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1. According to studies, "justice and fairness" refers to outside actions that a person might take to
either directly or indirectly influence other people. It has no effect on other people's needs, wants,
or desires. Justice also refers to fairness or justice. It is an idea of moral righteousness founded
on equality and ethical principles, and it is associated with the word punishment in the event that
declared ethics are broken. Punishment and justice are, in actuality, connected. For those who
violate justice, retribution is a necessary idea in order for justice to win in that community.
Punishment stems from retribution, according to Kant.


- Income tax

The uniformity and equity of taxation are violated by the implementation of a progressive income tax
system, in which those with greater incomes pay higher rates of taxation. By ensuring that those who have
the means to contribute more do so, this promotes equity in the distribution of the tax burden.

- Property tax

Uniformity and equality in taxation are ensured by basing property tax levies on assessed property
values. In line with the idea of taxing people according to their ability to pay, property owners pay taxes
based on the worth of their assets.

- Sales tax

Ensuring uniformity and justice in taxation by applying a sales tax based on the assessed value of
properties ensures that each taxpayer pays the same percentage on their purchases. To improve equity,
though, some necessities like groceries and medications might be excluded from taxes or subject to a
lower rate of taxation, which would ease the burden on those with lower incomes.

- Corporate tax

Corporate taxes on profits are assessed to maintain tax equity and uniformity. Taking business earnings
upholds the principle of fairness because all entitled parties contribute a percentage of their profits to
public revenue, irrespective of the size or structure of the enterprise.

- Inheritance Tax

implementing an inheritance tax on estates valued at more than a specific amount encourages tax
equality and uniformity. By redistributing resources fairly throughout society, this serves to reduce
wealth inequality and guarantees that wealth is not inherited in an unequal manner from one generation
to the next.


1. For Kant’s definition of freedom, he said that freedom can be characterized as the right to

control one’s action based on reason, and not desire. Herewith, it can be reduced to the word,

“Autonomy” which means self-legislation or self- governance. In a narrow sense, it simply means

that freedom is about the person’s ability to act on his own depending on his interests, principles

and values. A further characteristic is included by Kant’s definition of freedom- it is to abide by

the rules they follow. Based on Kant’s perception, it is said that people are not born to live with

what they truly want to do but rather, this principle of freedom is to live with the laws and

regulations enforced on us since we are born. Third characteristic of freedom in Kant's definition

is that it is limited and it coexists with each other’s freedom.

In terms of Kant’s philosophy on morality, his ethics are mostly organized in the notion

of “Categorical Imperative” which is a universal ethical principle that binds us to act in

accordance with respecting humanity in others and with accordance with the rules that could hold

for everyone. With this, regardless of hopes and wants, categorical imperative attaches us to have

the responsibility to do things even though we already have the interest to do so. In simpler terms,

this golden rule of categorical imperative says to people to act as they would want all other

people to act towards all other people making it looks like a universal law. Connecting to the

categorical imperative, Kant’s idea of morality is based on the idea of obligation.

In the course of Kant’s philosophy about justice and fairness, he stated three corollaries

in terms of it. First is (a) justice involves external acts through which an individual may directly

and indirectly influence others. Second, (b) justice does not affect the desires, wishes or needs of

others and third (c) justice is concerned primarily with the nature of interpersonal relationships

and not with their substance. In a wider sense of Kant’s view of justice and fairness, on the first

corollary, he pointed out that the external actions that derived from our moral values that came

from our internal acts can influence other people either in a direct or indirect way. Likewise, in

the second, our kindness and charity came from our voluntary actions, morality and goodness and

our perception of other people’s freedom is not concerned with it.

2. I believe that happiness is a state of freedom. When I communicate my emotions to other people and
accomplish personal goals out of my own free will, I feel content and accomplished. I can reduce my
anxiety and feel less stressed when I allow myself to express my views. In that we should make our own
decisions and not allow other people influence them in order to be happy in life, this is connected to
Kant's idea of freedom. Knowing my obligation to others and determining what is right and wrong in a
given scenario are the foundations of morality, which is how I treat other people well. According to
Kant's explanation, morality is the idea that the only thing that is good is goodwill, and that goodwill is
the law of duty. We ought to fulfill our obligations and responsibilities out of altruism and duty. On the
other hand, I define justice and fairness as treating everyone equally. It is impartial and offers no defense
against moral standards to anyone. Justice does not factor other people's needs, wants, or desires into your
judgments, according to Kant's definitions of freedom and fairness.

3. The 1987 Philippine Constitution's Article 6 Section 28 outlines the fundamentals of taxation. Prior to
establishing a tax payment system, the government ensures that it is equitable for the majority. There it
was said that since the members of these nonprofit organizations received no compensation, they are
immune from paying taxes. Additionally, it was mentioned that taxes apply to everything that is imported
into and exported from the nation and that an ordinance cannot be taxed if the majority of people do not
agree to it.

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