States US 20210293184A1 c2) Patent Application Publication ao) Pub. No.: US 2021/0293184 Al Karpik et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 23, 2021 (54) DECOUPLER FOR ENGINE STARTER (71). Applicanis:Unigon Industries, LIC, Jacksonville, FL (US); GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Schenectady, NY (US) (72) Inventors: Roberto Karpik, Warsaw (PL): brata Nayak, Karnataka (IN); David ‘Allan Danschak, Union, OH (US); Shiloh Montegomery Meyers. isbur, OH (US); Sharad Pundlik Patil, Karnataka (IN); Eliel Fresco Rodriguez, Springboro, OH (US) (21) Appl. No: 17/183,975 (22) Filed: Feb. 24, 2021 G0) Foreign Application Priority Data Mar, 19, 2020 (PL) 433297 86. Publication Classification (51) Incl, FIC 7277 (2006.01) FIC 736 (2006.01) FIC 706 (2006.01), 2) US.CL cP FO2C 7277 (2013.01); FRC 736 (2013.01), F62C 7/06 (2013.01); FSD 2240/61 (2013.01); FOSD 2240/50 (2013.01) OSD 2260/4011 (2013.01); FOSD 226085 (2013.01), Fasp 2260/4023 (2013.01): FSD 2260/31 (201301) ABSTRACT An air turbine starter for stating an engine, comprising a housing defining an inet, an outs, and a flow path extend ing between the inlet and the outit for communicating a flow of gas thee through, A turbine member is joumaled Within the housing aad disposed within the low path for rotatably extracting mechanical power from the fw of gas ‘and a gear train is drivingly coupled with the turbine member. A drive shal is operably coupled with the gear train, and a decoupler is selectively coupled to the drive shafl for decoupling the air turbine starter from the engine. 158 FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2021 Sheet 2 of 11 US 2021/0293184 Al FIG. 2 FIG. 3 156 TL JO€ 19NS 1707 "EZ "dag WOKING UOHLIyddy jue TV $81€670/1207 S11 FIG. 4 meayddy juareg uoreayqng wo! TV $81€670/1207 S11 TL JO 1994S 1707 “EZ “dag, Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2021 Sheet 5 of 11 US 2021/0293184 Al 2 e = as 8 + to 28 EE pe H e | 2. : 2 22 iT 38 3 _ 2 te a FF Sh ¢ 2 g = g 7 2 \ : j| gs = 4 Cc 5 2 /HN bd | f 8 ' eI 96 140 168 128 129 466 134¢ fa 136 ag nz 134at 130 86 1008 FIG. 5 9°Sid Sep. 23, 2021 Sheet 7 of 11 US 2021/0293184 Al Patent Application Publication os an NK . 142 FIG. 8 ition Publication Sep. 23, 2021 Sheet 8 of 11 US 2021/0293184 Al ¢ e= + g & 8 8 8 3 in = e _- 2 « ® \ 2 2 @ 3 8 | 8 2 3 8 |g ¢ Rg ANS 3 2 aE Ss & e £ 7 8 : 84 404 120 | 400 100e TT 122-4 FIG. 9 Sep. 23, 2021 Sheet 9 of 11 US 2021/0293184 Al Patent Application Publication 2 8 &g \ \ x 3 = \ 5 3 2 mS, i SSN Wy NX A “ (or FLUTE, *

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