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Parental burnout isn’t just about feeling tired; it’s a chronic state
of physical and emotional exhaustion that can leave you feeling
disconnected from yourself and your kids.

Despite your constant effort and dedication, you’re left with the sense that
you’re falling short. It feels like a battle that you’re losing.

But I’m here to tell you that a balanced life is possible with the right

I wrote this ebook to offer you practical strategies that have helped
countless parents rediscover the art of balance.

As you apply the techniques discussed in this e-book, you’ll experience a

dramatic transformation in your family life:

‫ ب‬Enjoy clear communication with those around you;

‫ ب‬Achieve balance between professional and personal life;
‫ ب‬Reclaim personal time and foster personal growth;
‫ ب‬Drop perfection and embrace realistic goals;
‫ ب‬Build loving relationships with your kids.

So, when you find yourself caught in the quicksand of parental burnout, let
this ebook serve as your lifeline.

You’re about to learn proven tips that will help you reduce the feeling of
overwhelm that often accompanies parenthood.

To maximise the impact of these strategies, I encourage you to apply them

as soon as you finish reading and remain consistent in your efforts.
Only by taking these practical steps, can the journey of parenting become
less overwhelming and more fulfilling.

So dive into the ebook, share the wisdom with your fellow parents, and,
most importantly, apply them!

Wishing you the journey to a happier and healthier you,

Marko Juhant

SAILING SOLO�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4

THE PARENTAL PENDULUM���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6

FINDING THE ‘I’ IN ‘WE’���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8

THE PRESSURE COOKER PARENT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10

THE LITTLE GIANTS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

CALENDARS OR CATASTROPHE��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13

DOZING OFF DUTY��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14

RIDING PARENTING WAVES��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16


Feeling like you’re the only one holding the reins in the household is an
overwhelming and isolating experience.

A lack of support from your partner, friends, and family can end up pushing
you to parental burnout.

Often, your concerns and frustrations go unvoiced because you worry

about being ‘impolite’ or misunderstood. This solo journey can feel like
sailing in rough seas with no land in sight.

This is exactly why it matters to ask for help and communicate your

It’s not about burdening others, but about sharing responsibilities.

I recommend you try the three-step mantra of ‘trust - delegate -

The goal here is to divide tasks, share the load, and breathe a little easier.

This is not only to ease your own workload but also to create an
environment of shared responsibility and trust.

You probably heard of the old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a
child”. This timeless wisdom taps into our natural behaviour - humans love
to help.

Ask people around you to help you bring up your kid. They might have
older siblings who can help with school projects. Or what about that kind
neighbour who could teach them to identify local plants and trees in the
Grandparents love to share stories of their youth, much like African tribal
leaders sharing folklore. It’s important for our modern families to

cultivate a similar sense of shared responsibility.

All you have to do is ask. Be honest about how you feel and tell them you
are overwhelmed and could use some help. Be clear about what you’re
struggling with.

Be specific and don’t ask for ‘help’ but ask your neighbour to spend some
time with the kid in the park because your kid is spending too much time
in front of the screen.

Ask their grandparents to help with homework because you have that
dance class in the evening.

At some point, you can even start rotating tasks in the family. Give
everyone a clear understanding of what you need them for and when it is
their turn to step in.

Let’s say you have three primary areas of responsibility that you want to
share: cooking, cleaning, and helping the kids with homework. If you
have a partner and two older children, you could create a weekly rotation

Week 1:

Parent 1: Cooking
Parent 2: Cleaning
Child 1: Homework help
Child 2: Free from these tasks

Week 2:

Parent 1: Cleaning
Parent 2: Homework help
Child 1: Free from these tasks
Child 2: Cooking (with adult supervision and help)
After a while, you’ll feel a sense of relief wash over you. And suddenly, you’ll
find pockets of time for yourself.

This will have ripple effects, replenishing your energy reserves and
improving your relationships with your loved ones.

You’ll no longer feel like you’re sailing solo but part of a great crew working


So, you just had a long day at work, packed with back-to-back meetings.
On your way home, your mind is still spinning with to-do lists and looming

As you walk through the front door, your kid is buzzing with energy,
bombarding you with requests to play or help with their homework.

You want nothing more but a quiet cup of coffee or a calming shower. But
as soon as you consider stepping away for a few minutes, the guilt kicks in.
Your mind starts playing games.

“I’ve been away all day, it’s not fair to them if I disappear now.” So you put
on your Super Parent cape and ignore your exhaustion because you can’t
afford downtime.

As parents, we often feel like jugglers, striving to keep all the balls in the air
- career, children, and self-care. But here’s a reality check - you don’t have
to be a circus act.

Balance the act, DON’T add more balls.

Try a method called ‘digital minimalism’. Just as it sounds, this means

reducing the time you spend on any digital device.
Start by introducing ‘screen-free time’ each day.

When you return from work, lock your phone away for a few hours. Yes, you
might feel a bit lost initially, but that’s okay. Prepare for this by
pre-planning activities you enjoy doing.

It could be reading a novel that’s gathering dust on your bookshelf, or

trying out a new recipe. You can also organise a walk with your kid or
introduce a new water game.



So what can you do?

Remember, the speed of life can leave you breathless. So, make sure to
move your body to calm your busy mind. Turn a conference call into a walk-

and-talk, or do some light exercises during a break.

Physical activity will help you feel energised and maintain mental clarity.

After you establish a healthy balance between work, family time, and
personal time, you’ll find your focus sharpening.

You’ll feel present in each segment of your life - whether you’re closing a
deal, playing with your children, or reading a book.

Balancing is an ongoing process. And remember, you’re more than just a



Often, parents turn to me and ask, ”’Marko, what’s the secret to successful
parenting?” Without hesitation, my response always remains the same,
“Taking care of yourself first”.

Think of it like being on an aeroplane. When oxygen masks drop, you have
to secure your own mask before helping others, even your children.

The reason? You can’t take care of others if you’re gasping for air. The same
principle applies to parenting. Prioritising your well-being makes you a
more attentive, patient, and joyful parent.

I know how easy it is to lose yourself in parental responsibilities. We’ve all

been there.

The focus is always on everyone else, and you get used to neglecting your
own needs. You start believing this voice in your head telling you it’s selfish
to put yourself over family.
9 But the truth is that you’re burning the candle at both ends, and there’s a
ticking time bomb of burnout waiting to explode.

For example, consider two moms: Mom A constantly puts her family’s
needs before her own and rarely takes any time for herself. She’s always
exhausted, overwhelmed, and on the verge of tears.

Mom B, on the other hand, has learned to balance her personal needs with
her family’s. She schedules regular “me time” in her week and sticks to it.
She’s more relaxed and can handle challenges without burning out.

The solution here is simpler than you might think: carve out regular “me
time” in your schedule.

You can use the “3-3 technique” - inform, write, and insist.

Inform your family or friends about your plan - it could be a relaxing walk,
a quiet reading hour, or even a quick nap. Next, write it down - put it in
your journal, planner, or on a sticky note.

Making a visible commitment reinforces your resolve. Finally, insist

on keeping to your schedule. Don’t cancel, and be firm about this
commitment to yourself.

The science behind this strategy is straightforward.

Your body produces a hormone called cortisol that helps regulate stress.
When you’re always on the move, juggling multiple tasks, cortisol levels

But when you’re in a state of relaxation, and not rushing to get anywhere,
your body regulates cortisol levels. End goal? Reduced stress.

Embracing this strategy will lead to a healthier, happier you. You’ll find
yourself with more energy, a calmer mindset, and the ability to enjoy the
present moment with your family.

So, start today. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Do you feel that sometimes your expectations of perfection are as high as

Mount Everest? Or maybe you feel the constant pressure, like a pressure
cooker about to explode.

From arranging cute little breakfast dishes to making sure your kids ace
their school tests, you plan everything in detail. Not to mention keeping
the living room looking like a photo out of an interior design magazine.

So, when your daughter scatters her Lego blocks all over your clean living
room carpet, your heart probably skips a beat.

Perfectionism is a fast track to burnout. Not just in work, but also in every
other aspect of your life.

And the solution?

So, imagine your inner voice not as a strict teacher, but as a squirrel
named Filbert. Every time Filbert starts squeaking about perfection,
imagine him frantically arranging acorns in straight lines.

Yes, Filbert takes his acorn organising very seriously. This simple trick helps
create a safe distance from the pressure you’ve put on yourself.

The goal here is not to take yourself too seriously. When you picture
something funny, you remember that your thoughts can be super

This method will make you realise that you don’t have to carry the weight
of the world on your shoulders.

Your living room doesn’t always need to look immaculate.

Your kids don’t have to score perfect grades every time.

The world won’t fall apart if things don’t go according to plan.

Result? You will finally experience tranquillity and acceptance.

Give yourself permission to be human, to make mistakes, and most

importantly, to take it easy.

After all, even the most sophisticated pressure cooker needs a little venting
now and then.


Imagine a typical Tuesday evening. You’re cooking dinner, one eye on the
stove, the other on your toddler who’s determined to climb the bookshelf.

You love your kids, but these chaotic moments push you to the edge.

And, it’s these very moments that add up, drop by drop, leading to

You may notice you’ve become more irritable, snapping at the smallest
provocations. Or maybe you’re chronically tired, even after a full night’s

You used to enjoy weekend trips to the grocery with the family, but not
anymore. Your toddler started throwing tantrums when you don’t get
them candy.

Your teen doesn’t even see or hear you anymore, his eyes are always on the
12 At night, when everyone finally goes to sleep, you start feeling guilty or
inadequate. You question your abilities as a parent, wondering what went

You start comparing yourself to others. Everyone else make it look so ‘easy
and perfect’. The truth is, you’re not doing anything wrong; it’s just that

The slow build-ups of pressure and stress are like driving a car for days
without ever stopping to refuel.

Eventually, the car will break down.

The key here is to allow your kids to face challenges.

So, instead of rushing in to solve every problem they face, take a step back.
Be patient while you watch them grow.

If your kid is anxious, you stay calm. If you need to, physically leave the
room for a moment. If your kid is too small, leave the area with them if they
are throwing a tantrum in public.

You’re their role model, and how you react sets the tone.

In the supermarket scenario, take a deep breath and explain they can’t
have the candy now. Be short and firm. They might cry a bit longer, but
they’ll eventually stop.

And your teen? Instead of trying to be their friend, establish your

relationship on mutual respect.

Using these techniques, you’ll gradually notice a shift in your relationship

with your kids.

They will learn to trust themselves more, and the shared respect will
strengthen your bond.

The result is a happy bond with a confident child.


Imagine a chaotic morning at home. There’s breakfast chaos, clothes flying,

and endless tasks piling up. Your to-do list became longer than Rapunzel’s

All of a sudden, your phone rings, and it’s the preschool teacher on the
other end.

They called to remind you that you forgot to pick up your kid. Panic mode
activated! With lightning speed, you rush out the door, ready to save the

This doesn’t happen as rarely as you might think. Parents nowadays are
super stressed and very often can’t think straight.

But fortunately, there are ways to prevent situations like this from

If you feel like you’re losing race with the time, and your calendar can’t fit a
five-minute break, you have to start taking note of your daily tasks.

Keep track to see where your time is going. This will be useful for
identifying ‘energy vampires’ and ‘time-stealers’.

Once you give a week’s worth of data, it’s time to rearrange your schedule.
Prioritise activities that bring you joy, and eliminate or delegate those that
drain your energy.

For example, you might notice how scrolling eats up more time than you
thought. Now that you know it drains your productivity, you’ll cut down on
social media and replace it with something that lights up your soul - like a
Introduce small changes and take charge of your schedule. Even if it
means saying no to a birthday party or meetings after hours.

Say NO assertively but kindly, using short and clear sentences to state your
limits and explain them. Be firm and repeat yourself as many times as you
have to.

Practise in front of the mirror. Seriously, that’s what professional actors

do. First, work on your tone, and then add in facial expression until you
perfect your NO stance.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll regain a sense of control over

your life.

You’ll have more time to plan for yourself and do what you like. Gone will be
the days of guilt for not giving your all to every task.

Instead, you’ll have the freedom to allocate your time and energy wisely.
This will bring more balance into your life.

Because it’s not about doing it all, but about doing what truly matters.


How many times did you find yourself lying in bed, staring at the ceiling,
your mind racing with thoughts and worries? Even when you do manage
to fall asleep, you wake up feeling exhausted.

No wonder this frustrating cycle impacts your ability to cope with daily

Racing thoughts and constant worry can leave you feeling drained, even
if you try to sleep early. As a matter of fact, it’s proven that no human can
survive without sleep for six days.
Think about it - we would manage without water and food, but not without
sleep. Imagine just how important sleep is for us to function at our best.

The solution lies in creating an evening routine for yourself, just as you
would for your child.

Establish a ‘no-screen zone’ in your bedroom, and avoid using your

phone at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

Darken your bedroom completely, and play calming music in the next
room if it helps. Find what works best for you.

Some people like simple breathing exercises like the 4-7-8 technique:
inhale for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8
The goal is to signal to your body and mind that it’s time to relax. By
introducing these small changes, you will allow your body and mind to

recover during the night.

The benefits? You’ll start waking up refreshed and energised, and you’ll
also find yourself approaching situations with greater understanding.

Prioritise sleep as a non-negotiable aspect of self-care.

In a week or two, you’ll notice how a good night’s sleep improved your
overall mood.


You’re tired of always being the one to wake the kids up, get them ready,
and pack their lunches while your partner sleeps.

You tried everything to explain how exhausted you feel, and how you can’t
keep up with the morning rush.

However, your partner doesn’t get it and says you’re exaggerating.

You feel unheard and frustrated, finding yourself at a breaking point. It’s as
if you’re speaking different languages.

The disconnection grows stronger as both of you try to preserve little

energy left for other things in your life.

You tried sitting down and talking, but that doesn’t seem to work. Good!
Now you can proceed to the next step - show, don’t just tell.

Ask your partner to switch roles for a day. Set aside a day when your
partner will take on your usual morning responsibilities.
Explain the purpose to your partner - say it’s not about proving who can do
it better, but about finding a common ground that would work for both of


Guide them through with words as they explain what you do on the go.
And then, step back and observe - let them take the lead.

Don’t intervene or provide too much assistance unless it’s about safety.

Reflect and discuss in the end. Use this opportunity to have an open and
honest conversation about what was happening today.

Switching roles for a day allows your partner to step into your shoes
and understand you better. After that, your partner may show greater
willingness to help you out in the morning.

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