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 Cardiovascular System

a. Seleccionar la opción correcta correspondiente a los textos de

“Cardiovascular System”

1. Which is the organ that pumps blood all throughout the human body?
b) Heart X
c) Lungs
d) Kidneys
e) Blood vessels

2. The heart has four chambers that are utilized when beating. The upper chambers are
a) Atria X
b) Ventricles
c) Pulmonary valve
d) Septum

3. Which artery brings blood to the lungs?

a) Tricuspid artery
b) Pulmonary valve
c) Pulmonary artery X
d) A and B are correct.

4. What is the correct route for blood flow in a human heart?

a) Right atrium- Right ventricle-Left atrium-Lungs
b) Right atrium-Right ventricle –Lungs- Left atrium-Left ventricle
c) Left atrium-Left ventricle-Right ventricle –Right atrium-Lungs
d) Left Atrium-Left ventricle- Lungs- Right ventricle –Right Atrium X

5. This muscular tissue which separates the left and right sides of the heart is
a) Aorta
b) Valve
c) Septum X
d) Ventricle

6. A ………………… is the structure in the heart that temporarily closes, ensuring that
blood moves in only one direction.
a) Aorta
b) Atrium
c) Ventricle
d) Valve X

7. The valve located between right atrium and the right ventricle is called………………
a) Mitral valve
b) Semilunar valve
c) Pulmonary valve
d) Tricuspid valve X

8. Valves at the exits from the heart ensure that blood cannot flow back into the ventricles.
a) Bicuspid valve
b) Semilunar valves
c) Tricuspid valve
d) All are correct. X

9. Which carry blood away from the heart?

a) Vena cava
b) Arteries
c) Veins
d) A and B are correct. X

10. The wall of the left ventricle is thicker because it……………...

a) Pumps blood to the lungs
b) Pumps blood to the upper body
c) Pumps blood to all parts of the body X
d) Pumps blood into the right atrium


 Respiratory System

Seleccionar la opción correcta sobre los textos de “Respiratory System”

1. Which of the following is the correct pathway through which air travels in the human
respiratory system?
a) Nose, lungs, pharynx, trachea.
b) Nose, pharynx, trachea, lungs. X
c) Pharynx, nose, trachea, lungs.
d) A and B are correct.

2. A membrane lining the thoracic cavity and covering the lungs which produces pleural
fluid and reduce any friction between the lungs, rib cage, and chest cavity.
a) Diaphragm
b) Rib cage
c) Pleural membrane X
d) Pleural fluid

3. The function of the cilia is:

a) They vibrate and make sounds which form the voice.
b) Reduce friction as the lungs rub against the ribs during breathing.
c) Alter the rate of air flow in and out of the lungs.
d) Carry the mucus with trapped dust and germs to the back of the mouth where it is
swallowed. X

4. What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs called?

a) Bronchi
b) Bronchioles
c) Aveoli X
d) Trachea

5. Which of the following processes occur during inspiration?

a) The diaphragm and external intercostals muscles relax.
b) The diaphragm is contracted and the external intercostals contract pulling the ribs
c) The flattening of the diaphragm and the lifting of the rib cage increase the volume of
the rib cage inflating the lungs.
d) B and C are correct. X

6. What muscles are used in breathing in and breathing out?
a) Diaphragm and intercostals X
b) Diaphragm and lungs
c) Lungs and ribs
d) Lungs and diaphragm

7. Gas exchange takes place in the

a) Pharynx
b) Larynx
c) Alveoli X
d) Trachea


 Nervous System

Completar las siguientes oraciones con la expresión correcta sobre NERVOUS SYSTEM:

a) Cells within nervous tissues which conduct nerve impulses: NEURONES 1

b) Cells included within the spaces between neurons into nervous tissue:
c) The NERVE FIBRES 3 are threads extended outwards from a neuron.
d) A NERVE 4 is a bundle of nerve fibres bound together by connective tissue.
e) The sheath which encloses nerve fibres outside the brain and spinal cord is called
f) Nerve cells which conduct impulses from the sense organs to the brain: SENSORY
g) Nerve cells which conduct impulses from the brain to the muscles: MOTOR
h) Something which causes a sense organ to send out nerve impulses is known as
i) THRESHOLD LEVEL 9 is the level of stimulation at which a nerve impulse is
liberated from a sense organ.
j) Microscopic gap over which nerve impulses must pass when moving from a
neurone to the next is named SYNAPSE 10.
k) The CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 11 is composed by the brain and the spinal
l) As part of the Peripheral Nervous System, we find the CRANIAL NERVES 12
which run directly from the brain, and the SPINAL NERVES13 which arise from the
spinal cord.

m) MENINGES14 are the membranes that enclose the Central Nervous System and
within there is a space filled with CEREBROSPINAL FLUID 15 which acts as a
cushion and supplies nervous tissue with oxygen.
n) The region of the brain that coordinates muscular activity and controls body balance
o) The CEREBRAL CORTEX 17 is the outer layer of the cerebrum, made up of grey
p) The cortex of each hemisphere is arranged in areas, the MOTOR AREAS 18
controls voluntary movements of the body.

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