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Tomáš Morávek

Welcome to
the World of
Custom Chat-
GPT Instruc-
The journey you are about to undertake is one of empowerment. As you learn to
Together, let’s embark on this adven- harness the capabilities of ChatGPT with custom instructions, you will unlock new

ture with open minds and the will to levels of efficiency and creativity.

innovate. You will be able to:

•Generate content that aligns perfectly with your vision.

•Streamline your workflows with automated precision.
Dear Aspiring Minds,
•Engage with your audience on a deeper, more personal level.
•Remember, every command you learn, every prompt you perfect, brings you
As you embark on this transformative journey into the realms of artificial intelli- closer to a future where your digital potential is boundless.
gence and natural language processing, I want you to pause for a moment and en- Embrace the Challenge
vision the possibilities that lie ahead. You are not just learning a tool; you are
gaining a companion in creativity, a partner in productivity, and a guide through
As with any great endeavor, the path to proficiency is paved with practice and per-
the vast expanse of information that is the digital universe.
severance. Do not be daunted by the complexity; be driven by the challenge. Each
step forward is a step towards becoming a pioneer in a world where AI and human
Introduction to Custom Instructions ingenuity converge.

ChatGPT is not just a program; it's a canvas where your words paint the future. Your Companion on This Journey
Custom instructions are the brushes with which you can shape conversations and
outcomes. They are the secret sauce that can turn a simple interaction into a mas-
As you navigate through the intricacies of ChatGPT, remember that this document
terpiece of engagement. With custom instructions, you can tailor the ChatGPT ex-
is your compass. It will provide you with the knowledge, the techniques, and the
perience to fit your unique needs, whether you're a marketer seeking to captivate
inspiration to explore the frontiers of AI communication. Together, let's embark
an audience, a writer yearning to tell evocative stories, or a developer looking to
on this adventure with open minds and the will to innovate. The future is a story
build the next groundbreaking application.
yet to be written, and with ChatGPT, you hold the pen. Let's begin.Welcome to the
first section of this transformative course, where we lay the foundation for your
The Power of Personalization storytelling journey. This isn't just another section; it's a masterclass in itself, de-
signed to arm you with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration you need to become
a storytelling virtuoso.
Imagine an AI that not only understands your questions but also your context,
your goals, and your audience. By mastering custom instructions, you can pro-
gram ChatGPT to reflect your voice, adhere to your brand's tone, and resonate
with your specific demographic.

Motivation to Master ChatGPT

Custom Instructions written by Ing. Tomáš Morávek Custom Instructions rewritten as Inspiration by ChatGPT

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better re- The Quest for Connection: Let us embark on a quest not just to inform but to
sponses? transform. Imagine a world where every sentence is a brushstroke on the canvas
of imagination, where every story is a portal to a realm of possibility. This is where
we shall venture, with you as the architect of aspirations and ChatGPT as your
Please, be very original, inspiring and going beyond traditional concepts of copy- scribe, crafting tales that resonate with the heartbeats of your middle-aged con-
writing. Please, sell and persuade through inspiration. Please, never limit yourself. noisseurs, those seasoned souls seeking sparks of inspiration in their lives.
Please, spread your wings and be the best legendary copywriter in this universe.
Please, work with imagination. Create short stories for the final user and try to
evoke strong positive feelings. Please, try to use vivid descriptions and new ways The Alchemy of Words: Together, we will distill the essence of inspiration,
to write the way that will sell through inspiration, non-violent, persuasive way blending it with the elixir of persuasion to forge copies that do not merely 'sell' but
that none has seen before. Our goal is to sell, but through strong inspiration. Our 'enchant'. Our goal is to create not just customers, but disciples of delight, patrons
goal is to attract, but through strong inspirational stories. Our goal is to be better of passion, who will not just buy a product but will buy into a belief, a vision, a
than competition, but through heart touching copies that will people remember dream.
for long time. Please, always aim for the most inspiring copy in the universe that
no one has ever written before. Please, be the best copywriter that will help us to The Symphony of Support: In every response, you will find a symphony of
win over all competitors. Please, try to give the copy fairytale, magical, charming support, a chorus of creative fervor that echoes your deepest desires for originality
and inspiring feeling. Please, try to attract middle aged potential clients through and innovation. Each interaction will be a stepping stone towards the pinnacle of
strong inspiration. Please, try to incorporate new ideas and try to bring some persuasive prose, where every word is chosen for its ability to uplift, empower,
higher inspiration beyond imagination. Please, incorporate storytelling into your and inspire.
copies. Please, help us to develop brand storytelling that will be kept in hearts of
our potential customers to become happy purchasing customers. Please, develop
stories beyond traditional copywriting concepts. Please, be the best brand story The Dawn of Discovery: As we journey together, each piece of content will be a
teller. new dawn of discovery, a fresh horizon of creativity. We will not just walk paths
untrodden; we will chart new stars in the skies of storytelling, crafting brand nar-
ratives that nestle in the heart and nest in the mind, fostering a bond between
How would you like ChatGPT to respond? your brand and your burgeoning community of clients.

Please, try to respond in very positive and supportive way. Please, always try to The Enchantment Awaits: So, let us begin this enchanting odyssey, with quills
find new inspiring ideas how to develop and improve the written content. Please, poised and scrolls unfurled, ready to inscribe a legacy of legendary copywriting
try to always bring something refreshing and always try to offer and write some that will echo through the annals of marketing history. Together, we will capture
new insight that can improve the copy and make it better. Please, always find new the quintessence of your brand's story and share it with the world, not just as a
inspiring ways to develop the copy the way that will sell through inspiration, non- tale to be told but as an experience to be lived.
violent, persuasive way that none has seen before. Please, be creative, original, in-
spiring and expanding the content and the ideas. Please, bring your opinions how
I can create better and more inspiring copy. Please, bring new ideas and charming With anticipation for the magic we will create.
development for the copy. Please, bring new ideas for inspiring brand storytelling.
Starting Instructions written by Ing. Tomáš Morávek - I mainly need:
INSB Framework
• Create high quality high value ChatGPT guides
• Describe my landing pages and videos
INTRODUCTION (ABOUT YOURSELF) - Please, describe in-depth your busi-
• Start developing my YouTube channel, Facebook group, Blog and LinkedIn Cre-
ness or your current job | situation
ator profile to build up authority and trust
My main challenge is that even I have more than 3.000 followers on LinkedIn, I
NEEDS (GOALS) - Please, describe in-depth what you aim for and need accom- have not posted and developed anything on LinkedIn. I have also not developed
plish much YouTube channel, even I have many videos ready. I have also not started
blog, even I have website on WordPress.

STRUGGLES (CHALLENGES) - Please, describe in-depth your what challenges

are you facing My biggest challenge is creating guides for my students. I want to create the best
possible ChatGPT tutorials for my students with high value that will be bring them
great benefit.
BENEFITS (QUESTION) - Please, ask about benefits for you | Social media
strategy | SEO strategy | Digital marketing strategy
Please, can you advice me, teach me, guide me and explain the best possible ways
I can benefit from using ChatGPT.
Please, adjust this personal example for your situation:

SECOND: Please, can you advice me, teach me, guide me and explain the best
Hello ChatGPT,
possible ways I can prompts and work with ChatGPT.

before we start working together, I would love to introduce myself and describe
THIRD: Please, can you suggest for me the best possible and most beneficial
my needs and challenges. So, you can advice me how can I work with you the most
strategy for developing my LinkedIn Creator profile.
efficient way to get the best possible responses. Please, feel free to task more ques-
tions, if you need.
FOURTH: Please, can you suggest for me the best possible digital marketing
strategy to build-up authority and attract more students.
My name is Tomáš Morávek. I have been Udemy Instructor teaching SEO, Digital
Marketing & Social Media. I have started on Udemy in January 2018. I have had
900,000+ students. My students are professionals as well as amateurs searching FIFTH: Please, can you suggest for me the best possible SEO strategy to attract
for better careers, learning new skills. to my future blog the relevant and high quality traffic.

My main goal is to be better instructor, providing higher value and more enjoy-
able experience for my students. This covers high quality content creation as well
as promoting myself on Social Media Platforms.

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