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The Story of a Good Neighbor

Luke 10: 25 - 37
Have you ever wondered what it means
to be good? Really, really good? So good
that even God thinks youre good deep,
down inside?
One day, a lawyer asked Jesus, What
must I do to inherit eternal life?
What do you think Jesus told him? Do
you think Jesus gave him a list of things
to do so that he could get into heaven?
Jesus told the man a story. He said that
one day a man was traveling from
Jerusalem to Jericho and some robbers beat him up. Three different men came by. Two
of the men ignored him. One was a priest. One was a Levite. Both of those men were
supposed to be holy men, Gods special helpers. Finally, a Samaritan man walked up. In
those days, the Jewish people did not like the Samaritan people. They thought they
were better than the Samaritan people.
Can you guess what the Samaritan man did in Jesuss story?
Jesus said, The Samaritan was moved with pity. He bandaged the mans wounds, put
him on his own animal, took him to an inn, and told the innkeeper, Take care of him;
and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.
After Jesus told this story to the lawyer, he asked, Which of these three men was a
neighbor to the man who fell to the robbers?
What do you think the lawyer said?
What would you say?
If youre wondering how to be good, really, really good, think about this story. Think
about the two holy men who walked right by the wounded man. Then remember the one
man who stopped to help.
Which one does God want you to be?
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Single use permission granted in homes and churches

2013 Tamalyn L. Kralman
Please contact for all other uses.

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