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This will be regarded as the notes made for activity and asynchronous 1

Video 1, 7.1.1:
Sir Thomas Lazaro started the introduction with 2 surveys conducted in a month. It shows the before and
after of the data collected and who were the samples used in the population of the frequent buyers. This
intro shows the basics of the topic about what is the meaning of samples, and an example of where a
sample is used; business marketing strategy and sales.

Video 2, 1.1.2:
This video discusses what is the definition of Sampling, and what are the types of sampling. It was said
that it is mostly what statistics are as it contains all the raw data collected from data gathering such as
surveys or interviews. Terms that were discussed (Types and parts of sampling):
· Bias: Population parameter.
· Selection Bias: A representation of a population that is not representing the correct group due to
· Non-response Bias: Preferences of both respondents and nonrespondents.
· Social-desirability Bias: Preference that is socially accepted.
· Good sample
o Simple Random Sample: The samples all have a balanced probability of being picked.
o Stratified Random Sample: The samples are divided into groups that are of the same exclusivity or
traits. The probability of being chosen depends on how likely they are close to the parameter.
· Cluster Sample: Mini representation of the population (Ex: Luzon Cluster, Visayas Cluster,
Mindanao Cluster.)
· Conclusions: Only the data from the sample type will be mentioned and concluded.

Video 3, 1.1.3:
The other half of the topic is discussed here which is Sample distribution. Sir Thomas Lazaro discusses
what is the Population parameter (Constant and values may be unknown) and the definition of what is a
population (It is only one and cannot be multiple, and where a sample is taken from [Example: Population
of the Philippines, Sample of Metro Manila). Two types of
Populations used in data gathering are taught: Population mean (Quantitative variable) and Population
Proportion (Qualitative variable). Afterwards, sir shows the following formulas: Population mean:
E(X) = μ, Var(X) = σ^2
Sample mean:

Expected value:
E(X̄ ) = E(X) = μ
Variance of X̄ :
Var (X̄ ) = σ^2/n
Standard Error Standard Deviation:
SE (X̄ ) = σ/√n

To conclude, the videos were about the 7th chapter of the Business Statistics book in which Sir Thomas
Lazaro taught the definitions of the words that will be used quite a lot in the topic, and used examples to
further explain how it is used and how to find the values once raw data gathered from a survey or
observation is collected. I learned that this chapter of the topic will be extremely useful once we start our
thesis and when we successfully enter society after graduating from our bachelor's degree.

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