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If you receive this “E” version for Fu Dao Le then we will need (3) A2ML dongles to complete this

This example was based on a 9 game setup so your ip addresses may vary.

You will only use one switch for the entire setup

Fu Dao Le =
Super Red Phoenix =
Dragon Rising =

Before performing the steps below make sure you setup the base options (not any of the progressive
stuff) on the Fu Dao Le games then close the door to bring the game up. It is important that the game
come entirely up. If you are in protocol config error because you set validation to enhanced then you
will need to make sure you clear that before continuing on. After that proceed to below.

1. 1 dongle will go into game 1 which we will call Fu Dao Le and set the ip to You will
setup the bank controller using the default button and uncheck level 1 and leave the 4 lower
ones. In BNG you will add (2) ip addresses. and After step 2 is done
you can proceed to 4.

2. 1 dongle will go into game 4 which we call Super Red Phoenix and set the ip to
You will setup the bank controller by naming the link Red Envelope WAP (can be anything as
long the word WAP is in there) then use the default button which will have one level. In BNG you
will add only and finish your progressive setup on those 3 games using Multilink
single controller setup.

3. 1 dongle will go into game 7 which we will be Dragon Rising and set the ip to You
will setup the bank controller using the default button and uncheck level 1 and leave the 5 lower
ones. In BNG you will add (2) ip addresses. and Go to step 4.

4. In progressive setup choose the WAP/NAP Multilink option then go to advanced multilink
settings and make sure the 2.0 is checked for both (this will depend on OS version, I was using
362A) and Non Queued messaging are unchecked then go back and select quick Wap and
choose the link available and then quick Nap and choose link available.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me.


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