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A. Background of Study
English has played a major role in many aspects of people’s lives Worldwide. As a tool of
international communication in the globalized world, English speaking seems to be considered
as the most important skills among the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and
writing) because people who use a language are usually referred as speakers of that language
(Rao, 2019). Considering this, the age of compulsory English learning has been lowered in
many countries around the globe as starting learning English as a foreign language before the
age of 12 years old, known as the critical period, is widely believed to help EFL learners become
more proficient speakers of English (Shin, 2006).
Speaking skill is an important aspect to acquire when learning a second or foreign language,
and the success of learning the language is measured from the performance of learners to speak
the language learned (Dea, Rahayu & Wardah ; 2015). The importance of speaking skills hence
is enormous for the learners of any language. For a smooth running of any system, the speakers
of a language need to be especially and purposefully trained in the skill of speaking. In order
to become a well rounded communicator one needs to be proficient in each of the four language
skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, but the ability to speak skillfully, provides the
speaker with several distinct advantages. The joy of sharing ideas with others is immense
(Kadamovna, 2021).
Unfortunately, in the real condition, it is still difficult for Indonesian students to practice their
English ability in daily conversation even though they have been studying English for ten years
in formal junior high school, senior high school and university due to they might get a good
score of English in their report card but they cannot speak English fluently yet (Musthafa,
2001). It is the fact that many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers complain about
their speaking classes in which a considerable number of students are not responding actively
in speaking exercises (Abadi, 2015).
In the 8th grade of MTs Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah Bobotsari, where the researcher will conduct
research, she encountered a similiar problem in English speaking. Based on observation, the
researcher interviewed an 8th grade English teacher and obtained information that students
when in class they tend to be passive. This is because they lack mastery of English vocabulary,
then they are afraid when appointed by the teacher to practice, and they are also lazy to bring a
dictionary to school. Some of these factors led to inactivity during the English learning process
for the 8th grade at MTs Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah, Bobotsari. To deal with there problems, the
present research aims at improving the students’ speaking skill by using hypnoteaching method.
Hypnosis is a method of boring your conscious mind so that it relaxes and stops thinking, much
the same as when you go to bed at night just before you actually slip into sleep (William, 2012).
Students need to relax after thinking about knowledge because every human has timing about
concentration. It makes the brain and emotion ready about knowledge and then students can
accept teaching leaning. The term “hypnoteaching” combines the words “hypno” with
“teaching.” teaching and hypnosis both refer to the exchange of information and experience.
Hajar (2012) asserts that hypnoteaching is a form of communication that involves making
recommendations in order to make students wiser. Hypnoteaching, according to Jaya (2010), is
instruction that appeals to both the conscious and subconscious minds. It facilitates the
acceptance of proposals by students by using the subconscious mind. Due to their enthusiasm
and fascination with the teacher’s suggestion phrases, children find it easier to learn the subject
matter. In other words, hypnotizing pupils is one of the teaching techniques that involves
processing knowledge to be delivered into the subconscious mind to be stored and used as
needed for students to boost motivation and concentrate. Hypnoteaching is considered suitable
for this study because it combines hypnosis, communication, psychology, and related teaching
methods in the classroom. In a nutshell, hypnoteaching explores students’ subconscious so that
they become focused before continuing learning activities (Yustisia, 2012).
Previously, several studies have examined the use of hypnoteaching methods in improving
speaking skills in English language learning. Research by (Lestari & Syarif, 2020) shows that
the hypnoteaching method is effective in increasing the confidence and speaking fluency of
students of English as a second language. Another study by (Rasmadila, 2019) showed that
hypnoteaching can improve young learners’ achievements in speaking English. Also from
(Syahfutra, 2021) showed that hypnoteaching improve and influence students’ achievement and
students’ active. However, there is still a lack of information in the form of direct comparisons
between hypnoteaching and other teaching methods. This study will compare the effectiveness
of hypnoteaching with conventional teaching methods in improving students' English language
skills, considering factors like student satisfaction with the learning methods and learning
outcomes. The findings of this study are expected to provide valuable guidance for educators
and educational institutions in enhancing students' English language proficiency through
Based on the explanation above, the researcher tries to find out the effect of hypnoteaching
method on students speaking skill at 8th- grade in MTs Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah, Bobotsari. The
results of this study are expected to provide valuable insights into the potential of
hypnoteaching as an innovative learning method in improving students’ speaking ability. Then
from the explanation above, the research conducted research entitled “The Effect of
Hypnoteaching Method on Students Speaking Skill at 8th- Grade in MTs Huffadh Al
Itqoniyyah Bobotsari, Purbalingga”.

B. Clarification of Key Term

To help readers and researchers alike have a common understanding, the following definition
is supplied. It also aims to prevent confusion or misinterpretation. There is just two word,
which is :
1. Hypnoteaching
Hypnoteaching is a learning method that combines hypnosis and teaching to stimulate
student’s interest and improve their learning experience. According to (Jaya, 2010)
hypnoteaching is one of the teaching strategies that has been proven to help student learn
more effectively and with greater motivation. The technique involves providing positive
suggestions from the teacher to the student to themselves, with the aim of optimizing the
student’s abilities and potential. Rahmawtiningrum (2012) asserts that the use of
hynotheaching in the classroom has an impact on student’s motivation and learning
outcames. In addition, the hypnoteaching method encourages students to continue enjoying
the learning.
2. Speaking Skill
According to Ladouse (in Nunan, 1991: 23) speaking is anactivity to explain someone in
a certain situation or an activity to report something. Meanwhile, according
to Tarigan (1990: 8) "Speaking is a way to communicate that affects our daily lives". This
means that speaking is a way of communicating that can affect one's life. Based on the
explanation above, the author concludes that speaking is a way of expressing what we feel
which is then realized in the form of a spoken language process between two or more people.
C. Previous Study
The researcher presents some previous studies relating to this subject, referring to various
sources relevant to it. The following is a comparison of findings between this research and
previous studies:
A journal article written by Dian Lestari and Abdullah Syarif in 2020, entitled “ Can the
Hypnoteaching Method Increase Students’ Speaking Ability?”. The purpose of this research is
to know the significant effect of the implementation hypnoteaching method to increase
students’ speaking ability in the eleventh grade of MA Yasmi Duri. Dian Lestari and Abdullah
Syarif conducted experimental research to achieve the purpose of the research. The research
design of this study is pre-experiment with pre-test and post-test design. The research results
in applying the hypnoteaching method is effective in Increasing the confidence and speaking
fluency of students, which means that the hypnoteaching method has a large significant effect
on students’ speaking ability. The similarity of the research is that both researchers use the
hypnoteaching method to teach English speaking and the difference is that researcher Dian
Lestari and Abdullah Syarif uses a sample of eleventh grade at MA Yasmi Duri.
Second, the thesis was written by Siti Rasmadila in 2019, entitled “Implementing
Hypnoteaching in Teaching Speaking for Young Learners”. In this study, the researcher used a
pre-experimental design, with one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of this
research is 15 students who are twelve years old. The researcher showed that most of the
students are weak in speaking English. Therefore, the research was conducted to find effective
and appropriate methods to improve students’ abilities, especially speaking skill. The method
used is hypnoteaching, the research results show that the hypnoteaching can improve young
learners’ achievements in English speaking skills. The similarity is that the researcher uses the
hypnoteaching method to teach English speaking and the difference is that this study uses 15
students’ who are twelve years old as a sample.
Third, the journal article written by Ardiya and Wandi Syahfutra in 2021, entitled ” The
Implementation of Hypnoteaching Method in Increasing Motivation to Learn English for
Senior High School in Pekanbaru” . The research was conducted to explore the hypnoteaching
method to increase senior high school Pekanbaru motivation in learning English. The method
used in this research was quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design and provided
pre-test and post-test to both control class groups and experimental groups where SMA
Handayani students and SMA PGRI students as research subjects. The similarity is that the
research uses the hypnoteaching method to learn English. The distance from this study is that
it does not use the hypnoteaching method specifically in learning to speak English, only in
general English learning and this study uses students in Senior High School as a sample.
Currently, in the field of English education, there are several teaching methods in use.
Although there has been research supporting the effectiveness of hypnoteaching methods in
improving students’ English proficiency, there is still a lack of information in the form of direct
comparisons between hypnoteaching and other teaching methods. This research gap will be
filled through a comparison between the effectiveness of hypnoteaching and traditional
teaching methods. In addition to the comparison of learningg outcomesmes, this research will
also consider influencing factors such as student satisfaction with the learning methods used.
Ultimately, the results of this study have the potential to provide valuable insights for teachers
and educational institutions in choosing the most suitable teaching methods to improve
students’ English proficiency.

C. Research Question
1. Does the use of hypnoteaching method affect for students speaking skill at 8th- grade in MTs
Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah Bobotsari, Purbalingga?
E. Objective and Significances of The Research
1. The Objective of the Research

a. To find out the effect of hypnoteaching method on students speaking skill at 8th-grade
in MTs Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah Bobotsari, Purbalingga.

2. The Significant of the Research

a. Theoritical
This research is expected to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts involved
in the hypnoteaching method and how it can affect students’ speaking ability.

b. Practical
1). For Teacher
The result of this study hopefully can be an alternative learning method to help
overcome difficulties and understands students.
2). For School
Through this research, schools can encourage the use of hypnoteaching methods and
further exploration of effective learning strategies.
3). For Other Research
This research is expected to provide new insight and can be a reference material for
other research.


A. The Nature of Teaching English

1. Definition of Teaching
Teaching is the process of conveying knowledge and skills from a teacher to students with
the aim of helping them understand and master a particular concept or skill. Acording to
Edmund Amidon (1967) teaching is an interactive process that mostly consists of teacher-
student conversation that happens during defined activities. Meanwhile, according to Brown
( 2000, p. 7 ) teaching is defined as demonstrating or assisting someone in learning how to do
something, providing guidance in the study of something, imparting knowledge, and causing
to know or understand.
According to Harmer (2007b : 107) states that the goal of teaching is not to impart
knowledge to students. It is more important to create circumstances where students can learn
on their own. Stated differently, one of our primary responsibilities is to cultivate positive
relationships with the groups we work with so that they can collaborate harmoniously and
Based on definition above it can be concluded that teaching is a process that involves
interaction between teachers and students in order to help students understand and master
certain concepts or skills. The purpose of teaching is not just to transfer knowledge to students,
but more importantly to create a situation where students can learn independently. Teachers
not only provide guidance in learning, but also create positive relationships with students so
that they can work together harmoniously and cooperatively in the learning process. Thus,
teaching is not just about providing information, but also about assisting students in
developing their own understanding and skills.
1. Component of Teaching English
There are a number of significant factors that must be taken into account while teaching
English. Here are a few of the key elements of teaching English:
a. Listening Skill
Listening skills are the ability to understand and analyze information communicated
through audio, conversation, or recordings in the language being learned. According to
Walberg (2004, p. 14), listening is a skill that enhances understanding and knowledge
in addition to being a means of facilitating effective communication with others.
Schmitt (2010) added that listening is a skill that entails comprehending spoken
language and is typified by the ability to identify the speaker's voice, detect their
intonation patterns, and form an interpretation of the speaker's words based on the
listener's perception. Furthermore, Bite (2013) emphasized that effective message
listening requires listening. Listening demands intense focus since it blends
psychological engagement with the speaker with auditory perception.
a. Reading Skill
Reading skill is a person's ability to understand and interpret written text. Reading
skills involve understanding words, phrases, and sentences, as well as the ability to
organize information obtained from the text. Leu and Kinzer (1987: 9) state that reading
is a global, interactive, and developmental process that involves acquired skills.
Nonlinguistic internal and external variables or factors are specifically incorporated
into the process and have the potential to impact it both positively and negatively. In
addition, Tarigan (2008: 7) claims that reading is a process that readers use to
understand the message that writers convey through words so that readers can see and
understand it. To put it briefly, reading is the process of deriving meaning from written
words or symbols and applying this knowledge to the identification, comprehension,
and interpretation of spoken language.
b. Writing Skill
Writing skill is a person's ability to express thoughts, ideas, and information in
writing in the language being learned. Writing, in the words of White (1986:10), is the
act of expressing thoughts, details, knowledge, or experiences; readers interpret written
works to gain insights or knowledge that can be shared and learned. In addition, writing
according to Tarigan (1994: 3), is the act of creating or drawing graphic symbols that
stand in for a language that people can understand and decipher. If people comprehend
the language and the image itself, they will be able to interpret the graphic symbols that
are presented. Writing is a representation or symbol of language ( Ramelan, 1922).
c. Grammar
Grammar is essential elements in the teaching and learning process of language.
There are many different interpretations of the word "grammar," and many people try
to define it. Grammar is defined or explained differently by different experts. Grammar
is defined by Harmer (2001:12) as the description of the ways in which words can
change in form and be combined to form sentences in a language. Another definition
provided by Lado (1977:141) is the study of rules that are supposed to instruct students
on what to say and what not to say in order to communicate in the language of the
socially educated class. In conclusion, the study of word classes, their inflections,
functions, and relationships within linguistic sentences is known as grammar.
d. Speaking Skill
1. Definition of Speaking Skill
Speaking skill is a person's ability to speak and communicate orally in the language
being learned. Speaking is a productive language skill (Siahaan, 2008:95). In other
words, speaking refers to the ability to produce sounds that have meaning and that other
people can understand in order to establish effective communication. Speaking is also
the act of using words to interact with others (Fulcher, 2003:23) It indicates that there
are two or more participants in this activity, and that each person has an aim, or a set
of intentions, that he wishes to pursue. Participants must act quickly as both hearers
and speakers in response to what they hear. Therefore, the English teacher should
encourage their pupils to speak by introducing them to engaging media and
communicative language activities in the classroom. They should also be given ample
opportunity to practice speaking as much as feasible..
2. Aspect of Speaking Skill
Harris (1974) identified five aspects of speaking ability: comprehension, fluency,
pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary
a. Comprehension
Comprehension becomes crucial in speaking. The study of comprehension focuses
on how well pupils comprehend a language. Hornby (1995: 235). claims that
comprehension is the ability to understand and use intended to enhance or assess a
person's language comprehension in either verbally or in writing.
b. Fluency
The capacity to produce an oral utterance or production that is understandable to
both the speaker and the listener is known as fluency in speaking. Byrne (1986:9–
10), referenced in Hughes (2002:67–112), defines fluency as the capacity to
communicate coherently, sensibly, accurately, and without excessive hesitation.
Lennon (1990:389) goes on to say that fluency can be understood in two ways:
broadly and narrowly. In a broad sense, fluency is a synonym for oral proficiency
and denotes both social achievement and the top spot on a scale measuring a
person's ability to speak a foreign language. It refers, in the strict sense, to one of
the elements or facets of oral proficiency assessment.
c. Pronunciation
The way a word or a language is typically spoken, or how someone utters a word,
is known as pronunciation. Following the above definition, according to Sumantri
(2011:13) that pronunciation is the manner in which a person speaks a language,
including the way they pronounce words. The definition given above leads one to
the conclusion that pronunciation is a person's manner of speaking a language or a
d. Grammar
It is imperative for students to be able to construct coherent sentences when
speaking. It is in line with explanation suggested by Heaton (1978: 5) that students’
ability to manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in
appropriateness. Learning grammar helps you become fluent in a language both
written and spoken.
e. Comprehension
When speaking, comprehension becomes crucial. This assesses conversational
comprehension. The study of comprehension focuses on how well pupils
comprehend a language. Hornby (1995: 235) claims that comprehension is the
ability to understand and use intended to enhance or assess a person's language
comprehension in either verbally or in writing.
f. Vocabulary
Vocabulary, according to Hornby (1974:979), is the set of terms that an individual
knows or uses in their trade, profession, etc. Students with large vocabulary sets
will find it simpler to communicate their ideas.
3. Problem in Speaking
According to La Mido (2019), there are some problems faced by the students in
speaking. The problems of speaking include psychological problem and language
a. Psychological Problem
1) Fear of mistake
The fear of making mistakes is a common problem that many people face when it
comes to speaking in English or any other language. This fear often stems from a
desire to be perfect and a fear of being judged or embarrassed by others.
The fear of making mistakes can greatly hinder one's ability to speak confidently
and fluently. It can lead to self-doubt, hesitation, and even avoidance of speaking
opportunities. However, it's important to remember that making mistakes is a
natural part of the learning process.
2) Shyness
The problem of English speaking shyness refers to the difficulty and discomfort
that individuals experience when trying to speak English due to their shyness or
social anxiety. It can manifest in various ways, such as hesitation, nervousness, and
a lack of confidence when engaging in English conversations.
3) Anxiety
One issue that students have when speaking English is anxiety. The majority of
pupils experienced nervousness when speaking. It is the reason why his vocabulary
and pronunciation are still lacking. That was therefore one of the causes of her
problems speaking English, particularly speaking.
4) The lack of confident
The lack of confidence in speaking English is a common problem that many
people face. It refers to the feeling of insecurity or self-doubt when it comes to
expressing oneself in the English language. This lack of confidence can stem from
various factors and can greatly hinder one's ability to communicate effectively in
b. Language Problem
1) Inhibition
The feeling of students refraining from expressing thoughts and ideas in English.
This is a common problem that can hinder effective communication and limit
language fluency. Inhibition can show up in a variety of ways, such as hesitating to
speak, avoiding conversations, or feeling insecure about their language skills.
2) Poor time management
One of the key components of education is time. Time does not signal the
importance of efficiency or the best outcome that contributes to it. Effective
instruction is impossible for a teacher who lacks time management skills.
Poor time management by the teacher was a problem for the students' speaking,
so that the learning process in the lesson loses its impact. That is demonstrated by
the less time educators have to impart knowledge.
3) Improper use of teaching method
The students were easily bored because the teacher did not employ the appropriate
strategy to boost their interest in learning to speak. Instructors often employ
outdated techniques that pique students' disinterest. Seldom were students allowed
to take part in these activities. Because there was no way to make sure that students
were actively engaged with the material, lecturing techniques frequently resulted in
passive students. Additionally, students lose interest in material after fifteen to
twenty minutes, and when they are passive, the information tends to be forgotten

B. Method in Teaching Speaking

1. Teaching Methods
Suryosubroto (2009: 141) claims that a method is a way that serves as a tool to accomplish
a goal. The effectiveness of achieving these goals increases with the precision of the method
employed. Meanwhile, "position Method as one component that takes part in the success of
teaching and learning activities" is the argument made by Syaiful Bhri, Jamrah, and Aswan
Zain (2010: 72). A teaching method, according to Wina Sanjaya (2009: 147), is a strategy used
by the instructor to carry out planned activities in real situations in order to maximize the
achievement of predetermined goals. According to Nana Sudjana (2005: 76), a teacher's
method of instruction is how they build relationships with their students while they are in the
According to the aforementioned statement, teaching methods are strategies or instruments
that educators employ to systematically impart knowledge, skills, or attitudes to students in
order to meet learning objectives and teaching goals in an effective and efficient manner.
2. Teaching Speaking Methods
Speaking is the process of creating and communicating meaning in a variety of contexts by
utilizing both verbal and nonverbal symbols (Chaney, 1998: 13). In order to effectively learn
and teach a foreign language as a second language, speaking is essential. Even though teaching
speaking was important for a long time. Speaking was seen as unimportant, and English
teachers persisted in teaching it as a memorization exercise or a way to repeat dialogue.
Nonetheless, since students can only express themselves and learn how to adhere to social and
cultural norms that are appropriate in all forms of communication in this way, the purpose of
speaking instruction must now be to help students become better communicators. Hence,
educators need to establish a classroom setting that fosters communication among students
through real-world scenarios, genuine activities, and purposeful assignments that enhance their
English language skills.
3. Stages of Teaching Speaking
There are three stages to teaching speaking skills. The activities are divided into three
a. Pre-Speaking
Pre-speaking activities are meant to prepare students for the main speaking activity that
comes next. Schema activation calls for the participants to recall prior knowledge of the
world that is pertinent to the speaking context. These objectives can be met by using text,
images, and questions. It is also utilized as a pre-speaking exercise for brainstorming. Prior
to the primary speaking exercise, brainstorming in small groups can be beneficial. Creating
as many ideas as you can in the allotted time is the main objective of this exercise. The
ideas aren't assessed until the activity's conclusion. Learners' motivation can be boosted
when they comprehend the communicative problem and the options available to them
(Gipps & Stoba, 1993).
b. While-Speaking
Activities during speaking include the speaking task itself. Students benefit from
speaking practice. Students actually solve communicative problems as a result of role play,
problem solving, socialization, or communication games (Graham, 1997).
c. Post-Speaking
Students can create new strategies for improving communication and review the words
and ideas they used through post-speaking exercises. Through way of the post-speaking
exercises, students receive performance evaluations at the conclusion of the class.
Developing integrated communication skills is a critical component of the post-speaking

C. Hypnoteaching Method

1. Definition of Hypnoteaching
Literally, the words "hypnoteaching" come from "hypnosis" and "teaching," according
Hajar (2011). The state of relaxation, concentration, or hypnosis is characterized by a
significant increase in the activity of the human senses. Teaching continues in the interim.
People can easily and accurately absorb information without feeling anxious when they are
hypnotized. For the best possible learning outcomes, this hypnosis condition can therefore
be used in the teaching and learning process.
Hypnosis as a science has been applied to many facets of life, including psychology,
education, entertainment, and health. We are aware of hypnoteaching in the context of
education. Hypnoteaching, according to Yustisia (2012), is a type of instruction that
combines conscious and subconscious mind activation. Hypnoteaching is an innovative,
creative, and imaginative method of learning that makes use of the science of hypnosis.
Meanwhile, according to Hajar (2011), hypnoteaching is the art of teachers communicating
with students by making suggestions in order to produce intelligent students. Students can
focus on a particular situation when suggestions are provided. It is advantageous for
students to be able to absorb and retain information that teachers convey to them in any
In conclusion, hypnoteaching is a method that combines hypnosis and teaching, aiming
to enhance learning outcomes by engaging both conscious and subconscious mind
activation. Advocates argue that it fosters a state of relaxation, concentration, and
heightened sensory activity, allowing students to absorb information effectively without
2. Principle of Hypnoteaching
There are several principle in hypnoteaching method:
a. Emphathetic attitude.
A teacher must have sympathy and empathy for the kids in order to function as an
educator, not merely a teacher. Teachers that care about their students will definitely try
to find a way to help those who are in need. Additionally, he was adamant about helping
their students progress.
b. Commiseration
Students will definitely sympathize with their teachers when they see them as having
empathy. Students will surely be shy and respectful of their teachers when they receive
good teaching, even if the students are exceedingly mischievous.
c. The Use of Language
Excellent teachers should be able to hear well and use language that is easy on the
ears. They should also be able to control their emotions and avoid becoming easily
agitated. Finally, they should value the work, potential, and abilities of their students
and dislike being patronizing, demeaning, or marginalizing them by using language that
is not appropriate.
d. Props for the kinesthetic
Learning to express oneself or take away the props is a step in the hypnosis learning
process. If required, the entire limb is relocated. Expression, hands, feet, and exploration
reached their most and best potential. What is more striking is when educators use body
language to illustrate how something is cultivated.
e. Motivating students with stories
Sharing success stories with students to inspire them. The application of
hypnoteaching success stories is one factor. The study of stories involves the application
of imagination. Therefore, it would be wonderful if a teacher also frequently shared a
tale or a third-person account that related to the lesson's theme.
f. Mastering the students hearts
Teachers must have the power to control students' hearts so that their minds can
follow. Moreover, teachers who observe this phenomenon can also surmise why most
students who experience academic difficulties often lie to their teachers-including
guidance counselors (Noer, 2010).
3. Steps of Hypnoteaching
According to Hajar (2001: 21), there are seven steps that an educator must take in order
to accomplish learning objectives. These steps are as follows:
a. Recognizing students' needs , before the learning process is involved, identifying the
needs of the students is a crucial first step. determining what kinds of learning are
engaging for the students in order to meet their needs and inspire them to learn; Link
hypnotic media, including text, motion, sound, images, and symbols, to facilitate
b. Commence instruction in accordance with the prepared lesson plans.
c. Students' self-esteem can be raised by using affirmations or positive self-statements as
a teaching tool. The teacher proudly shared with the class, for instance, that she kept her
own curiosity for knowledge to herself and that she would always be willing to learn
from anyone, anywhere, at any time.
d. Use visualization to help students generate ideas about the subject they are studying.
e. In order to assess, assessments are carried out to assess how instructors support engaged,
motivated, and innovative learners throughout the learning process. Moreover,
educators assess their student's comprehension of the assigned material; to consider
what transpired with students prior to the conclusion of the class. reflection of the
impression that questions from students during the course of the lesson are made.
4. Procedure of Hypnoteaching
a. Intention and Motivation
Achieving success is largely dependent on one's intention to keep trying and working
toward it. In the occupied areas, motivation and commitment will be fostered by great
intentions and determination. As an educator, particularly one who is highly motivated
and dedicated to their work, I will do everything in my power to be a role model for
students and someone they should look up to.
b. Pacing
Pacing means to equate the position, gestures, language, and brain waves with others.
In the event that this is how educators adjust to students. The idea behind this step is
that a man is more likely to gather and engage with people who share many interests
with him. Therefore, it will come as no surprise that everyone will feel at ease and
content to gather with people who share his interests. Each message that is sent from
one person to another will be accepted and understood because being in it will provide
comfort due to the similarity of brain waves.
c. Leading
After the teacher has finished pacing, learners will feel at ease in the learning
environment if they are leading or directing. Learners will gladly and voluntarily comply
with any directives issued by teachers to them. Even when faced with difficult content,
students' subconscious minds will translate the material to make understanding the
teacher seem simple.
d. Employing Positive Words
This is a step that helps with leading and pacing. The subconscious mind processes
anything that is said, whether it be positively or negatively, so educators should become
accustomed to using language that is positive and does not accept anything negative
from their students.
e. Giving Appreciation
Remembrance of teachers' rewards and punishments is an essential aspect.
Acknowledgment boosts one's sense of worth. You can learn a lot about someone's self-
concept by listening to their compliments. Although teachers may use punishment or
warnings to students for less-than-good behavior, they must exercise caution when
enforcing these measures to prevent instilling feelings of inferiority in their students or
causing them to become agitated.
f. Modeling
The process of providing a consistent model or example through speech and behavior
is known as modeling. This is a crucial element that is necessary for the effective
application of the hypnoteaching method. Teachers must also thoroughly understand the
subject matter in order to support and optimize the hypnoteaching learning method. This
can be achieved through actively including students in the learning process, delivering
contextualized content whenever possible, enabling learners to engage in collaborative
learning, and giving learners direct feedback. Not less significant, encouraging, and
constructive suggestions should be made while learning is happening (Yustia, 2012).
The aforementioned measures demonstrate that a teacher who lacks a passion for their
work and a love for their students will find it difficult to accomplish this, as
hypnoteaching is a method that calls for a stable psychic teacher in addition to physical
5. Advantages and Disadvantages
As a method, hypnoteaching has advantages and disadvantages of its own. The advantages
include the following:
a. Students can grow in line with their potential and interests.
b. Teachers can create a dynamic learning environment to prevent students from getting
c. A varied educational approach to keep students from getting bored
d. Facilitated positive communication between educators and students,
e. The provided content can help students concentrate,
f. Easily understood content for learners to increase their motivation to learn,
g. The learning process involves a variety of skills,
There are some of the disadvantages of the hypnoteaching method:
a. Teachers find it challenging to focus on each student individually due to the large
number of students in a class,
b. For effective implementation of the hypnoteaching method, teachers must study and
c. Teachers in Indonesia have not widely adopted the hypnotoaching method, which is
still a component of the new method,
d. Lack of infrastructure and facilities in schools to enable the use of the hypnoteaching


1. Type of The Research

The researcher applied quantitative approach to analyze students’ speaking skill using
hypnoteaching method. According to Creswell (2018) quantitative research is a research
which examine among variables. These variables can be measured on instrument so that
numbered data can be analyze using statistical procedure.
In conducting this study, the researcher choses quasi-experimental study , because the
researcher is trying to find out how one variable affects another, this study will be
conducted using a quasi-experimental research design (Nana, 2009: 19). A comparison
or control group is typically used in an experimental study of this kind to examine the
research question (Mackey and Susan, 2005: 146).

2. Research Site and Participant

This research will be conducted in the second semester and will be conducted at MTs
Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah which is located at Jl. Sersan Sayun, Bandingan, Majapura, RT
03/ RW 04, Bobotsari, Purbalingga. The researcher chose field research because the
location provides a suitable environment to understand the effect of hypnotherapy
method on the speaking skills of grade 8 students in more depth. The school has grade
students who match the research subjects, as well as support from school staff and
authorities. In addition, the selection of this research site is relevant in the local
educational context, which will help generate findings that can be applied in real terms
in improving learning in that school and possibly in similar environments. The research
will be conducted on January- completed.

3. Population and Sample

A. Population
Population is the whole subject of research (Arikunto, 2002: 108). Population is the
word to designate a set category of some attribute of a collection (Downy and Weardon,
2004: 25). It means that population is all the individu in a school. The populations of
this study are 2 class at MTs Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah. The total population would be 67
B. Sample
According to Suharsimi Arikunto, “Sample is half of population that researched”. The
researcher will use pretest-postest control group design. In this study, researcher will
take a research to 25 students as population and also sample. The students are from class
VII A (25 students’) and VII B (25 students). The first class (VII A) is being a control
class which have a discourse and without homework. The second class (VII B) is
experimental group which have a discourse and homework. Both of the class is given
pre test before they have a treatment. After researcher is done give a treatment, both of
class is given posttest that aims to measure students learning achievement on treatment
which has been given.
The sampling technique used in this study was random sampling. From the population
of grade VII students at MTs Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah, 50 students were randomly
selected to be the research sample. In this random sampling technique, each member of
the population has an equal chance of being selected as a sample. The researcher used
the list of names of grade VII students as a basis for conducting random sampling using
the lottery method.

4. Variable and Indicator of Research

Variable of research is a quality, characteristic, or value of individuals, things, or
activities that vary in ways that the researcher uses to examine and derive conclusions.
in this study there are two variables, they are: independent variable and dependent
A. Independent Variable (X)
Independent variable that affect or the cause of changes or the emergence of
the dependent variable. Independent variable in this research is hypnoteaching
B. Dependent Variable (Y)
Dependent variable is a variable that is influenced or which is the result of an
independent variable . Dependent variable in this research is students speaking
skills of grade VII in MTs Huffadh Al Itqoniyyah Bobotsari, Purbalingga.

5. Design of The Research

In this study Pretest and Posttest used as the design research, in table 1.1 below.

Table 1.1 Design of Research

Subject Group Pretest Treatment Posttest
R Experiment Q X1 T
R Control Q X2 T

With the following information :

Q : pretest
X1 : learning with hypnoteaching method
X2 : learning without any treatment
T : posttest

6. Technique of Data Collection

The data would be gathered by the researcher through observation, the use of
questionnaires, treatment, and interviews with questions concerning how
Hypnoteaching affects students' interest in learning.
A. Pre-test
The pre-test was conducted by giving the research participants a speaking task.
They were asked to speak for 3 minutes on a predetermined topic. The researcher
will observe and assess the participants' speaking ability based on the previously
prepared assessment rubric.
B. Treatment
The researcher will address each class after distributing the questionnaire. Four
treatment sessions, lasting ninety minutes each, will be conducted by the researcher.
Hypnoteaching will be used to teach the experimental class, while traditional or
classical methods will be used to teach the control group. They will cover the same
materials in both classes.
C. Post-test
The last test is administered after the experimental group and group control have
received their treatments. Both the experimental group and the control group take
this final exam. The purpose of giving the final exam is to ascertain whether the
experimental group and the group control experienced significant changes in
speaking abilities following treatment.

7. Technique of Data Analysis

A. Normality Test
Ghazali (2010) states the object test for normality to determine the distribution of
the data follows a normal distribution or not. One of the test assumptions of the
statistic compilation is that the data must fulfill the qualification of the normal
distribution. Therefore analyzing the normality of distribution the students’ score is
crucial. The detail explanation can be seen as follow:
Normality test using the formula Chi-quadrateas follow:

The hypothesis formula:

Ho: sample comes from the population that has a normal distribution.
H1: sample did not come from the population that has not a normal distribution.

Statistic formula :

X2 = Chi-quadrate
Oi = Observed value
Ei = Expected value

B. Homogenity Test
A homogeneity test was applied to analyze whether or not the scores of one group
have homogenous variance compared with the score of other groups. In this study,
the researcher used F-test by Setiadi (2013). The formula can be seen as follow:

The hypothesis formula

H0 : 𝜎12 = 𝜎22 both sample have the quality of variants.
H1 : 𝜎12 = 𝜎22 both sample have different of variants.

The used statistic formula of the test is :

𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒗𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔
F= 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒗𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔
C. Hypothesis Test
Using the t-test to test the hypothesis of this study. According to Subana et al.
(2000: 168), the t-test is used to test for differences or similarities between two
different conditions/treatments or two groups using the principle of comparing the
means of two groups/treatments which is a statistical test. There are several t-test
formulas and guidelines for using them. The data analysis method used is statistical
analysis using the t-test formula. This will help answer the questions posed in the
study and investigate the impact of hypnoteaching method on learning interest
between those who use hypnotaching method and those who do not use
hypnoteaching method.
Then, the data analysis used to test the hypothesis instatistical analysis using the
independent test formula using the formula as follows:

X1 : Average score of the experimental group

X2 : Average control group score
S1 : Standard deviation of experimental group
S2 : Standard deviation of control group scores
n1 : Number of students in the experimental group
n2 : Number of students in the control group

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