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The Good Samaritan

In the bustling streets that connected Jerusalem to Jericho, Jesus shared a profound parable
known as "The Good Samaritan." This timeless tale begins with a legal expert in Jewish law
posing a question to Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" seeking to unravel the essence of ethical
In response, Jesus weaves a narrative that challenges societal norms and prejudices. A man sets
out on a journey from Jerusalem to Jericho, a path notorious for its dangers. Along the way, he
falls prey to ruthless robbers who strip him of his possessions, beat him mercilessly, and leave
him half dead by the side of the road.
Soon, a priest, a figure revered for his religious duties, passes by the wounded man. However,
instead of rendering aid, the priest deliberately crosses to the other side of the road, choosing
to distance himself from the suffering. Subsequently, a Levite, another religious authority,
follows suit, ignoring the wounded man in his desperate need.
The parable takes an unexpected turn as a Samaritan, a member of a group historically at odds
with the Jews, approaches the injured man. Contrary to the expectations of the audience, the
Samaritan is moved with compassion. He doesn't see a stranger in need; he sees a fellow
human being. Ignoring the animosity that often characterized relations between Samaritans and
Jews, the Samaritan tends to the man's wounds with oil and wine, places him on his own
donkey, and transports him to an inn.
At the inn, the Samaritan continues to care for the injured man throughout the night. The
following day, he hands money to the innkeeper, instructing him to take care of the man and
promising to cover any additional expenses upon his return. The Samaritan's actions embody
the true essence of mercy and compassion, transcending societal prejudices and religious
Jesus concludes the parable by posing a rhetorical question to the legal expert, "Which of these
three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert
responds, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus then delivers a profound instruction, urging
the expert to go and do likewise, emphasizing the transformative power of compassion and the
universality of neighborly love.
"The Good Samaritan" serves as a timeless call to break down the barriers that divide humanity.
It challenges individuals to look beyond societal expectations, religious affiliations, and cultural
prejudices to embrace the common thread of shared humanity. The parable is a beacon of light,
illuminating the path toward a more compassionate and inclusive society, where acts of
kindness know no boundaries, and every person is recognized as a neighbor deserving of love
and care.

Gabrielle Enzo C. Maque

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