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Ancheta, Justin O.

Human Behavior in Organization HB0-12 BPA G2021

Emerging team opportunities

Team work is one the reason why organization achieve their success. In today’s
world there are some emerging team opportunities that we can use on our organization.
One of the key factors on this is the creation of different modern technologies that every
team can use as an opportunity to aim their goals. Globalization and different landscape
of business organization affects this emerging team significantly on a positive manner.
Additionally, the different workforce demographics also affects this emerging team
opportunities. But the most important thing even there are many emerging team
opportunities, behavior is the best key in ensuring the organization stable relationship
between each member in achieving success and reaching their goals. Now, let’s tackle
about the different emerging team opportunities and understand how it can be a big
help to our organization.
First is we have the remote teams. When we say remote teams, it is the
collaboration of each member wherein they use technology to on their teams in order for
them to meet. By the word ‘remote’ meaning each member of this team are far from
each other’s area some of them live on other country. They’re not met each other face
to face; remote teams only use internet platforms to connect with each other. Example
of this platform is zoom meeting, google meet and any other video conferencing
platforms. The rapid increase of remote work arrangements can help the organization
be flexible in works that can be done thru online or virtually. It can also be a big help to
reduce the costs of working in a traditional office set up and it promotes work-life
balance for each member.

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