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Research the following:

1. Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is a program that manages all of the other application
programs on a computer after they are originally loaded by a boot program.
Application applications interact with the operating system by requesting services
via a predefined application program interface (API). Users can also interact with
the operating system directly via a user interface, such as a command-line
interface (CLI) or graphical user in

interface (GUI).

2. Example of Operating Systems

Windows: Developed by Microsoft, Windows is one of the most popular operating
systems for personal computers. Its numerous versions include Windows 10, Windows
8.1, Windows 7, and previous incarnations such as Windows XP and Windows 98.

macOS: Apple Inc. created the operating system for Macintosh computers. It is
renowned for its slick user interface, seamless connectivity with other Apple
products and services, and strong security capabilities.

Android, developed by Google, is the world's most popular mobile operating

system. It powers many smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, televisions, and
other gadgets. Android is open-source, allowing manufacturers to tweak it to fit
their hardware.

Google created Chrome OS, a Linux-based operating system built largely for use
with web apps. It is commonly found on Chromebook laptops and Chromebox

Linux is an open-source operating system kernel created by Linus Torvalds. It

serves as the foundation for a number of Linux distributions, including Ubuntu,
Debian, Fedora, CentOS, and Arch Linux. Linux is widely used in servers,
supercomputers, embedded systems, and mobile devices (such as Android).

3. What is a common OS used nowadays and why?

● Microsoft developed and maintains Windows, the world's most widely

used desktop operating system, accounting for nearly 72% of the market
share for desktop and laptop computers. Windows has dominated the
desktop market since the early 1990s and continues to be a formidable
force in the personal computing market. It emphasizes on usability,
practicability, and variety.

4. Principles of Operating Systems

● Access Control governs program and user access to hardware resources.

● Program Execution: It develops and maintains processes that enable programs
to operate.
● The User Interface allows people to interact with the computer and its programs.
● Memory Management: It allocates and releases the primary memory space for
processes and data.
● Scheduling determines which processes get to use the CPU and for how long.

5. Architecture of Operating Systems

● The operating system is responsible for the following duties for the system and
the application software. The architecture of an operating system refers to the
design of its software and hardware components. Depending upon the tasks or
programs we need to run users can use the operating system most suitable for
that program/software. Operating system architectures can be classified into four
types: monolithic, layered, microkernel, and hybrid. Hybrid architecture is a blend
of all architectures. There are four major operating system architectures.

6. Why Engineering Students need to know the used of O.S

● Engineering students benefit from learning about operating systems for several
reasons. Operating systems serve as the foundation for comprehending
computer science concepts such as process management, memory
management, file systems, and concurrency. Students learn about how
computers work on a fundamental level by studying operating systems.
● Applicability to Engineering Fields: Computers and embedded systems are used
in many engineering disciplines, including electrical, mechanical, and aerospace
engineering. Understanding operating systems allows students to design,
develop, and troubleshoot embedded systems, which frequently use specialized
operating systems.
● Software Development Skills: Understanding operating systems is vital for
software development. Engineering students may be required to develop
software that interacts directly with operating system services, such as device
drivers or system utilities. Furthermore, understanding operating system ideas
enables students to create efficient and trustworthy software.
● System Integration and Testing: Engineering projects often involve integrating
hardware and software components. Understanding operating systems allows
students to configure, deploy, and test software on different operating systems
and hardware platforms.
● Optimization and Performance Analysis: Operating systems significantly impact
system performance and resource utilization. Studying operating systems allows
engineering students to acquire ways to enhance software performance,
examine system behavior, diagnose performance bottlenecks, and many more.

Architecture of Operating System - Scaler Topics

What is an Operating System (OS)? Definition, Types and Examples (

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