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Summarize the paragraphs.

Wealth and Fertility

The more developed the country, the lower the birth rate. For example, in Italy, this indicator
fell to 1.3 children per woman, while in poorer countries, women often have eight children.
This could lead to an aging nation.

A recent study from Pennsylvania University suggests a shifting trend in fertility rates,
correlating higher human development index (HDI) scores with increased fertility in over 20
countries. While exceptions like Japan exist, the majority of countries with an HDI exceeding
0.9 are experiencing a rise in fertility rates, indicating a potential link between wealth,
education, and the desire for more children.

Paraphrase the following

1) Conventional communities use ultrasound equipment to determine the sex of the

fetus and have an abortion if it is a girl.
2) Deficit of fresh water will be caused by overpopulation , pollution , climate change ,
poor sanitation , and rising sea levels. This scarcity may lead to disaster for humanity
, and destroy availability of freshwater in the future.
3) Alan Turing is known as the “Father of Computing”. In 1950 , he offered the concept
of machine thinking. At the same time Turing suggests the concept of an algorithm
that forms the basis of current calculation.
4) Africa started to be the largest cellular phone fair after Asia in 2011.
5) While there is evidence supporting the susceptibility of certain blood types to specific
diseases, there is no credible research establishing a connection between blood
types and particular personality traits.

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