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My brother had a serious kind of goiter in his neck for several years. However, recently, he has
been started to safer from the pain when he eats food and drink any kind of fluid. Following the
serious pain, last Thursday, he decided to have an operation to remove the swelling from his
neck. Hence, he submitted the case to Addis Hiwot general hospital. Doctors take specimens
from several part of his body to examine the severity and to make decision. After investigating
the specimen examination, the doctors agree on the necessity of the operation. Then after, he
made a successful operation and now he is now under a speedy recovery.


1. Word Parts

The idea: Break down the different parts of a word—base word (word stem or root word),
prefixes, and suffixes—to figure out what it means. Some words have a prefix only (reread), a
suffix only (reading), both a prefix and a suffix (prereading), a combination (unreadableness), or
neither (read).

Example: Discrimination
Dis-: not, opposite of, reverse, deprive of; apart, away
crimin: verdict, judicial decision; judgment
tion: indicates the word is a noun

2. Definition/explanation

The idea: by looking for a definition or an explanation within the sentence.

Example: Discrimination or unfairly targeting one or more groups by those who perceive
themselves to be superior can cause distress.
3. Synonym
Words next to the unknown word can be a clue that there is a synonym.
Example: Discrimination or bias can cause distress toward the targeted group.

4. Using example
The idea: Providing examples of the unknown word can give readers a clue to meaning.
• Vulnerable people, such as young children, the elderly, or handicapped individuals, might have
protections under certain laws.

5. Antonym/contrast
Opposite information about the unknown word can be offset by words and phrases such as
unlike, as opposed to, different from.
• Discrimination, as opposed to fairness for all people, can have damaging effects on a targeted

6. Analogy
Comparisons of the word help to determine what it means.
• The ill effects of discrimination are like hateful, wicked tendrils gripping the heart.

7. Appositive
Look for the grammatical structure of appositives which can provide a definition, synonym, or

•For example: The elderly and handicapped, a vulnerable group of individuals, have laws to
protect them from unethical individuals.

Here are some effective ways to help for developing speaking skills as an English learner:

1. Practice regularly: Try to speak in English every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. The
more you practice, the more confident you will become.

2. Language exchange: Find a language exchange partner or join conversation groups where you
can practice speaking with native English speakers. This will help to improve fluency and

3. Listen and mimic: Watch English movies, TV shows, and listen to English music or podcasts
to improve listening and speaking skills.

4. Vocabulary building: By trying to learn new words and phrases regularly to expand
vocabulary. Practice using them in sentences and conversations to improve speaking skills.

5. Take online courses or lessons: by enrolling in online English courses or classes that focus on
speaking skills.

6 .Self record :Record your voice while speaking English and listen to it afterward. This will help
you identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.
In general, the key to improving English speaking skills is consistent practice and exposure to the
language. Finding methods that work best for you and don't be afraid to make mistakes as they
are a natural part of the learning process.


Life in Adigudom Village

Nestled among rolling hills and lush greenery, the village exudes a sense of tranquility that is
palpable upon arrival. The cobblestone streets wind through charming cottages with colorful
gardens. Children play freely in the village square, their laughter echoing through the narrow

The villagers are a close-knit community, always ready to lend a helping hand or share a story
over a cup of coffee. Each morning, the sound of church bells reverberates through the village,
signaling the start of a new day filled with simple joys and shared moments. The local market
bustles with activity as farmers sell their fresh produce and artisans display their handmade

Life in this village is a testament to the beauty of simplicity and the warmth of human
connection. As the sun sets behind the distant mountains, casting a golden hue over the rooftops,
one can't help but feel grateful for the peace and harmony found in this idyllic haven.

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