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Asha Devi

Transform your LinkedIn profile into a high-

performing lead generation powerhouse.

How to answer
“Why you left your
last company”
in the interview?
Sample 1:
I left my last job because I wanted to explore new
opportunities and challenges. While I truly
appreciated the time I spent with my previous
team and the experiences I gained there, I felt that
it was time for a change and to pursue a new path
in my career. This decision wasn’t easy, as I had
developed close relationships with my colleagues,
but I believe that growth and personal
development sometimes require taking risks and
stepping out of one’s comfort zone. I’m excited
about the possibilities that lie ahead and look
forward to bringing my skills and enthusiasm to a
new organization.
Sample 2:
I left my last job because I felt that it was time for
a new challenge and growth. While I truly
appreciated the opportunities and experiences I
gained there, I found myself looking for a role that
aligned more closely with my long-term career
goals and allowed me to make a greater impact. It
was a difficult decision to leave a team I had
grown close to, but I believe it’s essential to
embrace change and seek new horizons to
continue personal and professional development.
Sample 3:
I left my last job with a heavy heart but for reasons
I believe were necessary for my personal and
professional growth. Over the years, I had the
privilege of working with an amazing team, and I
learned so much. However, I felt that I had reached
a point where I wasn’t being challenged enough,
and I was eager to explore new opportunities and
expand my skill set. It was a tough decision, as I
had built strong relationships with my colleagues,
but I believe that change is essential for
continuous improvement and innovation.
Asha Devi

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