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Field of study:



Student’s name: Nguyen Phu Quan

Supervisor’s name:

Hanoi, 2023




Field of study:



Student’s name: Nguyen Phu Quan

Supervisor’s name:

HA NOI, 2023

COMMENTS OF THE SUPERVISOR ..................................................................................... 5
NHẬ N XÉT SINH VIÊN THỰC TẬ P....................................................................................... 6
HEADING........................................................................................................................... 8
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 9
PROBLEM RESEARCH HISTORY .......................................................................................... 9
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................... 9
SUBJECTS AND SCOPE OF RESEARCH ................................................................................ 9
SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL MEANING ........................................................................... 10
RESEARCH METHODS ...................................................................................................... 10
LAYOUT ........................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ...............................................................................11
1.1. The concept of human resource recruitment .............................................................................. 12
1.1.1. Human resources .................................................................................................................... 12
1.2. The role of human recruitment .................................................................................................. 12
1.2.1. For Businesses......................................................................................................................... 12
1.2.2. For society .............................................................................................................................. 12
1.2.3. For labor ................................................................................................................................. 13
1.3. Principles of recruiting personnel............................................................................................... 13
1.4. Exploiting sources and recruitment methods ............................................................................. 14
1.4.1. Sources and recruitment methods within the company .......................................................... 14 Recruitment target .............................................................................................................. 14 Recruitment method ............................................................................................................ 14 The advantages of recruitment sources within the company ............................................... 14 The disadvantages of internal recruitment sources.............................................................. 14
1.4.2. Sources and methods of recruitment outside the company..................................................... 15 Recruitment target .............................................................................................................. 15 Recruitment method ............................................................................................................ 15 Advantages of recruitment outside the company ................................................................ 16 Disadvantage source recruiting outside the company.......................................................... 16
1.5. Steps to recruit human resources ............................................................................................... 16
1.6. The reasons affecting the recruitment of personnel................................................................... 18
1.6.1. Cause outside the company .................................................................................................... 18 The relationship between supply and demand...................................................................... 18 Competition between rival companies ................................................................................. 18 Economic restructuring ........................................................................................................ 19 The concept of job career ..................................................................................................... 19 Legal policy .......................................................................................................................... 19
1.6.2. Cause inside the company....................................................................................................... 19 The company's reputation in the market ............................................................................. 19 Finance of the company ....................................................................................................... 19 Policy on human resources in the company ......................................................................... 19 The corporate cultural environment .................................................................................... 20
1.7. Recruitment for Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited ............................................ 20
TRADING COMPANY LIMITED ......................................................................................... 21

2.1 Overview of Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited .........................................21
2.1.1 General information ................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.2 History of formation and development of Nutritionelife ........................................................... 22
2.2 Characteristics of production, business - service ...............................................................22
2.2.1. Products and services of the company.................................................................................... 22
2.2.2. Source of candidate search of NUTRITIONELIFE company ...................................................... 23
2.2.3. Customers of NUTRITIONELIFE Co., Ltd. ................................................................................. 24
2.2.4. Competitors of NUTRITIONELIFE Co., Ltd. .............................................................................. 25
2.3 Organizational structure of enterprises .............................................................................26
2.3.1. Organizational structure diagram of Nutritionelife Co., Ltd. .................................................. 26
2.3.2. Functions and tasks of each department ................................................................................ 26
2.4 Business performance from 2019 to 2021 .........................................................................29
2.4.1. Asset size ................................................................................................................................ 29
2.4.2. Capital size.............................................................................................................................. 30
Table 2. 2: Capital size of Nutritionelife Viet Nam Trading Company Limited from 2019 to 2021. .... 30
2.4.3. Business results from 2019- 2021 ........................................................................................... 31
2.5. Organizational structure at Recruitment Department ......................................................32
2.5.1. Organization chart at the Recruitment Department ............................................................... 33
2.5.2. Tasks of each position............................................................................................................. 34
2.6. Assess the current situation of human resource recruitment at Nutritionelife Vietnam
Trading Company Limited. .....................................................................................................36
2.6.1. Current status of the company's human resource recruitment process .............................. 36
(Unit: People) .................................................................................................................................... 38
After signing the labor contract, new candidates will be paid and fully enjoy the policies and welfare
regimes as prescribed by the company. The first labor contract will be signed within 1 year, the expiry
of the term if satisfactory, the 2nd labor contract will be signed. After 2 years of signing a labor
contract, if the labor is highly appreciated and the work efficiency is good, the company will sign an
indefinite-term contract in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code ................................... 45
2.6.3. Compare recruitment results and recruitment needs ......................................................... 49
2.6.4. Recruitment costs at the company ..................................................................................... 49
2.7. Evaluation of the recruitment process at Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company
Limited 50
2.7.1. Employee reviews of recruitment ..................................................................................... 53
2.7.2. Employee reviews on selection .......................................................................................... 54
2.7.3. Employee reviews of probationary work and work arrangements .................................... 56
2.7.4. Employee reviews of human resource recruitment............................................................ 57
2.8. Factors affecting the company's recruitment .............................................................59
2.8.1. Factors outside the company ............................................................................................. 59
2.8.2. Factors within the company............................................................................................... 59
2.9. General assessment of the current recruitment status of the Company.....................62
2.9.1. Achievements in recruitment ............................................................................................ 62
2.9.2. Limitations of the recruitment process ............................................................................... 64
2.9.3. Causes ................................................................................................................................ 65
Chapter 2 Summary ........................................................................................................ 67
AT NUTRITIONELIFE COMPANY....................................................................................... 67
3.1 Development orientation of Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited................68
3.2 Solutions to complete human resource recruitment activities at Nutritionelife company 69
3.2.1 Optimizing the recruitment notification process, the process of recording resumes................ 69
3.2.2 Diversify recruitment source channels ..................................................................................... 78

3.2.3 Carry out activities of evaluating the work results of personnel in the recruitment department
......................................................................................................................................................... 80
3.2.4 Create a connection and interaction between the two departments of the recruitment
department ...................................................................................................................................... 81
3.2.5. Improving resource policy ...................................................................................................... 81
3.2.6 Develop specific recruitment methods .................................................................................... 83


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Supervisor’s Name


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(Ký tên, đóng dấu)

Human resources is one of the indispensable and important resources to decide the
existence and development of any company, whether large or small. So it can be said
that human resources will play the operational role of a business. HR is the person
who converges all potentials in an organization or society, whether being a leader in
the company, the person who will become a member using all knowledge, ability,
and behavior. and ethical values to work, devote wisdom and energy to make the
business develop. Therefore, a store, a facility or a company needs a department to
exploit, select and train methodically human resources to help businesses achieve
quality, revenue as well as prestige - That is the recruitment department.
Recruitment of human resources is at a time of social development, high education,
the economy is more and more innovative, the market is being expanded, so the
recruitment has many advantages because of its abundant human resources. many to
attract, disadvantaged because it has to be very harshly selected to find suitable,
qualified and qualified personnel. Especially, it is even more difficult to recruit
personnel for a system or enterprise with the mechanism, principles and culture of
another country to find workers for themwhen choosing this industry to orient their
career for the future, must have learned through subjects and skills related to working
style as well as interview, but learning is a problem solving is one thing when entering
a real recruitment.
After 2 months of internship at Nutritionelife, I was assigned an internship in a real
position. recruitment department personnel. So this is the basis for me to choose my
internship report with the desire to apply all knowledge learned in the school to apply
in practice, not only myself. The author also learns skills, improves experience and
can contribute a part of his strength in the recruitment of SME personnel of the

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the my teacher, for helping me gain
useful knowledge to complete the internship process.
To complete this report, I would like to express my gratitude to for directly guiding
and helping me throughout the process of implementing the topic.
At the same time, I would like to say thank you to Ms. Tran Ha Lan - Head of HR
department, and Nutritionelife's brothers and sisters for creating conditions and
helping me during my internship. Thank you sincerely!



In order to evaluate whether a business is successful or not, it is impossible to separate
the human factor and training, using a team of employees that are effective in terms
of performance, productivity and high quality. The first step depends on recruiting
input. Because successfully completing the recruitment stage is the first step and is
the foundation for the success of each organization, establishment and enterprise on
the future path.
Through the above-mentioned rigorous arguments, those interested in such
environment can openly think about the hiring style of businesses as well as the
documents to exploit the experience of working with people. Thereby, the author has
accumulated and learned more things in recruitment research activities at


Research object: Research on human resource recruitment at Nutritionelife.
- Research scope:
+ In terms of premises: Nutritionelif is limited to the head office and central office in
+ About time: Researching the human resource recruitment at Nutritionelif during 02
months of internship 08/01/2023 - 08/3/2023

- Scientific significance: Research on the author's recruitment will help SMEs
companies realize the effectiveness and the limitations that need to be overcome
objectively in terms of recruitment. which often disagree. Besides, the solutions and
recommendations that I give help the company partially overcome the problems in
the recruitment of personnel and perform better in the future.
- Practical significance: The process of researching and implementing the topic will
help you become more fully aware of the importance of the recruitment of human
resources for each organization or enterprise. At the same time, this is also an
opportunity for people to reassess their acquired knowledge when they were still
sitting in school compared to actual requirements in order to have study plans,
improve their qualifications and accumulated experience for future work with strict
requirements from the position of SMEs employers.

During the internship of research at Nutritionelife, the author chooses 4 main research
methods to complete the topic:
Interview and logical method: The author uses this method to interview candidates
according to the recruitment process of the company's HR department. Must arrange
questions and string answers of candidates, from which the interview will be more
- Observation method: During the internship at the company, the author actively
regularly observed how the HR department works in recruitment. From there, we can
better understand the current recruitment situation at the company.
- Information analysis method: After collecting data related to the company's
recruitment, the author analyzes and evaluates the information to find the right, the
benefit, and the harm in the work recruiting at the company to offer solutions.
- Comparison method: Based on the theory learned at the school together with the
actual survey at Nutritionelife, the author compares to see the difference and explain
why there is the difference special. Applying this method helps people to have a more
objective view of recruitment in businesses.

The research topic of the layout is divided into three main chapters:
- Chapter 1: In chapter 1, we learn the basic concepts of recruitment, human resources.
From there give the effects of the recruitment process like.).
- Chapter 2: Chapter 2 will introduce in detail the organizational structure of
Nutritionelife and general information to better understand this company. Thereby
also outlines how the recruitment process will operate, from which give typical

examples of the interview process. Finally, to present difficult issues, disagreements
between employers and candidates in the interview and work environment.
- Chapter 3: In this chapter I give the basis of the problem between employers and
candidates. Through the above, I myself would like to offer practical solutions that
hope everyone can contribute and consult to help the enrollment of the company in
particular and help candidates in general.


The whole world is fighting to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in the current
economic era, Vietnam inherits benefits in terms of capital and access to international
markets, but when the epidemic occurs, the The decline in demand for labor,
combined with concerns about the health and safety of employees, has resulted in a
massive rejection of manpower, the closure of many facilities and businesses due to
cost burden. diplomas and wages for staff and building facilities. The risk of loss of
livelihoods increases high in the workforce from young to old because millions of
establishments and businesses temporarily leave employees or lay off. They want to
get a job close to their old experiences, otherwise they also want to get a job to take
care of themselves and their family, so this is both an opportunity and a challenge for
employers at Vietnamese market, they will have strict requirements and select many
rounds to find quality human resources. To see how companies have adapted to these
circumstances to use their human resources effectively. Because compared to other
resources such as financial resources, equipment, information, and machinery, human
resources are considered the most invaluable and most valuable resource of an
enterprise. Because only human strength can turn stone into rice and only human
resource is the only living resource that can use and control other resources, because
creative hands and minds influence it to become perfect or it will become

1.1. The concept of human resource recruitment

1.1.1. Human resources

Human resources include the mentality, physical strength, and quality of each
employee in an organization, including all individuals participating in any activity of
the organization, regardless of the role. What do their games do. Human resource is
an important factor in the production force because this includes the labor power,
intelligence, and spirit of a person with a decisive role in the movement and
development of the production force. Human resources determine the successful
development and progress of an organization or enterprise. Because the workforce is
the person who contributes and implements the ideas given by the business and the
company, they are the ones who make ideas become practical.
1.1.2. Recruitment of personnel
Recruitment of human resources is the process of attracting, searching and selecting
personnel to meet the needs of an enterprise, adding essential human resources to
fulfill the outlined goals of an organization or enterprise. Since then, the process of
evaluating candidates is based on many different aspects, based on the requirements
of the job to recruit.

1.2. The role of human recruitment

1.2.1. For Businesses

Effective recruitment of human resources will provide the company with a
professional and creative workforce, appointed to the position in accordance with the
requirements of the job. Based on that, recruitment contributes to increase labor
productivity, increase competition in the working premises as well as in the market
for businesses.
Recruitment of human resources has a great influence because this is the process of
"looking for gems in the stone", if an enterprise recruits employees who do not have
the necessary qualifications to meet the requirements of the job. It will certainly
adversely affect and directly affect the efficiency of the company's governance and
business operations.
Especially for a SMEs business, they pay attention to the requirements when
recruiting human resources in order to solve the burden of recruitment and business
costs, use human resources efficiently and complete the business plan. Because not
so, it is very easy to have organizational chaos, even causing disunity and internal
divisions within the company, which will result in wasted business costs, time for
training or Costly layoffs for businesses.

1.2.2. For society

Recruitment of human resources of enterprises helps the implementation of socio-
economic goals: employees have stable jobs, balance the supply-demand relationship

in terms of human resources, have income, reduce reduce social burdens such as
unemployment and other social evils. The second is to adjust for the best distribution
of personnel to other sectors and the local working density is balanced.
At the same time, the recruitment of human resources of enterprises also helps to use
the social resources most effectively to build a more civilized and developed society.
In short, recruiting human resources is a very important job, good managers must
directly monitor and perform important steps in the human resource recruitment
process. Especially for the forces of health-care sector who are in the training period
at the school as well as trainees..

1.2.3. For labor

Recruitment of human resources helps employees in the enterprise understand more
deeply about the philosophy and views of the managers, thereby orienting them
according to the training directions and their chosen industry. Helping human
resources aware of choosing a job that is suitable for their individual capacity and
Recruitment of human resources creates an atmosphere of emulation and a
competitive spirit within the employees of the enterprise, thereby improving business

1.3. Principles of recruiting personnel

For the recruitment of personnel, there are also basic principles that require employers
to be familiar with when conducting recruiting, including the following principles:
- First, recruiting personnel based on the requirements and nature of the job. The
practical need is the shortage of staff in the company and the addition of the
company's departments due to the inadequate number of jobs or the age of maternity
leave or termination.
- Second, the recruitment process must be open and transparent. When giving
information on recruitment must be clear about job requirements, job description,
recruitment department, number must be disclosed. Because then, new candidates can
access recruitment information in the most accurate and fair way, in order to enjoy
the same recruitment conditions and promotion opportunities.
- Third, candidates must be recruited and evaluated in an objective, democratic and
fair manner. In order to select an effective and truly capable human resource, the
employer's objective assessment must be consistent from the beginning, not selected
according to the subjective direction of colleagues' words and personal feelings. .
In short, all recruitment principles set out must be in line with the goals, vision,
strategies and values that the business, the company has planned. In addition, it must
be consistent with the company's financial capacity to select and exploit potential
candidates. Suitable both in terms of corporate culture as SMEs businesses will have
their own culture, consistent with company policies.

1.4. Exploiting sources and recruitment methods

1.4.1. Sources and recruitment methods within the company Recruitment target

The main object here is the officers and employees of the company who have been
working. Recruitment method

Since the source of recruitment is from within the company, there are several methods
to choose from:
- Firstly, recruiting personnel through recruitment job vacancies to all departments
and divisions in the company. In the notice will record full information such as job
requirements and job vacancies set out.

- Second, thanks to the relationships at the company from the introduction of the staff
members to the promotion staff themselves. Through this form, the recruitment
department can easily detect qualified employees that match the positions and
requirements of the job quickly.

- Third, review the records of old candidates, employees through the conditions of
skills, education and training levels available to re-apply and apply for the required
job. They already have work experience and other ethical factors in the working
process that are needed. The advantages of recruitment sources within the company

The use of resources within the company brings many optimal points:
Through this method, employers can save recruitment time as well as time for new
employees to get used to the job and the company environment, this familiarization
process for new employees will not interrupt to work that work is still going on
continuously. In addition, the employer has clearly grasped the information of the
company's employees such as education, strengths, working capacity of the
personnel, so the problem of inappropriate selection is limited.
In terms of finance, the company will save a lot of costs to recruit new employees,
such as costs of posting recruitment, leaflets, printing notices, costs of purchasing
information Cv. staff, contact costs for candidates, ... The disadvantages of internal recruitment sources

The use of human resources within the company also has the following limitations:
- This recruitment method is limited in the number of recruits as well as the chance
of finding a candidate with higher qualifications will be reduced.

- In terms of the former staff recruited in a small and medium company, the reuse of
the human resource will change the quality of the labor force. Moreover, they are
familiar with the way of working at the company, so creativity will lack initiative in
work. A part will affect employees' psychology such as conflicts, factions, internal
conflicts from those who are not promoted.

1.4.2. Sources and methods of recruitment outside the company Recruitment target

Subjects recruiting sources outside the company are people of the required working
age and not people in the business. Recruitment method

- The method of recruiting external sources as well as the first way of recruiting
sources within the company is thanks to the recommendation of officers and
employees through their social relationships to attract new candidates.
- The second form is to post job postings on mass media such as facebook, employers
can post information on recruitment sites and groups, or post job vacancies on job
pages, public private websites. ty and out. When applying this form of recruitment
when employers are in need of a large number of personnel and are rushing in time.
Moreover, this is also a tip to advertise images as well as attract everyone's attention
for their unit. But with this method, the company must pay attention to issues such as
choosing the recruitment channel, timing, frequency of job posting, as well as the
content of posting and the form of advertising accordingly.
- The third form can be mentioned is the recruitment of personnel through the
organization and participation in the job fair program at universities and employment
centers signed. This is also a good way that many employers are applying very well,
these candidates have a certain level of training and quality. This method helps
employers to directly contact many potential candidates without going through
intermediaries, expanding the ability to choose personnel and the scale is also larger,
with more legitimate grounds for to come to the right decisions without wasting time
on both sides.

Similar to the above method, employers choose to directly contact vocational training
institutions, intermediate schools as well as colleges and universities to be nominated
for the best candidates for selection by them. This form is often applied when the
recruitment organization needs a new, well-trained young staff that does not require
- The form of accepting students for internships is also a way for employers to share
the workload without sometimes having to pay them, saving the company a cost.
During the internship in an enterprise, the employer assigns the internship students as
well as instructs them to work more flexibly without being afraid of teaching. At the

end of the internship process, but the employer finds that the candidate works well
and has the ability, he can keep or suggest the student to recruit to work in the
enterprise. In addition, for the seasonal human resources positions with simple
requirements, in order to save costs, enterprises can apply the form of handing out to
recruit a large number of workforce. With this method, employers can save time
looking for candidates but also evaluate their attitudes and capabilities during the
internship process. Advantages of recruitment outside the company

The first thing to mention is that the source of external recruitment will be very rich
in both quantity and quality, this will give employers the opportunity to find more
candidates and skilled workers. height to meet job requirements.
The second advantage is that when external human resources are selected to work,
they will improve the quality of the work, because they will create a solution.
new working methods, changing the way, old ways of operation and thinking, so it is
this external human resource that promotes the organization's development and
A method of recruiting from outside the company is the old competitor's employees,
this helps the company to exploit and learn a lot of valuable experience from its peer
For new human resources from outside, it will help managers and instructors to easily
train as well as communicate principles and working methods compared to sources
within the company. Disadvantage source recruiting outside the company

The downside should pay attention to from external recruiting sources:

To organize an interview process, the business has to spend a lot of money, in terms
of time, money and effort. In addition, the company will take a lot of time to train
them and for new personnel to get used to the job, new working environment.

The second drawback, if the company recruits outside resources for leadership
positions in the business, the motivation of employees in a team will be severely
reduced and conflicted. Complicated conflicts will arise when giving a common view
to implementing the goals of the business. Sometimes the recruitment of new
personnel does not go as expected and their loyalty to the organization is not high.

1.5. Steps to recruit human resources

In order to successfully complete the recruitment of human resources, first of all, the
organization must step by step implement the methodical, scientific and reasonable
recruitment. Each business, they will choose their own path to complete the
recruitment goal depending on the characteristics of the organization as well as the
requirements of the job in that position. The basic steps are as follows:
- Step 1: Determine recruitment needs The organization's recruitment needs come
from the request of the Director, the proposal of the Organization - Administration
department and the recruitment requirements of functional departments. To
determine the correct recruitment needs, the organization must first conduct work
analysis. Job analysis provides essential information about the requirements and
characteristics of the job, which is the basis for developing job descriptions and job
standards. Job analysis provides administrators with a summary of the tasks and
responsibilities of one job in relation to other jobs.
Since then, it helps administrators to answer the following questions: Is the job to be
recruited for permanent or temporary? What special and specialized knowledge does
that job require? Is it necessary to hire more people to do the work? If yes, what other
jobs does the person being recruited get? What are the functions, duties and
relationships with the organization? What is the expertise, health, experience ... of
that new job? After answering these questions correctly, enterprises can determine
the optimal step is to recruit or apply other methods to suit each time, business
opportunity of the business.
- Step 2: Making a recruitment plan, making a clear and detailed recruitment plan is
a very important step to help the recruitment of the organization in the right direction,
saving time and costs. The main contents of the recruitment plan are as follows:
Determine the correct quantity and quality of labor required. Determine the
recruitment source and recruitment methods to recruit the sufficient quantity and
quality of employees in the missing positions, the organization will consider, choose
from which source, which method depends on the advantages and disadvantages of
recruitment sources. Determining where to recruit and recruitment time is the decisive
factor for the success of the recruitment process. And depending on the quality of
labor to be recruited, employers will choose the right location. In addition, the
organization needs to clearly and specifically define the time for the recruitment
process so that employers can be more proactive in recruiting and meet production
requirements. Proceed to set up a recruitment council.
- Step 3: Notice of recruitment
The purpose of this step is to attract the most candidates from different sources to
facilitate the selection and achieve the desired results. To achieve this goal, it is
necessary to take three steps: design announcements, determine the purpose of
information, and declare recruitment information. Designing the content and form of
the announcement is an important step in ensuring that the candidates are attracted to
the interest.

The content of the notice should provide a complete, clear and detailed information
as follows: Advertising about the company, describing the nature of the job so that
job applicants better understand the prestige and attractiveness in Work. The main
functions, responsibilities, and tasks in the job so that job applicants can visualize the
job they intend to apply for. Benefits if the candidate is recruited such as salary,
training opportunities, promotion, working environment ... Instructions on
administrative procedures, documents, how to contact the company ... The
organization can choose the following recruitment notice: Announcing on the mass
media. Post up notices at the corporate headquarters, where people pass by to attract
candidates' attention. Send notices to the specialized training schools by introducing
candidates matching the recruitment criteria. Combine with job placement counseling
centers to inform, find and attract suitable candidates. Internet announcement, job
search channels, facebook pages have become a popular means of announcing
recruitment and employment needs of enterprises. The announcement should be brief
but clear, detailed and complete with basic information for candidates such as
requirements for qualifications, knowledge, qualities and personal characteristics ...
In addition, the organization should choose select recruiting staff carefully, because
they are the representatives of the organization, the candidates always consider them
as role models, in order to attract and find many candidates, the organization must
choose the staff with They are qualified, have ethical, knowledgeable in professional
work, have the necessary recruitment skills ... they will replace the company to reveal
their temper on the selection and evaluation of candidates, a bright face price of the
company at the first exposure.

1.6. The reasons affecting the recruitment of personnel

1.6.1. Cause outside the company The relationship between supply and demand

The relationship of supply and demand in recruitment affects a lot for an
establishment, enterprise or company. The employer has a huge demand for both
quality and quantity candidates, based on such a demand, the labor market provides
a lot of job candidates to meet the problem that the company is interested in. Competition between rival companies

In the period of economic stability, recruitment at companies began to have a fierce
competition to find and attract many good candidates for the business, which greatly
affects work efficiency. recruitment. Companies always have to grasp when applying
for applications or finding information to promptly contact to avoid being competed
by the competing company before potential personnel.

18 Economic restructuring
Economic restructuring leads to changes in the labor structure of the whole economy,
so it affects whether one industry or another can employ workers? Which industry is
more chosen by employees? The concept of job career

At each time, the conception of career and work is different. If the job position that
needs to be recruited, the position of the organization is popular with many people,
the business will attract more candidates. Candidates will pay much attention to this
factor to choose the right color for themselves for the job Legal policy

During the recruitment process, the employer must comply with the laws of the state
such as the regulations on the working age, working time or the salary for employees

1.6.2. Cause inside the company The company's reputation in the market

The more reputable a business is, the easier it is to attract workers. When looking for
jobs, employees always want to work for a reputable organization with a long
tradition because promotion opportunities as well as policies will be high compared
to the general market. Legal proposal for labor contracts. Finance of the company

This is an important factor that has a great influence on recruitment because when a
recruitment program costs a lot, it is costly to operate from recruitment to selection. Policy on human resources in the company

If the company has labor remuneration, working environment conditions, training and
using employees ... suitable and bringing many benefits to employees, it will be an
advantage to help the team organization attracts more candidates to apply. Employer attitude

The attitude of managers has a great influence on the quality of the recruitment of
business personnel. This is the decisive factor for the success of a recruitment to be
productive or not. An employer with the attitude of appreciating talented people,
finding many measures to attract talent will find talented employees, especially to
recognize and evaluate candidates in many aspects. And the managers only hire

employees who are less than themselves, the company will do less effective. The
manager must see the role of the recruitment of human resources in an organization,
thereby having the correct attitude in labor recruitment, avoiding the phenomenon of
bias. Administrators also need to create a comfortable atmosphere, so that the
candidates can be confident, reveal their personal capacity to the fullest, so that the
recruitment will be of high quality. The corporate cultural environment

Each country has its own culture. The company also elects corporate culture. It is the
social and psychological atmosphere of the collective when working together in a
common environment. A company's cultural atmosphere influences organizational
success. It directly affects employee satisfaction with the organization as well as
employee productivity. For SMEs businesses, they let employees dress freely,
dynamic and trendy, but within the framework of being polite in the workplace
environment, and be respectful in the educational environment. Even Nutritionelife
company has the same regulations, this is also a way to make employees feel
comfortable when they go to work because they can choose their own clothes to
express their personalities, thereby helping employers and the company. can partly
judge their personality in the process of observation.

1.7. Recruitment for Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited

Human resource is an invaluable resource of every business, is a vital decisive factor
for an enterprise. The recruitment of human resources is the first basic stage of the
labor organization process, it has a direct impact on other jobs, so in an enterprise,
recruitment is always focused. Each business can implement the recruitment process
according to a separate process depending on the actual conditions of the business
line of that enterprise. Seeing that, Nutritionelife Vietnam company has built its own
recruitment process to be able to select the best staff in accordance with the company's
job requirements. An inevitable Business model is to recruit more qualified and
qualified personnel to meet the job requirements in the economic situation facing
epidemics and competition like recent years. That is one of the reasons that companies
need to pay more attention to recruitment at the company. The company needs to
make changes in recruitment to be more suitable for the new challenging environment
in order to be able to recruit the best and most suitable employees and spend at least
the recruitment time. the application must also be shortened to suit current conditions.
To do this, we have to research recruitment at the company in order to grasp the
strengths and weaknesses of the work, thereby offering solutions to improve the
quality of the company's recruitment.

Summary of chapter 1
In chapter 1, we learn the basic concepts of recruitment, human resources. From that
point out the effects of the recruitment process

2.1 Overview of Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited
2.1.1 General information
Tax code: 0108167967
Operation day: February 12th, 2018
Business License Date: February 26th, 2018
Legal representative: Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà
General Director: Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà
Hotline: 091 993 0030
Address: Lot 303B, 3rd Floor, MeLinh Plaza Ha Dong Shopping Mall, Lot II,
Trung Area, Ha Cau Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi.

Figure 2. 1: Company logo

Nutrionelife is the number one health food brand in South Korea, offering
products for health and beauty care. It is manufactured by the Cosmax NBT group,
which adheres to GMP standards in its production process.
The Cosmax NBT group is one of the leading companies in research,
development, and production of health and beauty foods in South Korea. Currently,
Cosmax NBT owns advanced factory systems in several countries, including South

Korea, Australia, the USA, and China. Among these, South Korea has four large
factories and is the largest factory in South Korea for producing health food.
Established in 2018, Nutrionelife Vietnam is the exclusive distributor of
Nutrionelife brand health and care products in Vietnam. With a mission to improve
community health, we are bringing our customers the best quality products.
2.1.2 History of formation and development of Nutritionelife
Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is a company based in
Vietnam that specializes in importing and distributing functional foods and dietary
supplements. The company was registered in 2017, and it appears to be a relatively
new company in the industry.

According to its website, the company's mission is to provide high-quality

functional foods and supplements that can help improve the health and well-being of
its customers. The company sources its products from reputable manufacturers and
suppliers around the world, and it claims to adhere to strict quality control standards
to ensure the safety and effectiveness of its products.

Since its founding, Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited has

reportedly grown rapidly, expanding its product line and customer base. The
company has established partnerships with various health food stores, pharmacies,
and online retailers in Vietnam, and it continues to seek out new opportunities for
growth and expansion in the functional food market.

Overall, while Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is a relatively

new player in the industry, it appears to be committed to providing high-quality
functional foods and supplements to its customers in Vietnam..
2.2 Characteristics of production, business - service
2.2.1. Products and services of the company
Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited specializes in importing and
distributing functional foods and dietary supplements that are designed to improve
the health and well-being of its customers. Some of the products and services offered
by the company include:

Functional foods: Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited offers a
range of functional foods, such as protein bars, energy bars, and other snacks that are
designed to provide a convenient and healthy source of nutrition for its customers.

Dietary supplements: The company also offers a variety of dietary supplements,

including vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, and other nutrients that can help support
various aspects of health and wellness.

Nutritional consultations: Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited

provides nutritional consultations to help customers choose the right products for
their specific health and wellness needs. These consultations are conducted by trained
nutritionists and health professionals.

Online ordering: Customers can place orders for Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading
Company Limited's products through its website, which offers a user-friendly online
ordering system.

Wholesale distribution: The company also offers wholesale distribution services

for its products, making them available to health food stores, pharmacies, and other
retailers in Vietnam.

Overall, Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited's products and

services are focused on providing high-quality functional foods and supplements that
can help improve the health and well-being of its customers..
2.2.2. Source of candidate search of NUTRITIONELIFE company

Nutritionelife Viet Nam Trading Company Limited is based on the recruitment

requirements of customers, expanding the search for candidates on Website and social
networking platforms.
With the current speed of development in information technology, instead of
finding labor resources in the traditional way: Contact job placement centers,

participate in job fairs, the company uses websites specializing in providing human
resources such as: Appendix 1. Website has been one of the
human resource providers for the company today, providing the company with
employees working in factories and industrial parks. This is a provider that the
company regularly uses to post, control the number of resumes that candidates have
submitted and search for more experienced resumes to contact if they want to work
in the positions that the company is recruiting or not. Appendix is also one of the suppliers
that has cooperated with the Company for many years. Most vietnamworks suppliers
provide qualified employees in the field of sales and sales. Just like, the Recruitment Department uses daily to
post job postings and control the number of resumes submitted.
Facebook: Appendix 3. In addition to or Vietnamworks, with
the modernization of society, social networking sites are increasingly used, so
Facebook is also a source of quality candidates and can easily communicate directly
with candidates. Each employee will have a separate profile to join job search groups
in different areas to post vacancies along with essential information such as salary,
benefits, job descriptions and application locations.
Good Deeds: Appendix 4. Good Jobs is a job network on the Good Market
platform. Here candidates can find jobs based on the salary they want. Recruiters can
post looking for suitable candidates easily. With an interface that is easy to see and
accessible to users, Good Deeds is a platform that attracts many employers.
In addition, Nutritionelife Viet Nam Trading Company Limited can also source
candidates from other websites or social networks such as:,, Tiktok, Instagram,... (Appendix 5)
2.2.3. Customers of NUTRITIONELIFE Co., L td.

Health-conscious individuals: These are people who are actively seeking out
ways to improve their overall health and wellness through their diet and lifestyle

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts: These individuals are often looking for foods
and supplements that can help them improve their performance, build muscle, and
enhance their recovery after exercise.

Individuals with specific health conditions: Functional foods can be targeted

towards specific health conditions, such as digestive issues, heart health, and
cognitive function, so individuals with these conditions may be interested in these

Aging populations: As people age, they may be more interested in functional

foods that can help support their overall health and well-being, and address age-
related health concerns.

Vegetarians and vegans: Functional food companies may offer plant-based

products that are suitable for these individuals who are looking to meet their
nutritional needs through a plant-based diet.

Parents and caregivers: Functional foods can be marketed towards parents and
caregivers who are looking for ways to ensure that their children are getting the proper
nutrition they need to support their growth and development.

Overall, the potential customer base for Nutritionelife is diverse and can include
a wide range of individuals with different health concerns, dietary preferences, and
2.2.4. Competitors of NUTRITIONELIFE Co., Ltd.

JP THIEN AN COMPANY LIMITED is considered an outstanding company in

the field of providing functional food. Present in Vietnam in 2001, 10 years before
Nutritionelife , Le & Associates is one of the formidable competitors when it has
affirmed its name in the field of trading functional food.
QUANGMINH GROCERY COMPANY LIMITED is known as a business that
provides functional food through signing diverse contracts by providing unique
solutions in the following areas: FMCG, retail, food and food service,... At the same

time as launching with JP Thien An, People Link JSC today has also asserted its name
in its home country and is considered a strong competitor of Nutritionelife .
2.3 Organizational structure of enterprises
2.3.1. Organizational structure diagram of Nutritionelife , Ltd. Co.

Phòng đào tạo và

phát triển

Phòng hành chính

Nhân sự

Phòng kinh doanh

Bộ phận nguồn
Ban Giám Đốc

Phòng tuyển dụng

Bộ phận tuyển
Phòng dự án

Phòng kế toán

Phòng IT

Phòng Marketing

Scheme 2. 1: Diagram of NUTRITIONELIFE Co., Ltd.

(Source: Human Resources Department of Nutritionelife , Ltd.) Co.

2.3.2. Functions and tasks of each department

Board of Directors: Being the leading department of the Company, managing and
operating business activities; Strategic planning, development orientation for the
Company in the future.
Training and Development Department: Plan training and organize courses to
update knowledge and skills for the company's employees according to each project.
Human Resource Administration Department: Manage the human resources
situation at Nutritionelife company such as: Timekeeping, planning recruitment and
personnel allocation, receiving and storing all kinds of documents as prescribed.
Carry out recruitment, dismissal, coordination with functional departments involved
in the recruitment process. Coordinate with the finance and accounting department to

propose salary increases, bonuses for employees, and allocate salary funds. Ensure
policies related to employees' interests such as social insurance, health insurance,
organization of entertainment activities and some other regimes related to employees.
Sales Department: in charge of finding customers, negotiating terms, prices and
enforcement conditions. In addition, the sales department also makes reports on
business situation and revenue according to the set plan.
Recruitment Department: Recruiting personnel in the simplest way is to select
people to use for the purpose of operation of organizations and businesses. It is a
process of finding, attracting and selecting from many different sources qualified
employees to fill the position that the business needs to recruit. Finding the right
employee for the job position right from the beginning will make management
activities easier and lighter. And a recruiter is the person who performs the work of
finding, attracting and selecting candidates suitable for the position that the
organization or business needs.
When it comes to the recruitment process, this does not stop at a few stages such
as posting information, interviewing, announcing job acceptance, but it is a long
process from identifying recruitment needs to resolving requests, liquidating
contracts for employees leaving the company... Therefore, the role of a recruiter is a
long-term, continuous process. Once the right employees are selected and they have
long-term attachment and promotion to the organization or business, then the
recruitment activity has been successful.
In order to have the right resources to meet the requirements of the client's
business, help the client achieve business goals and strategies, it first depends on
recruitment. Understanding the importance of recruitment, the company has built its
own recruitment process.
Professional tasks: Make an action plan to implement the Company's Recruitment
plans and recruitment needs arising during the year. Develop and adjust the
recruitment process. Review the job description, adjust the job description to suit the
needs at the time of posting. Write new job descriptions for new positions. Evaluate
and select suitable recruitment channels according to the positions to be recruited.
Develop entrance exams, interviews, evaluation criteria corresponding to positions.
Guide department heads about the recruitment process, coordinate with each other in

the recruitment process. Carry out recruitment activities, build recruitment brands of
Directly participate in the recruitment process: Search for candidates; Receiving
and evaluating dossiers, selecting dossiers; Organizing examinations, Organizing
interviews, Attending candidate interviews, Proposing candidate selection, Making
candidate data lists
Other jobs: Organizing movement and trade union activities to maintain and
strengthen the company's cultural activities; Participation and other personnel
activities of the company; Perform other office records tasks as assigned by
Project Management Department: Control the activities of projects (updating
staff recruitment, arranging training time...), at the same time working directly,
reporting progress to customers and resolving complaints. The project department
will run various projects with a large number of personnel. This is the division that
governs the outsourcing of the company. At the same time, monitor the work progress
of projects such as Pepsi, Unilever and Samsung.
Accounting Department: Manage accounting documents, implement the regime
of reporting and accounting for assets and expenditures in the company in accordance
with the law. Develop an accounting system and guide the implementation of
accounting tasks for the whole company. Providing information through financial
statements in a clear, accurate and timely manner helps the company fulfill its
financial and economic functions. Perform salary calculation for all employees in the
company. Organize necessary activities to perform the calculation of business
efficiency and orders and contracts of the company. Collect and store all sales
invoices and documents related to taxes according to current regulations and make
payments on time.
IT department: Including writing programs, creating working accounts,
managing working systems, supporting internet problems, information technology.
Set up an employee management information system and record keeping, create
recruitment requirements for partners. Support in the management and recruitment of
employees for the company as well as for partner projects. Handle problems that
occur when the system fails or an employee's personal computer fails. Create a

connection environment to find candidate profiles on career pages such as,, Mywork,,...
2.4 Business performance from 2019 to 2021
2.4.1. Asset size
Table 2. 1: Size assets of Nutritionelife Viet Nam Trading Company

Limited from 2019 to 2021.

(Unit: million dong)
2019 2020 2021 Compare
2019- 2020-
Value Density Value Density Value Density
2020 2021
CURRENT 4.935 100% 5.029 100% 5.037 100% 94 8
1. Cash and
cash 1.718 35% 1.829 36% 952 19% 111 (877)
2. Short-
0 0 0 0% 0 0% 0 0
3. Short-
term 119 2% 154 3% 43 1% 35 (111)

4. Inventory 2.904 59% 2.886 57% 3.796 75% (18) 910

5. Other
short-term 194 4% 160 3% 246 5% (34) 86
TERM 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0

4.935 100% 5.029 100% 5.037 100% 94 8
(Source: Accounting Department)
Comments: In 2020, the company's total assets increased by VND 94 million
from VND 4,935 million to VND 5,029 million. An increase of VND 94 million is a
normal figure for the Company because in 2019, Ho Chi Minh City was only slightly
affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. The company's business at this time was still
active. By 2021, the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic is complicated in our country,
especially Ho Chi Minh City. Even many companies have to stop production and
business activities. At this time, the company's total assets from 2020 to 2021 still
increased by VND 8 million. This was fortunate for the company as a series of
competitors declared bankruptcy.

2.4.2. Capital size

Table 2. 2: Capital size of Nutritionelife Viet Nam Trading Company
Limited from 2019 to 2021.
(Unit: million dong)
2019 2020 2021 Compare
Quota 2019- 2020-
Value Density Value Density Value Density
2020 2021
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0

D-EQUITY 4.935 100% 5.029 100% 5.037 100% 94 8

4.935 100% 5.029 100% 5.037 100% 94 8

(Source: Accounting Department)

Comments: In general, the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the company's
capital size is similar to the size of assets. In 2020, an increase of VND 94 million
from VND 4,935 million to VND 5,029 million. In 2021, it also increased by VND 8
million from VND 5,029 million to VND 5,037 million.
2.4.3. Business results from 2019- 2021
Table 2. 3: Analysis of business results of Nutritionelife Viet Nam Trading
Company Limited from 2019 to 2021.
(Unit: million dong)

2020 vs. 2021 vs.

BTI Quota 2019 2020 2021
2019 2020

1 Turnover 12.301 12.941 11.037 640 (1.904)

2 Cost 12.367 12.846 11.026 479 (1.820)
3 LN before tax (69) 95 11 164 (84)
4 LN after tax (69) 91 9 160 (82)
(Source: Sales Department)
Through the above data table, we see:
Net revenue from service provision had uneven growth. Revenue in 2020
compared to 2019 has increased to VND 640 million. But in the following year, due
to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, revenue decreased by VND 1,904 million.
This shows that Covid-19 has greatly affected the Company's revenue and profit.
Currently, the Company is in the process of recovering from that impact. The prices
of the services that the Company sells are currently in a strong growth momentum.
To be able to achieve this is thanks to the continuous efforts of all employees in the
Company. The company owns a young, knowledgeable, dynamic and creative
workforce. In addition, the Company always actively seeks to capture and respond

promptly to the needs of customers, constantly improve the quality of candidates to
improve its competitive position and attract more customers.
Service costs and management costs of 2020 have increased by VND 479 million
compared to 2019. Particularly, 2021 will decrease a lot compared to 2020,
specifically it has decreased by VND 1,820 million. Such a sharp decrease in revenue
and expenses in 2021 also made profit after tax in 2021 decrease by 82 million
compared to 2020.
We can clearly see that, although the Covid-19 epidemic has passed, it has also
left many serious consequences on the global economy in general and our country in
particular. Not only Nutritionelife Viet Nam Trading Company Limited but also
many other companies were seriously affected. In order to restore the company's
production and business, the company's staff has been working constantly to find
solutions as well as help the company increase revenue and profit. Therefore, the
company is having to take advantage and maximize its strengths, step by step
overcome difficulties to improve its competitive position and efficiency in business
activities. 2022 promises to be a booming year for the company. When I arrived at
the Internship Company, I could see that the phone from the client was constantly
vibrating, the phone had to work non-stop, let alone the people there. The
management of the company was very wise to find such enthusiastic teammates.

2.5. Organizational structure at Recruitment Department

2.5.1. Organization chart at the Recruitment Department

Trưởng phòng tuyển dụng

Nguyễn Thị Phụng


Phó phòng tuyển dụng

Phạm Tấn Lễ

Chuyên viên tuyển dụng Team

(theo từng dự án) Nguồn

Cộng Tác Cộng Tác

Intern Intern
Viên Viên
The organizational structure of the Recruitment at NUTRITIONELIFE mainly

Scheme 2. 2: Organizational structure of the recruitment department

(Source: Human Resources Department 2022)

follows the above model headed by Ms. Nguyen Thi Phung Tien. Next is Mr. Pham
Tan Le with the position of general supervisor of human resources. The next positions
are Recruiters, Collaborators and Interns.
Currently, the recruitment office at the headquarters of Binh Thanh district has
staff in charge of many different projects:

Table 2. 4: Recruitment department staff structure

BTI Location Project Amount

1 Recruit Sales (interns) 10

Manager 2
HR 1
Sales (Junior) 6
2 Source Team - 12
3 Deputy - 1
4 Head of - 1
Sum 72

(Source: Recruitment Room 20 22)

2.5.2. Tasks of each position Head of Recruitment
The Head of Recruitment Department is the person in charge and manager of the
Recruitment and Human Resources Training Department ... Research and explore
labor resources to have a plan to recruit and train labor in order to promote labor
resources well, in accordance with the production and business requirements and
development of the company.
Make and implement a recruitment plan for the entire Company.
Plan the budget, annual recruitment targets.
Implement budgets and targets towards financial efficiency and resource
Manage work performance in the Recruitment team, including: developing
employee competencies, guiding, dividing work, monitoring and controlling
employee performance.
Actively seek and develop a network of relationships with potential candidates
and talents in the market to meet recruitment needs.
Implement new employee training, internal training and corporate culture.
Report to the Director/Deputy Director of the Division on recruitment and other
reports as required by the Director/Deputy Director of the Department. Deputy Recruiter

Deputy Head of Department is a managerial title, is a deputy of the Head of
Department, responsible for assisting the Head of Department in charge, directing
and managing one or several aspects of the department's work as assigned by the
Head of Department; take responsibility before the Head of Department and before
law for assigned tasks;
Organize the management and administration of the work of the Department;
assign tasks and guide and urge civil servants and employees to perform the tasks of
the Department;
Advise on the performance of professional tasks according to the functions and
tasks of the Department.
Monitor the recruitment progress of recruitment specialists according to each
project. Recruiter
A recruiter is a person who directly communicates and receives recruitment
requests from customers. Plan and train collaborators and interns to assist with
Support customers when problems arise in the system or create recruitment
Monitor the recruitment progress of collaborators and interns.
Report recruitment progress daily, weekly, and monthly to department heads,
deputies, and clients who can track recruitment progress.
Propose and implement solutions to improve the organization's human resources.
Maintain relationships with human resources, create long-term relationships with
Create profile sourcing, reach candidates through multiple means
mass news.
Daily receive and process applications from candidates nationwide, avoiding
delays that take time as well as limit the loss of KPIs.
Establish and maintain human resource networks in each region nationwide. Collaborators and interns
Receive recruitment information from recruitment specialists, exchange
questions and necessary information for vacancies.

Post on job search information sites to find suitable candidates. When a candidate
submits an application, conduct information exchange and preliminary. If the
candidate meets the requirements for the position to be recruited, the candidate's
profile will be transferred directly to the recruiter who will then be called for an
interview 1 time to make sure that the candidate accepts the job.
2.6. Assess the current situation of human resource recruitment
at Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited.

2.6.1. Current status of the company's human resource

recruitment process

Table 2. 5: Recruitment process at Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading

Company Limited


Receiving Projects with

personnel recruitment needs

N Talk to Head of Human

Review o departme A2
nts Resources

Recruitment Notice A3

Receptionof candidates' Recruitment

documents A4
N Tempor
Select o aryStay A5

Synthesis of records


No Recruitment
Round 1 Tempora A7
ryStay Department
Verification, investigation A8

Round 2 Tempor
interview aryStay
Lakes A9

A10 department and
No department heads
Assess aryStay wishing to recruit
Lakes A11

Making hiring decisions


(Source: Recruitment Department)

Explain the process:
Step A1: Receive personnel requests
The human resources department, namely the recruitment department, receives
recruitment requests from clients of various projects.

Table 2. 6: Internal Project Recruitment Demand Table from 2019 to 2021
(Unit: People)
2019 2020 2021 2020/2019 2021/2020
Quota Numb Numb
% er of % er of % Sprea % Spreads
people people ds
I Total Employees 752 100 781 100 755 100 29 2,5 (26) (3,3)
II Recruitment
145 100 154 100 105 100 9 6,2 (49) (31,8)
1. According to
the nature of the
- Direct labor 142 97,9 150 97,4 100 95,2 8 5,6 (50) (33,3)
- Indirect labor 3 2,1 4 2,6 5 4,8 1 33,3 1 25
2. By gender
-South 57 39,3 52 33,8 23 21,9 5 8,8 (29) (55,7)
-Female 88 60,7 102 66,2 82 78,1 14 16 (20) (19,6)
3. By training
- Engineering,
0 0 1 0,7 0 0 1 0 0 0
- Economics and
3 2,1 3 1,9 5 4,8 0 0 2 66,6
-Worker 142 97,9 150 97,4 100 95,2 8 5,6 50 33,3

4. By qualification

- College, 3 2,1 4 2,6 5 4,8 1 33,3 1 25

University, Higher
- Intermediate 115 79,3 126 81,8 85 80 11 9,6 (41) (32,5)
- Universal League 30 18,6 24 15,6 15 14,2 6 20 (9) (37,5)
(Source: Human Resources Administration )

Internal recruitment demand in 20 and 21 decreased compared 20 26 That's to 20 and , namely by employees.

because Nutritionelife wants to downsize, make the apparatus. The company's

production is more compact and efficient. Therefore, although the demand for labor
decreases, it still ensures high production efficiency. The demand for direct labor is
always higher than indirect labor and increases and decreases unevenly over the
years. In all three years, the demand for indirect labor did not increase much and
remained low.
Primary and unskilled workers have declined steadily over the years , with a relatively
large number of 50 in 20 20 compared to 20 20, which is because Nutritionelife wants to reduce the
number of employees with the best sales skills.
The demand for recruiting female employees is more than male employees,
specifically, the recruitment of other workers accounts for 60.69% (year 20,19 ), 66.23% (y ear 20, 20)
and 78.09% (year 20 21), while male employees are very few, which is due to the

nature of consulting work, Often male workers are afraid to communicate and

consult sales at the store. The nature of Nutritionelife Milk sales consultant work in
Hanoi Supermarket requires only female recruitment. The higher proportion of direct
and unskilled workers (for example, accounting for 95.24% in 2021) is because the
characteristics of sales con sulting jobs do not require advanced qualificatio ns, and sales consulting experience is an advantage for
Step A2: Review
The recruitment department of Nutritionelife summarizes recruitment requests Company

and submits them to the head of human resources department for consideration and
approval of recruitment needs. If the hiring needs are reasonable, move on to step A3.

Conversely, if the recruitment demand is not reasonable, the head of the human
resources department will directly contact the demand proposal department to discuss
more carefully about the recruitment needs.
Step A3: Announce the recruitment
From information about vacancies such as position, salary, job description,
remuneration policy ... The Recruitment Department establishes a recruitment notice
board for the position to be filled.
After completing the recruitment notice board, the recruitment department shall
contact and post information on mass media such as the Internet, radio, television,
job newspapers ... to attract candidates. Once you've completed the above tasks,
proceed to step A4.
Step A4: Receive candidate documents
Currently, most companies lack labor to serve the production process, so the
competition in the labor market of companies is very fierce. To be able to attract an
abundant labor force, the company should come up with more attractive and creative
forms of advertising.
However, the company's search and attraction for job applicants is still not really
effective. Posting information on social networking sites or posting posters
announcing is only temporary and loses the initiative in finding candidates, so the
efficiency will not be high, prolonging the search time.
Table 2. 7: Number of applications to the company in 2019-2021
Unit: Profile
(Source: Human Administration Department )
Year Recruitment demand Number of resumes
Internal External Internal External
sources sources sources sources
2019 3 142 7 153
2020 4 150 10 185
2021 5 100 15 125
Based on the number of applications of the company, it can be seen that the
number of employees applying to the company's internal sources is mainly transferred

jobs. These jobs are usually positioned higher than the original position. These
positions are: Senior PG, Merchandise PG . ,...

The remaining documents from external sources are mainly for recruitment for
jobs such as: PG MT (Nutritionelife milk sales consultant at supermarkets), PG GT
(Nutritionelife milk sales consultant at dairy stores), Rural pp Activation
(Nutritionelife milk sales consultant at regional dairy ) ... In 3 years, the recruitment

demand from external sources is always much higher than the demand for recruitment
from internal sources. That is because external recruitment sources are always more
abundant than internal sources, so they can timely meet the recruitment needs of the company.
Step A5: Profile screening
Based on the recruitment criteria set in advance, the recruitment department
conducts filtering of candidate profiles suitable for the position. Resumes that match
the job requirements move on to step A6. On the contrary, inappropriate records are
backed up and kept in case of shortage of candidates.
After the company posts a recruitment notice that attracts candidates to apply, the
company will receive applications. Initially, to save time for candidates to apply, the
company often asks for an email application in advance to consider whether it is
suitable for the job, and then will respond to the candidate. The reception and
screening of this application is received and processed by the Recruitment department . The
application submitted by applicants must meet the following criteria:
In terms of form: Personal documents such as identity card, household
registration ,... must be notarized photocopied according to the requirements and
regulations of the company
In terms of content: The dossier must show the professional qualifications as well
as the knowledge required by each position through job applications, resumes and
related qualifications and certificates.
Depending on the different job position, the degree requirements also vary. For
sales consultants the job is simple, does not require high qualifications, so only a

college degree, or intermediate, may not have a degree but work experience. For
higher-level , a university degree is required and some jobs require English.
p ositions

After receiving all the satisfactory documents in terms of form and content, the
Recruitment Department begins to screen the applications, selecting the most satisfactory ones.

Then make a list and give interview sheets to candidates.
The reception and screening of documents are evaluated by all people as quite
clear and transparent. Nutritionelife done very well at this step because the company

has specific, complete and strict plans.

Step A6: Compile documents
Compile the appropriate candidate profile in A5. In addition to the summary of
resumes from the above job announcement, recruiters can take advantage of the
source of resumes from internal data in similar jobs in the past to find candidates.
Normally, after each recruitment process, there is a backup of candidate records
(data). Recruitment staff will transfer candidate data to recruitment support people
such as trainees, CTV, probationary staff ... Let them directly contact them to ask if
they want to apply for this job or not.
The selection of old candidates always complies with the following regulations:
− Candidate profiles must meet the job criteria
− Non-blacklisted candidates
− Candidates do not have any bad records from previous jobs (e.g.
Quitting their jobs, not attending training classes, not complying with
workplace regulations, etc.) except in cases where there is a good reason.

Step A7: Round 1 interview

Conduct preliminary interviews of applicants, the preliminary interview is
intended to help the recruitment department approach candidates to understand the
candidate's profile, and check if the information is similar to the profile.
The recruitment department will directly call and discuss with candidates for 15-
30 minutes about the job as well as the necessary requirements to apply for the job.
At the same time, organize a short test to preliminarily evaluate candidates. For
salesperson positions, recruiters create sales situations with customers who are
recruiters, the goal is to check how to handle the situation, evaluate communication
ability ... of the candidate before the situation.
After the interview, the satisfactory application will be moved to step A8.
Records that fail to be temporarily retained may be reviewed or imitated later in case
of shortages.

Step A8: Verify the investigation
From the preliminary interview documents round 1, the recruitment department
contacts the reference person of each candidate to determine the candidate's ability
and previous work experience. This stage helps the recruitment department better
understand the candidate and find potential candidates for the position.
In case the candidate does not leave the reference information on the CV, the
recruitment officer will directly contact the candidate to get the referencer
information. This job is relatively time-consuming due to the large number of
candidates, but this job ensures the quality of documents, minimizing risks for the
following stages.
Step A9: Interview round 2
Candidates who have passed the preliminary interview will be contacted by the
recruitment department to schedule the interview time and place in round 2. Before
holding the interview round 2, the recruitment department establishes an interview
committee consisting of the head of human resources, recruitment staff and
representatives of the department proposing recruitment needs. The interview panel
will interview the candidate in person. The interview process takes 15 to 30 minutes.
After the round 2 interview, the interview committee considers, considers and
selects the optimal and most suitable candidate for the position, the suitable candidate
is moved to step A10.
Candidates who do not meet the criteria of the interview committee are contacted
by the recruitment department and temporarily keep candidate records.
Step A10 and A11: Probation and assessment
Candidates who pass the interview are directly employed by the human resources
department and the manager for a 2-month seasonal labor contract. The goal is for
the candidate to adapt to the new working environment and assess the candidate's true
ability to work. At NUTRITIONELIFE, probationary candidates still receive full
benefits and salaries like full-time employees.
After 2 months, department representatives and recruitment staff directly
evaluate candidates on the following criteria:

− Working attitude: Conduct surveys of employees in the same
department as candidates about working attitude, communicating
colleagues, getting along with the team...
− Work progress and quality of work: The person who directly
manages the candidate in the process of working is responsible for
providing an evaluation of the candidate's performance to the human
resources department. Evaluation criteria are based on the following

B2. 6: Evaluate employee performance for trial employees

Assess Work progress Quality of work

Satisfactory 80% or more 85% or more

Fairly 70% - 80% 70% to 85%

Average 50% - 70% 60% to 70%

Failed Less than 50% Less than 60%

(Source: Human Resources Department)

If the candidate is a good fit, proceed to step A12. Conversely, the unsuitable
candidate conducts contact, considering the candidate who has passed the round 2
interview to select the right person.
Step A12: Make a hiring decision
After the candidate is probationary and the Supervisor assesses that it is
satisfactory, the Human Resources Administration department will make a decision for the new
candidate to work officially.
For PG (sales consultant) after the unskilled training period and probationary
for skilled staff if satisfactory, the company will sign an employment contract.

For new graduates after the probationary period, if recruited, they will be
arranged jobs in accordance with their specialties, training professions and meet the
assigned jobs well, when signing a labor contract, they will be entitled to 100% of
level 1 of that title.
After signing the labor contract, new candidates will be paid and fully enjoy the
policies and welfare regimes as prescribed by the company. The first labor contract
will be signed within 1 year, the expiry of the term if satisfactory, the 2nd labor
contract will be signed. After 2 years of signing a labor contract, if the labor is highly
appreciated and the work efficiency is good, the company will sign an indefinite-term
contract in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code
For internal recruitment
When recruiting human resources from within the organization, the company
always pays attention to many aspects of the candidate, especially the suitability for
the job position. Normally, for important and highly qualified positions, the company
will perform selection from specific internal sources:
- For Nutritionelife corporate leadership or management positions,
Nutritionelife will select people who have worked for a long time in Nutritionelife
Company , have experience , and have qualifications not only in one field but also in many other fields.
Normally, when recruiting positions in departments with high positions such as
department head, deputy foreman, deputy foreman, Nutritionelife often recruits
employees of that department to work in this position.

- For other positions such as: Supervisor Senior , Merchandise PG MT, PG GT,
, PG , PG

Rural pp Activation ... Nutritionelife through Acacty will make the choice depending
on the person's qualifications and experience. When recruiting for these positions ,

Nutritionelife usually informs the entire company and the workers in need will apply.
The Recruitment Department will be in charge of receiving applications, selecting
and submitting documents to the company's management for comments. In addition,
Nutritionelife may also select the right candidates for each job position by
transferring, the selection of these candidates. The company bases its abilities,
attitudes and results on the evaluation of their job performance.
For recruitment methods from internal sources
Internal recruitment sources are always of interest to the company. To carry out

the recruitment from within, the company has applied the following recruitment
Recruitment through the introduction of acquaintances, relatives who are
working at the company. This method is often used by companies because it can limit
recruitment costs. At the same time, those who are working in the company have long
working experience, they understand what the working environment of the company
is like, which candidates are suitable for the job. Therefore, they can recommend the
most suitable candidates for the job.
In addition, the company also recruits by posting job announcements on the
company's internal website, sticking the announcement on the company's newsletter
In general, the recruitment of human resources from the company's internal
resources is done quite quickly and promptly to meet the recruitment needs.
Recruiting human resources from internal sources will limit some company costs
such as recruitment costs, new employee training costs and save most of the time for
finding new candidates.
However, hiring from internal sources will cause disputes within the company
when there are two or more people with the same qualifications but only one person
can be hired for that position. This can cause misunderstandings and disputes in
corporate filings.
Currently, the company has too many part-time jobs (doing jobs that are not in their specialty but under their understanding) for
some employees in the company, causing a disturbance in work because employees
have to do too many jobs at once and have to take on jobs that are not in their
For recruitment sources from outside the organization
The recruitment of human resources from external sources is carried out by the
company on a regular basis. Usually, the company recruits from external sources in
parallel with the recruitment source from within. External sources are mainly used to
recruit u n s ki l l e d workers . In addition, the company also recruits
Some positions for new graduates have work experience such as: sales
consultant customerstaff, accountant,...

In recent years, the number of employees voluntarily quitting their jobs and

leaving the company has been increasing due to many reasons (the salary is not
competitive with companies in the same area). Therefore, the recruitment demand of
the company in recent times is quite large.
Recruitment methods from external sources
In order to recruit candidates from external sources, the company has applied the
following recruitment methods:
Recruitment through posting advertising announcements on mass media such as:
through advertising in newspapers, posting on job search websites, posting on the
Announce in crowded public places or in front of the company's work gate. This
method is usually applied when the company wants to recruit a large number of
Employees for the business process. However, this method is often more time-
consuming than publishing in newspapers and websites.
The recruitment source from outside the company is quite large, mainly
recruitingpine workers to work as sales consultants in the provinces. Although the recruitment demand is
high, it has not met recruitment of the company.
the needs

Recruitment has not been widely promoted in the province because it still only
stops at the method of posting jobs on mass media without the expansion of
recruitment methods,
For example, the association with universities, colleges, vocational schools has
not been paid attention to by the company. The company still does not have
cooperation with these training schools, but the efficiency of the workers in these
schools is much higher than the labor outside.

2.6.2. Screening rate of Nutritionelife project applicants

Table 2. 8: 2019 Profile Screening Rate

Year Compare

2020/2019 2021/2020
BTI Indicators
2019 2020 2021 Densi Densi
% %
ty ty

Total number of records
1 160 195 140 35 21,9 55 28,2
Total records have been
2 151 170 122 19 12,6 48 28,2
Number of applications
3 140 154 100 14 10 54 35
(labor ) recruited
(Source: Human Resources Administration Department)
In general, the number of recruited applications of candidates has met quite fully
compared to the recruitment needs of the company. Although in 20, 19 and 20 21 the
number was missing but not significant.
The number of resumes of the company is generally quite large, indicating that
the level of attraction of the company to employees is quite high. Specifically, in 20
20, the number of applications recruited increased compared to 201, 9 was 10 people,
but in 20 21 decreased by 35 people compared to 20 20, it is due to the increase in
the rate of competition between candidates' applications each year, recruitment
criteria and the level of satisfaction for job positions at the company are increasing
improved .
Some applications are not selected because
During the interview process, the candidate's profile does not meet the
requirements as expected by the company;
During the probationary process at the company , candidates cannot
perform well to meet the production and business requirements of the
Workers have found new, better jobs.
The worker is not suitable for the job.

2.6.3. Compare recruitment results and recruitment needs

Table 2. 9: Comparison of recruitment results and recruitment needs in

Unit: People
Year Compare
BTI Indicators 2020/2019 2021/2020
2019 2020 2021
Density % Density %
1 145 154 105 9 6,2 49 31,8
Number of
2 140 154 100 14 10 54 38,5
recruits (people)

(Source: Human Resources Administration Department)

In general, in 3 years, the number of recruitments of the company is always
guaranteed at a stable level. The number of employees recruited has met the needs
that the company wants to set. The number of recruitments of the company in 3 years
increased and decreased unevenly because the company's production demand
increased or decreased uncontrollably over the years. Specifically, in 20 20 the
number of people recruited increased to 14 people, but in 2021 the number of
people decreased by 54 people.
2.6.4. Recruitment costs at the company
Table 2. 10: Recruitment costs for the company's Abbot project

BTI Indicators 2019 2020 2021

1 Cost (Million VND) 150 170 300
Number of employees
2 140 154 100
employed (people)
Cost/1 employee (million
3 1.07 1.1 3
(Source: Human Resources Administration Department)
Based on the table above, it shows that the company's recruitment costs increased
over the years due to the growing economy, leading to an increase in physical prices

in the market. The company's recruitment costs are mostly spent on recruitment,
mainly advertising costs and change according to human resource needs over the
In 20 21, the cost source increased by 2.8 times compared to 2019 and 2.7 times
compared to 20 20 while the recruitment demand was less because the company
spent too much on the recruitment process (advertising costs) and the cost of labor
Recruitment costs are important costs, if not strictly managed, they can cause
losses for the company. Therefore, the company needs to consider funding for
the recruitment process , avoiding the situation of focusing too much on
recruitment that is wasteful for the company.
2.7. Evaluation of the recruitment process at Nutritionelife Vietnam
Trading Company Limited
In addition to collecting the secondary data provided by the company, in order to
have a more general view of the recruitment process at the company, I conducted
surveys of people working in the company through questionnaires. Through the
questionnaire, I collected comments on the recruitment process, human resource
selection, probationary process and job placement and finally the general
assessment of the recruitment process . The results are as follows.

Table 2. 11: Characteristics of the treatment form a

Criteria Quota Quantity(people) Structure (%)

Gender N 52 72%

Nam 20 28%

Age From 18 to 25 57 79%

From 25 to 30 12 17%

Over 30 3 4%

Qualifications High school 3 4%

College 20 28%

University 45 63%

Graduate School 4 6%

Different 0 0%

Working time Less than 1 year 49 68%

From 1 to 3 years 16 22%

From 3 to 5 years 4 6%

Over 5 years 3 4%
(Source: Students processing survey data from questionnaires)
Based on the survey, in the process of the survey, there were much more female
employees than male employees , during the survey of 72 people, the number of female
employees accounted for 72%, while male employees accounted for 28% less. The
number of female employees is many times higher than the number of male workers.
This is practical because the peculiarity of the company is that female employees make
up the majority of the company. For the survey age, the majority of people are between
the ages of 18 and 25 , employees in this age group accounted for 57 people accounting
for 79%, and employees aged 2 5 t o 3 0 had 12 people surveyed accounting for 17 the

rest are employees older than 30 years old, with 3 people accounting for 4%. Thus, it can
be seen that employees in the company are relatively young employees and do not
have much experience working in the company.
As for the professional qualifications of the employees, through the survey, it can be
seen that the professional level is quite high, mainly university level is 45 people
accounting for 63% of the total number of employees of the Recruitment Department,
while employees with graduate degrees account for a relatively low number of 4 people
accounting for 6% , held important positions in the Recruitment Department such as Head
of Department, Deputy Department. Thus, it can be seen that the professional level of
the staff is quite high.
During the survey, the largest number of employees who are employees participated,
with 72 people accounting for 100% of employees at the Recruitment Department.

2.7.1. Employee reviews of recruitment
Table 2.11: Employee ratings on recruitment

Minimum Greatest Average

BTI Criteria
value value value

1 Job postings can easily be known 2 5 4.54

Job announcements have all necessary

2 3 5 4.17
information, clear job descriptions

Recruitment information is posted on

3 3 5 4.63
many channels

4 Easy time, place and application form 2 5 4.29

Pre-interview support is well done (Send

notification emails, details are clearly
5 3 5 4.36
stated or answer questions in a timely
(Source: Students processing survey data from questionnaires)
1=Very disagreeable ;
2= Disagree ;
3= Neutral;
4= Agree;
5=Very agreed .

Which indicator is best overall. Look at TB scores
For the criterion of "Job announcements that can easily be known" the smallest value
is disagreement accounting for 2.8%, the largest value is very agree accounting for 61.1%,
the remaining 36.1% is neutral and agree. For the indicator "Recruitment announcements
have all necessary information, clear job description" has the smallest value is neutral
accounting for 1.4%, the largest value is very agreed, accounting for 18.1%, the remaining
80.6% is agreed. For the criterion "Job postings posted on many channels", the smallest
value is neutral, accounting for 2.8%, the largest value is very agreed, accounting for 65.3
%, the other was 31.9% in agreement. For the target "Time, place and easy application
form " with the smallest value of disagreeing accounting for 1.4%, the largest value is
very agreeing accounting for 52.8%, the remaining 45.8% is neutral and agreed. For
the target "Pre-interview support is well done (Send notification emails, details are
clearly stated or questions answered promptly time.)" The smallest value is neutral
accounting for 8.3%, the largest value is very agree at 44.4%, the remaining 47.2% is
Thus, in general, the recruitment of human resources still has some limitations that are
about the recruitment announcement as well as the time, place and form of submission are
still cumbersome, assessed at very disagreeable dynamic levels of 2.8% and 1.4%. So the
company should pay more attention to this issue.
2.7.2. Employee reviews on selection
Table 2. 12: Employee reviews of the selection process
Minimum Greatest Average
BTI Criteria
value value value
The process of welcoming and
1 opening the interview creates a 3 5 4.4
friendly and close feeling;

Experienced and skilled

2 3 5 4.13

The content of the interview
3 process is close to the job 3 5 4.38

4 Fair selection process 3 5 4.24

The interviewer does not put

pressure during the interview 2 5 4.28

Respond quickly and promptly

6 to questions during the 3 5 4.33
(Source: Students processing survey data from questionnaires)
1=Very disagreeable ;
2= Disagree ;
3= Neutral;
4= Agree;
5=Very agreed .
For the selection of human resources, it is evaluated quite well, most of the indicators
are agreed and very agreed, accounting for a fairly high proportion compared to other
indicators .
For the criterion of "The process of welcoming and opening the interview
creates a sense of friendliness and closeness", the smallest value is neutral accounting for
6.9%, the largest value is very agreed, accounting for 51.4%, the remaining 41.7% is
agreed. For the criterion "Experienced and skilled interviewer" is also highly
appreciated with the smallest value being neutral accounting for 12.5%, the largest value
is very agreeing accounting for 25%, the remaining 62.5% is agreeing. For the criterion
"Content during the interview process close to the job description" with the smallest

value is neutral accounting for 5.6%, the largest value is very agreeable at 43.1%, the
remaining 51.4% is agreed. For the criterion "Fair selection process ", the smallest value
is neutral accounting for 8.3% The largest value was very yes accounting for 31.9%, the
remaining 59.7% was yes. For the criterion "Interviewers do not exert pressure during
the interview process " with the smallest value of disagreeing accounting for 1.4%, the
largest value is very agreeing accounting for 37.5%, the remaining 61.1% is neutral and
agree. For the criterion "Quickly and promptly answer questions during the
interview", the smallest value is neutral, accounting for 5.6%, the largest value is very
agreed, accounting for 38.9%, the remaining 55.6% is agreed; . Thus, it can be seen that
in the selection process, the target "Interviewers do not put pressure during the interview
process" has not been appreciated with disagreeing opinions accounting for the highest
1.4% of the remaining criteria, the issue of training recruiters has not been concrete ,
Obviously, it is difficult for the employee or the employee himself does not understand
the job description so the employee cannot evaluate in the most objective way.
2.7.3. Employee reviews of probationary work and work arrangements
Table 2. 13: Employee evaluation of probationary work and job placement
BTI Minimum Greatest Average
value value value
1 Apprenticeship content is developed
specifically and separately for each 2 5 4.39

2 Experienced and expert apprentice

3 5 4.12

3 The apprenticeship program is

3 5 4.32
scientifically built

4 You gain knowledge and experience

after finishing your apprenticeship and 3 5 4.28
job placement

(Source: Students processing survey data from questionnaires)
1=Very disagreeable ;
2= Disagree ;
3= Neutral;
4= Agree;
5=Very agreed .
For the criterion of "Probationary content is developed specifically and separately for
each subject" with the smallest value of disagreeing accounting for 1.4%, the largest value
is very agreeing accounting for 48.6%, the remaining 50% is neutral and agreeing. For the
criterion "Experienced and professional trainee instructor" with the minimum value is
neutral 6.9% of the largest value is very agreed, accounting for 19.4%, the remaining
73.6% is agreed. For the criterion "Scientifically built apprenticeship program" with the
smallest value is neutral accounting for 12.5%, the largest value is very agreed, accounting
for 44.4%, the remaining 43.1% is agreed. For the criterion "You have gained knowledge
and experience after completing the apprenticeship and job placement" with the smallest
value is neutral, accounting for 5.6%, the largest value is very agreed, accounting for
33.3%, the remaining 61.1% is agreed.
Thus, for the probationary work and job arrangement highly appreciated by the
employees with the levels of agreement and very agreeing accounting for a relatively high
percentage, at the neutral level, the criteria of "Probationary content are developed
specifically and separately for each subject" and "Internship program scientifically
constructed " accounts for the highest proportion because for the apprenticeship of
workers and office workers there is still no a specific, clear program. However, the jobs
of employees and employees when interning are still assigned separately according to
each of those departments so that employees can be easily evaluated .
2.7.4. Employee reviews of human resource recruitment
Table 2. 14: General assessment of human resource recruitment

Minimum Greatest Average
BTI Criteria
value value value

Clear and transparent

1 3 5 4.53
recruitment process

The recruitment process

2 2 5 4.1
satisfies you

The selection process satisfies

3 3 5 4.29

The apprenticeship process

4 3 5 4.27
satisfies you
(Source: Students processing survey data from questionnaires)
1=Very disagreeable ;
2= Disagree ;
3= Neutral;
4= Agree;
5=Very agreed .
For the criterion of "Clear and transparent recruitment process", the smallest value is
neutral, accounting for 8.3%, the largest value is very agreed, accounting for 61.1%, the
remaining 30.6% is agreed. For the criterion "The recruitment process makes you
satisfied" with the smallest value is disagree, accounting for 1.4%, The largest value was
very agreeable accounting for 25%, the remaining 73.6% was neutral and agreed. For the
criterion "The selection process satisfies you" with the smallest value is neutral
accounting for 8.3%, the largest value is very agreed, accounting for 37.5%, the remaining
54.2% is agreed. For the criterion "The probationary process makes you satisfied"
has the smallest value is neutral, accounting for 5.6%, the largest value is very agreeable,
accounting for 33.3%, the remaining 61.1% is copper.

In general, the recruitment process of the company is highly appreciated by the survey
participants, but in retrospect, there are still unachieved aspects in the recruitment and
apprenticeship process, causing disagreement to appear, affecting the recruitment process
of the company. This is something that Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited
needs to consider and include come up with the best solution to make the recruitment
process more complete .
2.8. Factors affecting the company's recruitment
2.8.1. Factors outside the company
The first factor is the labor market
The labor market is a place to find an abundant labor source, currently the labor market
is heating up because of the increasing need to find candidates and attract human resources
in companies. In general, the demand for labor in companies is increasing because more
and more companies in many different sectors are springing up and these companies need
labor to meet their production and business needs. Therefore, the demand for labor
increases in many positions, industries and fields. This increases the company's
competitiveness with other companies in the same industry.
The second factor is competition from other organizations
Although Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is a large and long-
standing company, it does not mean that it will avoid competition with other personnel
supply companies . Therefore, if you do not want to lose the opportunity to find good
candidates, the company must have good remuneration policies for employees. In today's
labor market, the competition between companies is great because every company wants
to have talent to work for them. Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is the
same, competitors in the same industry are many, because now HR supply companies are
springing up a lot. Typically, Le & Associates Joint Stock Company is also a company in
the field of human resources and has a very good remuneration regime, so it will attract
more human resources.
2.8.2. Factors within the company
The first is the image and prestige of the company

Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is a company with a long history of
establishment and has a very strong foothold not only in the country but also in other
countries. Moreover, Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is a company
under state management and according to the policy regimes prescribed by the state, so the
company is very reputable for all employees working in the company. Not only that, over
the years, Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited has also achieved many
certificates of merit from the State such as: Second and third class Labor Medals, Second
Class Independence Medals, Certificates of Merit as units with excellent achievements,...
Moreover, for many years of its operation, the company has also linked and signed
contracts with foreign partners to provide timely personnel.
The second is labor relations in the organization
These are the relationships between colleagues in the organization, the
relationships between superiors and subordinates. These relationships are always valued
by the company and seek to very harmoniously bind everyone in the company together.
That is the goal that the company always aims for, when creating a good relationship,
the work in the company will always be solved Stable and fast vice versa, if the
relationship between colleagues or keeping superiors and subordinates is not good, it
can lead to conflicts and bad conflicts in the company, especially will cause stagnation
at work. In which, the role of trade unions in the company is to bring employees together
through social activities, entertainment and tourism activities , sports and art activities
The third is the company's salary policies that motivate employees
Salary policy and personnel incentives are always the motivation for employees and
employees in the company to work effectively. The payment of salaries (salary, salary
allowances and supplements) to each individual and each department aims to
encourage employees to work, complete the job well and make important contributions to
the completion of the production and business plan of Company.
Moreover, it also creates motivation for employees to improve their knowledge and
accumulate experience. As a lever for the development of the company

In order to create wage fairness for all employees, the company has regulations and
methods of payment such as:
- The payment of wages to employees is associated with productivity, efficiency,
general production and business results of the unit and work efficiency, the level of
contribution of employees according to the principle of doing more and enjoying less, what job
and position to enjoy according to that job, that position. When changing jobs or changing

positions, they will be entitled to new jobs and new positions.

- Ensure that the salary according to the job or title (basic salary) of the employee
is not lower than the regional minimum wage prescribed by the State, and at the same time, the
employee must ensure the labor norms and working time prescribed by the company .
- When production and business results increase, the wages of all employees and
employees also increase according to actual efficiency in accordance with the implemented
wage fund approved by the General Director .
The fourth is the competence of the employer
In the company, the person in charge of recruitment, for candidates who are indirect
workers, is a human resources officer, while for candidates applying for higher positions,
it is done by the head of the human resources department. Although these people are all
highly qualified , experienced employees of the company, hiring only through the
control of such a person will not be objective enough to properly and sufficiently evaluate
the candidates. At the same time, the recruitment will not have much innovation because
there is no participation or input of many different people.
The fifth is the coordination between managers in recruitment
Human resource recruitment is a long-term process and requires the support of many
factors to achieve the desired results. Recruitment is not good without coordination
between all departments. Recruitment in
The company is carried out when there is a recruitment request from the department
brought up. After that, the company's leader will be the one to make the recruitment
decision and ask the HCNS department to make a recruitment plan. After that, recruitment
will be implemented . During the hiring process, most company leaders only care about the

steps in the hiring process, while the recruitment process is almost less concerned .
2.9. General assessment of the current recruitment status of the Company
2.9.1. Achievements in recruitment
The recruitment needs of the company are associated with the production and business
needs that the company has set. Although recruitment needs have not yet been developed
into recruitment plans, they are still determined based on the company's production and
business results and the production and business results of production departments and
workshops. Changes or new jobs are responded to promptly as soon as possible,
contributing to increasing the company's initiative in its labor force.
The recruitment process as well as the selection process are very clearly divided into
the powers and responsibilities of each employee. Make the recruitment process and
selection process smooth and undisturbed .
The recruitment source of the company is quite diverse, there are both recruitment
sources inside the company and recruitment sources outside the company.
- For recruitment sources inside the company that do not cost much to recruit, it is done
quickly and easily because this is the source available inside the company. Moreover, this
recruitment source of the company only applies to recruit some key positions of the
company (leadership positions, managers in departments and workshops). According to
the company, these positions need understanding as well as a long-term history of
attachment to the company to clearly grasp the working environment and business
strategies of the company . At the same time, employees in the company's internal sources
were also contacted and working with different departments and workshops for a long
time, so they understand the needs that these departments and workshops are wanting.
However, the main recruitment source of the company is still the recruitment source from
outside the company because the characteristics of the company are production, with
recruitment sources outside the company, there are also specific plans to properly and fully
recruit human resources to meet the production and business needs of the company.
Moreover, thanks to the efforts of employees and heads of HCNS Department, the number
and efficiency of manpower recruited fromoutside noisy people have also achieved the

targets and plans, the initial special manpower needs have been achieved .
The recruitment process of the company is built quite clearly and in detail to help the
selection process without many difficulties, carried out smoothly and effectively. Through
this process, the company has also ensured a part of the company's workforce to help the
company maintain a stable level , the company's workforce is always at a stable level,
maintained at 95%-97%, helping the production and business process of the company
not be interrupted.
In which, the screening of documents is done quite well by the company, selecting
effective and satisfactory documents. This is because the application selection plan is
carried out quite carefully and the criteria for evaluating records are developed. Those
criteria include: qualifications, experience ,...
The interview is carried out quite fully, obtaining information that the company wants
to know about the candidate, which may include: ability, job organization skills, level of
proficiency in the work done before, characteristics of interests, his own special
Probationary work is clearly and specifically defined for each subject in terms of
probationary period and probationary salary. For different positions and jobs, there are
different time levels and salaries. The probationary period for each subject is very
suitable to ensure that they can get used to the job and adapt well to the working
environment .
Admission results are announced specifically and publicly on the bulletin board
as well as on the company's internal website to avoid non-transparency during the
selection process as well as to help the company increase its credibility among people.
With the efforts and active work of the staff in the company, every year the company
always performs quite well in recruiting human resources. This is evident in the quantity
and quality of resumes that the company recruits. The number of qualified documents
meets the production and business needs of the company every year. All candidates who
meet the recruitment requirements are quickly integrated into the job, well adapted to the
working environment and production and business of the company.

The organizational structure of the company is becoming more and more complete,
helping to manage departments and workshops more closely. At the same time,
contributing to the right recruitment and training plans and strategies, moreover, the
allocation of functions and tasks is also more specific.
2.9.2. Limitations of the recruitment process
In the recruitment process, in addition to the clothes that the company has achieved,
there are some limitations to recruitment:
The method of recruiting workers from outside the organization is still limited in
the stage of finding job applicants. This is because the Company has not been able
to fully exploit all recruitment methods from external sources. Through the method
of job announcement , the company only publishes information through the mass
media or only thanks to referrals of employees working in the company. In order for
recruitment to attract more candidates, the company should be proactive and
interested in job placement centers to find candidates as quickly as possible body. Or
the company can also link with universities and colleges in the area to attract abundant
labor resources on market.
However , the company's recruitment also does not have a positive impact on the
recruitment force . Because Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is a
company still under state management, the promotion mechanism according to seniority
is still heavy, the salary period is also according to seniority. This is the apprehension of
most employees involved in recruitment.
The specific job analysis is that the company's job description is still sketchy, not really
specific and clear. The job description is only used to describe the job characteristics of a
general nature, not clearly defined for each type of job as well as the title of the job. This
makes it difficult for candidates to be hired and start probation. Unspecified jobs make
work efficiency not high. Therefore, the work of employees in the company is still not
specialized, some people still have to take on many jobs at the same time. This puts a lot
of pressure on employees, because they cannot handle all the tasks that are both
professional and non-professional expertise.

For example:
- The balancing officer must do the extra work of the document management
Although the screening of dossiers provides a screening plan and criteria for
evaluating dossiers, it only stops at the preliminary selection and assessment, not
analyzing the accuracy of the dossier, so it is easy to negligently remove candidates with
good ability.
Recruitment interview questions are also general in nature that have not been
sharpened to influence the actions and attitudes of candidates. The interview questions are
only related to the external information of the candidate, and are also subjective. For
example, the interviewer only asks questions related to the candidate's career and work
history without asking questions related to the candidate's thinking, intellect and
intelligence. Therefore, the company should prepare the interview more carefully and
2.9.3. Causes
Through the above limitations, it can be seen that the recruitment of human resources
of the company is limited due to some of the following reasons :
Production characteristics Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is a
company specializing in supplying personnel for large corporations, recruiting unskilled
labor positions to serve the process in production and business of the customer's company.
From there, building a recruitment process and method at the company is also simpler.
The company has not paid attention to the way of recruitment, the way the company
advertises and announces recruitment has not been fully invested. That makes the attraction
of human resources limited, especially the attraction of candidates from other localities
in the province, Although they are interested in the company's recruitment , they do
not have complete and accurate information about the company.
The company's recruitment is done by young employees , so they do not have
much experience in recruitment. Although these are young employees with high
qualifications, they still do not have all the actual recruitment experience , so they are

also The small part causes the company's recruitment to be delayed.
Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited is still experiencing a shortage of
staff. That is because the company does not yet have specialization in its divisions. Some
employees have to take on all sorts of non-professional tasks at once. Handling jobs
that are both professional and not in accordance with your job position will lead to low
work efficiency. Moreover, the recruitment of human resources is very important, it
needs to be developed a specific and clear and detailed plan, so it is difficult to
implement, especially when assigning employees who do not belong to their area of
expertise. Therefore, the recruitment of the company still has many shortcomings and
has not achieved the best efficiency in both form and content.
In recruitment, the most important thing for recruitment to be done well, it is necessary
to analyze the work. But the company's job analysis also stops at listing the tasks and tasks
that need to be done for a position or job title. At the same time, the job description has not
been developed specifically and clearly for indirect workers, so the way to work and
handle the jobs has not achieved the highest efficiency.

Chapter 2 Summary
A brief description of the current situation as well as the recruitment process at
Nutritionelife Co., Ltd. Working at the Company, students have been trained skills and
knowledge in the most complete way to increase efficiency at work. During the working
process, sales staff are supported by other departments in the best way, helping to take care
of customers smoothly. The author presents the absence of coordination between
departments in the process of work.
Introduce the organizational structure of the recruitment department as well as the
functions and duties of the position candidate in the department where the student interns.
Students describeACACY's recruitment process with related projects.



3.1 Development orientation of Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited

Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading Company Limited intends in the coming years to

strive to become a strong organization, with brand reputation in its business fields in the
domestic and regional markets. The long-term goal of Nutritionelife Vietnam Trading
Company Limited is sustainable and long-term development, becoming one of the leading
enterprises in the field of human resource supply, human resource management consulting.
To achieve the above strategic goals, the company will implement the business strategy
until 2025 as follows:

First, maintain the growth rate and boost revenue each year through developing a
strong sales team, constantly finding and expanding customers. In particular, exploiting
more potential small customers that the company has now missed.

Second, improve and improve the personnel recruitment process. Modernizing the
management system helps and focuses more on modern, creative and flexible human
resources to meet the requirements of competition and development according to
international standards. At the same time, the company is constantly developing new
services, improving the quality of recruitment as well as training human resources to meet
the needs of customers, creating competitive advantages in the new era.

Third, establish more customer care departments, to promptly solve arising

problems. The company's activities of attracting new customers and retaining loyal
customers are considered the leading mission in the development orientation of
Nutritionelife. Customers are the leading factor determining the existence and development
of the company. In addition, the company needs to tighten the link between departments as
well as departments to be ready to support each other.

3.2 Solutions to complete human resource recruitment activities at Nutritionelife company

3.2.1 Optimizing the recruitment notification process, the process of recording


Remediation should start with the sourcing department in the process of attracting
candidates. The above recruitment efficiency results can be seen that although the data
source is many, the percentage of candidates who meet the requirements is not high because
candidates do not carefully read the information as well as the source generation
department is missing when posting or posting unknown news. Therefore, there should be
a change in each job announcement from detailing the contents of the job based on the job
description and requirements for the person performing the job that have been previously
approved. In addition to basic information such as position and benefits, job requirements
and descriptions are equally important in helping candidates assess their own abilities
before deciding to apply for a specific position. Specific job requirements in terms of
qualifications, qualifications, experience, and required skills. In addition, the source
department should add activities to check and evaluate the effectiveness of each type of
post so that it can control and make improvements if errors occur. The optimization steps
should be performed as follows:

•Thoroughly perform verification, check records

The human resources department needs to thoroughly verify records for employees.
The nature of work at Nutritionelife requires qualified employees to evade unqualified,
honest and good moral qualities, so verification of documents is extremely necessary. For
candidates who verify incorrect documents, disqualify that candidate.

Currently, there are quite a few records that have not been fully notarized. Quite a
few of the records employees are currently working on are photocopies. Only when it
comes to the annual HR examination and the retention report to the company does it really

require notarized records. Inquiring or calling to confirm the information on the resume is
almost nonexistent.

Dishonesty in paperwork not only causes the company to evaluate candidates'

competence, but the consequences are often huge when each employee works on behalf of
the company with many stakeholders. In a highly demanding human resource supply
environment, the author believes that ethics is a top requirement when selecting candidates
and needs to be carefully and thoroughly verified through the initial steps of documents
requesting the examination, Verification of documents and documents should be done

•Cut down on the hiring process

The job consideration step is the step where the candidate considers other
departments to work, follows the seniors in the department, thereby understanding the job
better. At this time, the candidate knows the company well and assesses his or her
suitability for the job. Therefore, the author thinks that this step should be cut, but what the
candidate does in this step should also be paired with the probationary step. During the
probationary period, candidates can still review and understand the job, other departments,
and candidates have direct working time.

•Add a step to check proficiency and skills

Currently, evaluating candidates through interviews is entirely based on the work

experience of the director and head of department. Thus, objectivity and science are not

In addition to the interview, questions related to the candidate's information and

perspective. The author recommends having at least part of the test to test expertise,
experience, industry knowledge and many other skills, rather than stopping at getting to
know candidates through introduction.

•The author recommends the following examinations:

Based on the test results, remove candidates who are not qualified, skilled, healthy
or suitable for the company. Candidates who pass the interview and the test, will participate
in the next step of the recruitment process. All employees in all departments in the company
are required high professional ability, ability to communicate, solve problems, At
Nutritionelife the exchange and handling of arising takes place every day, every hour

because of work orders. Therefore, recruiting individuals who do not have enough
knowledge and skills, eventually leaving the job, this is a job that the business does not
profit, costs time and costs and affects other employees who are working. Therefore,
eliminating the right people from the first steps is helping businesses reduce wasted time
and reduce costs. The fact that the right candidates pass this step will confirm to the
candidate himself with their suitability for the job. Finding the right people for the
company, dedicating to the company, is developing the company now and in the future.

•Add a health check step

High-pressure work, there are stages that need to be in good health, move a lot not
only continuous working time that requires meeting the candidate's right attitude and high
qualifications but also good health.

The author's health is defined not in a normal physical form but requires endurance,
endurance and mental health "The author suggests that candidates need to have a health
certificate in the last 3 months. In addition, along with the test of skills and knowledge, it
is necessary to have a test of physical strength, endurance and spirit, strong will even if the
physical condition is not at a balanced level.

This step helps candidates understand the nature of the job, the job requirements
before officially entering the job, helps them be mentally and physically ready to constantly
exercise their health, spirit and maintain patience throughout the working process. This in
the long run will help employees always be in the best state to complete the work with high

efficiency, build a healthy and durable staff, from which the new company becomes

At the same time, healthy employees will help businesses reduce many costs of
visits, sick support, minimize the impact on business results when employees are sick,
reduce losses due to employees who cannot withstand the pressure but quit their jobs.

In recent years, new recruitment is only suitable in internal sources or because

staffing companies miss many opportunities to select talents. Therefore, the Company
needs to suddenly supplement recruitment sources, specifically as follows:

Internal resources: The company should regularly open training classes and
fostering skills and qualifications for potential individuals in the company, to build a
successor team that ensures both quantity and quality for higher positions

External sources: Bring in new external personnel.

Increase the number of candidates self-applying for jobs: The company should
choose more reputable and effective recruitment announcement channels such as radio,
newspapers, television, internet: besides major job websites such as creetink, mywork,
good market,

Intern students: Currently, the company does not have a policy to accept interns,
ignoring the eyes of a huge recruitment source, high quality candidates, enthusiasm and
"know the job" after graduation. The company can through admitting interns, assigning
them jobs and observing their ability to work. If suitable people are found, more in-depth
training can be conducted, recruiting them when the company needs to recruit.

The above recruitment method will bring a huge number of candidates to the
company while saving recruitment costs. Candidates recommended by acquaintances or
students will be easier to integrate into the company faster, the rate of mismatch will be

less. Job announcements through social networking sites: currently, the number of people
using social networking sites is huge. Moreover, the high average time spent on social
media per day makes social media an effective tool for conducting recruitment campaigns
for businesses.

A survey of Internet information in Southeast Asia in January 2020 showed that

about 48% of Vietnamese use social networks, corresponding to 46 million people.

Recruiting through social networks helps the company get a large number of
candidates. Today's social network has quite diverse users, almost all young people use it,
regular use time. Today, information on social networks is transmitted at lightning speed.
The number of users interacting and sharing is quite large. This will help the recruitment
company optimize costs significantly. Under the development of internet and technology,
news can be displayed anytime, anywhere, making it easier and faster to reach users than
ever. So recruiting through social networks is an extremely effective and economical way.

The author suggests that in new recruitment, more Facebook ads should be used. In
this way, a year's cost of advertising a job will be cheaper, lower than feasible for the
company's resources.

•Specialized staff placement

Currently, human resources are assigned to the HC-KT department, there is no

person who is really responsible and has expertise in this work. In the long run, when the
company needs to plan personnel, organize personnel recruitment, this overlapping tasks
and lack of knowledge and skills will cause a waste of money and waste recruitment time.
Therefore, the author suggests that there should be a department in charge of this work.

Having an additional human resources department helps with HR-related tasks in

the company such as recruitment, management, training,... become more specialized,
detailed, meticulous. Not only does this solution support personnel issues well, but this

solution also helps the company during its operation to discover many incompletes and
inconsistencies, thereby having a solution to complete this work better, suitable for each
stage, The purpose of the company's activities in each specific period.

When human resources work works more smoothly and thoroughly, it will support
departments in managing, improving quality and retaining employees. People are assets,
raw materials of the company. Good human resources, all activities become easier and
more efficient, thereby bringing higher business efficiency.

For colleagues who are not suitable for individuals in the company, at work and
leaving work will cause employees to face many difficulties at work, causing psychological
depression, low work performance. When HR issues are solved, employees will feel more
secure to work, working together with the right individuals will make them feel smoother,
easier, more love for work and higher work efficiency, business results will also be faster.
Personnel will be more attached to the company.

The company can coordinate personnel in the most appropriate departments.

Human resources officers are not only in charge of determining recruitment needs,
planning recruitment needs for the whole year and according to the company's business
plan, but also making recruitment criteria, organizing recruitment and participating in the
candidate interview itself. Direct participation in the candidate interview process will
contribute to adjusting the interview more scientifically and accurately.

In addition, human resources officers based on the situation and business

characteristics of the company make job descriptions, job requirements for positions in the
company, serving the recruitment and evaluation of employees.

Comparing what exists and the benefits of having a specialized HR department, the
author finds that the company receives quite a lot of benefits in terms of people and

business compared to the cost of having an HR staff. This is a necessity for future human
resources to be stable and contribute to the development of the company's business goals.

Plan on the basis of forecasts on the volume of products, services, recruitment time
according to the year of implementation... According to the maximum, minimum and
feasible method, according to the pre-programmed program on the computer, human
resources staff can forecast the human resource needs for the future.

The new norm is determined on the basis of the old norm and labor productivity of
the previous year... The company should have incentive policies on salary and bonus so
that employees feel secure and excited at work.

The determination of new recruitment needs according to the formula:

New Hire Demand = Available — Existing Number + (% Quitting * Existing


With the determination of recruitment needs, human resources officers make

recruitment plans, consult with the head of department, make plans to submit to the
director. The recruitment plan should be developed to support each other so that the work
is carried out synchronously and smoothly.

Planning a recruitment plan by year will bring quite a lot of benefits to the company.
As follows:

Planning an annual recruitment plan based on the company's business plan is

extremely necessary to help businesses always be proactive in human resources for the next
year of operation. "Not only that, the company also actively chooses recruitment methods,
forms of recruitment activities and recruitment tools... help recruit more effectively,
manage costs for this work more appropriately.

Departments in the company when understanding the recruitment plan will also be
easier to coordinate to support such as planning, commenting on probation, introducing
acquaintances to apply, understanding the time frame to arrange, arrange work effectively
and be ready to coordinate when there are employees.

Individuals in each department will feel more secure because there are new people
who will support the work under considerable work pressure when the department lacks
people, actively regulating work. In terms of work, everything will be easier. Mentally, this
helps employees reduce stress and fatigue, relax and trust company policies.

Provide criteria for evaluating probationary employees

Before employees start the probationary period, HR officers coordinate with

department heads to develop a performance evaluation table covering the scope and areas
of evaluation, goals to be achieved, time to complete the work... The probationary objective
must be clear and quantifiable.

When employees are on probation, the company needs to provide them with all
necessary working conditions related to the job: from computers, equipment, machines,
business cards, referrals,... to travel expenses, communication fees... to help them reach
their full potential.

The company needs to monitor closely and need to consider and arrange
experienced employees to protect and mentor new employees so that they can easily grasp
the job.

During the probationary period, if it is found that the employee does not pass, he
can make an evaluation form and send it to the human resources department to propose the
termination of probation.

At the end of the probationary period, the evaluation of the employee's results
should be consulted by the head of the department, the guidance staff, and the director to
ensure fairness and transparency The assessment results will notify the probationary
employee, and at the same time listen and answer when the probationary employee has
comments with the assessment results.

The criteria for evaluating probationary employees make recruitment more

scientific, objective and easier. All processes and works in a company always need to be
done synchronously and scientifically. Thus, the new apparatus works smoothly, bringing
high efficiency. When catching any problem position, the company is easy to find and fix
them, avoiding full-blown influence and internal embarrassment.

Transparency, fairness, proper appreciation of capacity, merit, fair rewards and

punishments are things that employees always appreciate. In the past, when there were no
evaluation criteria, all decisions were subjective decisions, it was easy to get into a state of
insubordination," the word came in." For probationary employees, being dropped without
showing them a basis for comparison with other candidates, will make them feel
dissatisfied, evaluate the company badly, affect the reputation and image of the company.
For company employees, this problem often creates rumors about decisions such as
"acquaintance", "children and grandchildren", "based on appearance", "incompetence" will
affect their judgment and perception when there are other activities such as salary
increases, etc Promotion, transfer of workers, employees when thinking subjective factors,
they always feel that unfairness is always present in employee evaluation, the decision is
based on work, they will not accept when they are inferior to others, feel that superior
people are not purely due to competence. This is very dangerous. This mentality will affect
the quality of work and give them more reasons from the work ministry when they are in a
depressed state. Therefore, when giving these criteria, it will contribute to affirming to
employees the transparency and fairness in the company, so that they can feel secure to

work, trust that they will be evaluated properly with the working results, thereby motivating
to complete the work and contribute to improving business efficiency.

Actively contact, search for candidates on websites, universities Currently, the

recruitment of employees completely depends on staffing companies.

Every week, these companies maintain candidate results according to established

basic requirements. The author suggests actively recruiting by looking at profiles on
websites and supporting candidate profiles at universities and colleges. Thus, from the
perspective of the company itself that is in need of recruitment, candidates will be more
suitable for the company's criteria.

3.2.2 Diversify recruitment source channels

According to statistics, Facebook social media is the main recruitment source of the
company, so in addition to protecting and building a growing Facebook account to be able
to reach potential candidates, Nutritionelife should promote the search and innovation,
develop other recruitment sources such as Collaborator Source Channel instead of
deploying offline, changing the form to online. This means Nutritionelife will link with

units or individuals who are freelance recruiters looking for new candidates.

Nutritionelife should contact and maintain an offline source group, especially a

source channel from training institutions. This also helps the Company build good
relationships with Universities and Colleges - places with quality and prestigious
candidates. Although candidates are students and trainees, they will not have enough
experience or skills to meet the needs of work, but they are enthusiastic, dynamic, creative,
always eager to learn and well-trained and professional. In case the company has a long-
term strategy for human resources, establishing strong relationships with schools or job
centers will benefit the Company. When the company needs to recruit, a number of
potential and quality candidates will be introduced to the company, thereby saving costs
and time in recruiting and finding suitable candidates.

Besides, Nutritionelife's recruitment website is not yet popular. Website is an important component,
a place to introduce people to the whole business scene, showing the professionalism as
well as the reputation of the company. In addition, it is also a place to post vacancies with
carefully prepared and clear content, helping candidates better understand the position. In
addition, candidates also have the opportunity to find suitable positions for themselves
through researching other jobs posted on the Website. Therefore, Website is one of the
recruitment tools to help improve recruitment activities in a more effective way that the
company should focus on and develop. The company should promote marketing programs
to make the Website widely known to candidates, implement academic programs, share
knowledge as well as work experience on the Website to attract candidates.

In order to attract more good candidates with working capacity, the company should
expand recruitment sources:

The company can post job postings on websites such as Good Market,,

Post recruitment information on newspapers such as tuoi tre newspaper, buy and
sell newspaper, youth newspaper ...

Especially, the company can contact universities and colleges such as University of
Economics, University of Technology, Saigon University, ... to find elite, potential
candidates, suitable for the company's recruitment requirements.

Participate in job fairs, seminar programs, ... In addition, the company should not
ignore some other sources such as.

Applicants apply on their own

They want to work at the company, are ready to apply and wait for the company's
hiring, maybe when they apply is when the company has just hired or enough people,

maybe the company has not hired yet. Whatever the case, the company should consolidate,
receive records, store them.

Former employees: there are many Former employees: there are many people who
think this is an unreliable team that has left the company. However, it is necessary to
consider the reasons for their departure from the Company. There are many people who,
due to family background, now deal with their own affairs and in the process of working
for the new company they find it unsuitable and wish to return to work at the company.
And these people are often more than half employable, at no cost, and their recruitment
time and integration are easier.

3.2.3 Carry out activities of evaluating the work results of personnel in the
recruitment department

Every 2 weeks, heads of two departments will review the performance of each
individual in their team. Receiving contributions and difficulties in the working process,
especially during working from home, without physical interaction. And statistics on
recruitment efficiency in recent years through important indicators. After that, the
Recruitment Manager will hold a meeting to analyze experiences, evaluate the
effectiveness of each step in the process, identify weaknesses and find the underlying
causes, and identify opportunities for improvement, add necessary steps, eliminate
unnecessary steps in the process. When the recruitment process is reasonably improved,
the quality of recruited employees will be enhanced. In addition, the recruitment
performance evaluation also shows whether the cost of the steps in the recruitment process
has been used effectively and can be optimized. Renewed and improved recruitment
activities will bring efficiency in resources, help the company operate better and keep a
competitive position by recruiting talented, quality and creative employees.

3.2.4 Create a connection and interaction between the two departments of the
recruitment department

In fact, both departments are working independently without much interaction. For
example, the staff of the source department will not know the information of the project
such as the travel route (for the position of market salesman), basic salary, quantity to be
recruited, quantity missing,... Just like that, the source staff does not have enough
information to be able to recommend another job to the candidate in case the job the
candidate wants to apply for is enough, which causes a huge waste of information.

The recruitment department needs to organize daily work exchanges between

members of the two departments. Let resource creators know how to interview candidates,
how to answer and respond to frequently asked questions; so that recruiters understand how
to post on other source channels, how to enter and categorize resumes,... To understand
each other's tasks and responsibilities, avoid the lack of coordination between two
departments in the same department.

3.2.5. Improving resource policy

In the long run: The company outsources or sends employees to training centers.
The company plans to outsource for 2-5 years if it feels that self-training is not effective.
The company will control the quality, objectives, systems, methods and costs for this

If self-training: The company should have specific policies for different training
subjects. With a business of the size of Nutritionelife , the company should consider building small
training facilities outside or hiring to buy some training facilities of related units, but the
company will organize the training itself when it has a stable training facility. From there,
the company built a specialized department for professional training, planning all kinds of
expenses. If the company still maintains the current way of training, what should be

modified? The company should reconsider its goals, needs, training methods, facilities,
curriculum, trainers ... This is a problem for trainers.

Complete allowances, salary and bonus policies

Currently, the company is implementing the main mechanism based on working

capacity and absolutely no allowances and bonuses for individuals who have been with the
company for a long time. Employees will be evaluated at the end of the year, stating good
results will increase bonuses.

The author finds that long-term employees are individuals who understand the
company well in accordance with the company's requirements, familiar with the job. In
addition, they also take on mentoring new employees, contributing much to the company
"At the same time, maintaining a strong work ethic throughout the year is very difficult.
Therefore, the author suggests that there should be bonuses based on work performance,
by employee, by quarter, half a year, by year. In addition, if you require mentoring,
mentoring new employees or taking on another role such as organizing programs, working
during holidays, overtime must be charged additional allowances.

By doing so, it is suitable for each individual's capacity, motivates employees and
helps employees become more engaged with the company.

If you make employees do extra work and they get nothing, they'll ask themselves,
"why do it?" The author thinks that hiring more staff to ensure the work process is the right
thing to do. So how do they improve productivity, which is to motivate and reward
employees to understand that they will be able to receive higher if they work more

If all employees improve their productivity, each employee will have a fairly good
income, commensurate with their working effort. As for the company, business profit is
huge when the company motivates employees, has appropriate allowances and bonuses.

Issuance of uniforms to employees

Currently, the company does not have a uniform, only requires employees to wear
business clothes when coming to the company. But business clothes are very diverse and
rich with many different shades. As a company working in the field of human resource
supply with each person put first, each employee is the image of the company, the
representative of the company's brand.

When wearing a uniform, each employee will feel the equality, solidarity and unity
of all employees in the company, be cared for and proud when wearing the company
uniform. Wear uniforms to ensure the necessary decency and politeness when working and
is a way to promote the image and brand of the company vividly, honestly and beautifully.

As a unit operating in the field of human resource supply, professionalism will help
the company build an image and operate more effectively.

The cost of a year's uniform for employees is not high, it is quite doable. In parallel
with the benefits that the issuance of uniforms brings, the author thinks that this is a feasible

3.2.6 Develop specific recruitment methods

To help the selection be accurate and smooth, the company needs to set out detailed
employee selection standards. It includes 5 basic standards: qualities, attitude, knowledge,
appearance and ability to communicate, of which the "qualities" section has always been
an important and indispensable standard for all vacancies. These standards will be given
by departments and departments with recruitment requirements and then recruiters will
synthesize to find and select suitable candidates during the interview process. In addition,
the examination and verification of candidates' records should be carried out carefully to
avoid the lowest possible risk to the Company if encountering incorrect records of

Perfecting interview methods: the company has used interview and examination
methods to recruit employees. However, the interviewing work of the company is also

Candidate Interview Process

The company should establish an interview committee consisting of: Deputy

Director of Operations, Head of Administration - Human Resources Department, Heads of
departments lacking people. The director will directly interview candidates for the
management department, unskilled workers will be interviewed by the heads of the
Administration - Human Resources department and the leaders of the department.

Develop interview questionnaires for each position, the number of questions ranges
from 10 to 15 questions.

The company should form a more professional team of interviewers because the
success or failure of the interview depends a lot on the interviewer's attitude towards the
candidate. From the beginning, the interviewer must create an open, sociable atmosphere
so that the candidate sees the interview as just a conversation. Should create confidence
and psychological comfort for candidates, so they will have the opportunity to express
themselves, avoid pressure and stress in the interview. The interview sequence should be
conducted as follows:

•Welcoming and greeting applicants

•Invite them to sit

•Ask the applicant why they are applying

•Ask some questions about relevant knowledge, about experience.

•Summarize what the applicant has to say

•Listen to questions and inquiries while researching the applicant's company and
answer them to the extent permitted

•Set deadlines to respond to interview results for applicants.

•Say goodbye to them.

The company should ask questions about qualifications and other areas. Present
situations for candidates to handle, and have to interview. And there has to be time for
candidates to ask again. The interview must be treated as a two-way conversation and
information. Interviewers tap into candidate information through answering their questions
and the state expression on their facial expressions, candidates can also learn information
from the interviewer. The questions that the candidate asks are:

•When working for the company, what are my responsibilities and obligations?

•What specific job are you hiring?

•How many branches, how many divisions, what are the main products?

During the probationary period, the company should appoint staff of the
Administration - Human Resources Department to check whether the person directly
guiding and training the candidate has properly performed his/her duties and
responsibilities. Must guide probationary employees dedicatedly so that they can integrate
and grasp the job quickly.

Classification of recruiters

The company should divide recruiters into 2 categories: inexperienced and

experienced to make the recruitment process easier.

Inexperienced: the main force is students of universities and colleges who have just
graduated, but have not yet worked, and students who are preparing to graduate.

For recent graduates: Because they have not worked in practice, they master theory
more than practice, so in the department of these subjects, they should check the theory
part first, if they pass, they will continue to test the practical part, and if they do not pass
the theoretical test, they will be completely eliminated.

For students who are preparing to graduate from the company, they should set
standards for students such as: GPA by the final year must be 7.0 or higher, good ethics,
active participation in social activities and must allow them to regularly join the company
so that they combine theory with practical work. More than half of the company should
offer reasonable vacancies with attractive salaries and incentives to retain these elite
students after they graduate. With this way of finding workers from this source, the
Company will spend a large amount of money, but attract talents, less steps to collect and
research resumes, sometimes the preliminary interview steps in the recruitment process and
the integration into the working environment of these people is quite fast and simple. The
quality of labor recruited from this source can be said to be very high.

Experienced subjects:

Those who used to work for companies with a dynamic, developed working
environment and were thoroughly trained and trained in professional expertise, but for
some reason they left that company. And especially most of these people are capable, easily
adapting to the new working environment.

The second is those who have worked for state-owned enterprises or enterprises that
have gone bankrupt or inefficient. Therefore, the Company must consider carefully when
recruiting this audience.

Selection criteria

To help the selection be accurate and smooth, the company needs to set out detailed
employee selection standards. It includes 5 basic standards: qualities, attitude, knowledge,

appearance and ability to communicate, of which the "qualities" section has always been
an important and indispensable standard for all vacancies. These standards will be given
by departments and departments with recruitment requirements and then recruiters will
synthesize to find and select suitable candidates during the interview process. In addition,
the examination and verification of candidates' records should be carried out carefully to
avoid the lowest possible risk to the Company if encountering incorrect records of


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