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6 01-17-24
Oral language is one of the most important skills that students can master-both for social and
academic success. Learners use this skill throughout the day to process and deliver information,
instructions, make explanations, narrate events, and even interact with peers.
Speaking loudly and clearly is also a must, including proper toning of one's voice to achieve oral
language fluency. One may use a formal tone for meetings and campaigns, an informal tone when
talking to friends or relatives, a joyful tone when giving birthday or wedding messages, and a sad tone
during eulogies, calamities, and tragedies.

There are four types of communication:

1. Verbal communication utilizes the spoken word, either face-to-face or remotely. It is essential to most
2. Nonverbal communication provides some insight into a speaker's word choice. These things are often
communicated through facial expressions, hand gestures, posture, and even appearance, all of which can
convey something about the speaker.
3. Visual communication includes signs, maps, or drawings as well as color or graphic design. Visual
aids can help a speaker remember important topics, give the audience something to look at, and generally
help convey it.
4. Written Communication is writing, typing, or printing symbols like numbers to convey information.

The stance is the manner and position in which a person stands. When speaking, keep a good
posture, stand straight with shoulders back, relaxed, and feet shoulder-width apart. Do not cross your
arms, put your hands in your pocket, or slouch. Face the audience as much as possible and keep your
body open.

Appropriate behavior refers to how you act and deliver a text through different facial
expressions such as happy, sad, angry, surprise, and afraid and body language like maintaining eye
contact, showing good posture and smile, using hand gestures tilting your head to one side.
• They have good eye contact with the audience
• They pause before and after important ideas
• They have a good posture
• They are confident, relaxed, and energetic
• They have a conversational tone
• They have speech organization
• They have a main idea like good points


You learn many things through reading, listening, and watching. The information you gained, at
least or at most, may influence your perception in life as well as your everyday activities. This
information, which can be a theme or a topic of a text, maybe about culture, history, environment, and
other factors that affect people's lives.
Moreover, what you have learned from what you have read, heard, and watched will help you
understand cultural values, historical perspectives, environmental impact, and other significant contexts
that are part of your experiences every day. After evaluating the material, you will realize that what is in
the content is real.

Culture is a complex of features held by a social group, which may be as small as a family or a
tribe or as large as a racial or ethnic group, a nation, or in the age of globalization, by people all over the
world. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." It includes codes of manners, dress,
language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and belief systems. However,
culture is not fixed or static; rather, it involves a dynamic process as people respond to changing
conditions and challenges.
History is the study of the past. History also includes the academic discipline that uses a narrative
to describe, examine, question, and analyze a sequence of past events and investigate the patterns of cause
and effect related to them. History provides us with a sense of identity. By understanding where we have
come from, we can better understand who we are. History provides a sense of context for our lives and
our existence. It helps us understand the way things are and how we might approach the future.
An environment is a place where different things, living (biotic) or non-living (abiotic),
constantly interact with and adapt to conditions in their environment. A person's environment is the event
and culture that the person lived in. The environment is everything around us. A person's beliefs and
actions depend on his environment.


1. We get to understand the people and the world better.
2. It helps us understand ourselves.
3. Knowledge of own culture is increased.
4. It helps us overcome and prevent racial and ethnic divisions.
5. We get exposure to new experiences.
6. We become more prepared to cope with the ever-changing world.
7. It helps us develop a new level of appreciation for just about everything.

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