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▶ Preface - [↑]

I started this software application in 2010 as a hobby project for my personal learning (reading & listening
to foreign texts, saving & reviewing new words and expressions).
In June 2011, I decided to publish the software in the hope that it will be useful to other language learners
around the world.
The software is 100 % free, open source, and in the public domain. You may do with it what you like: use
it, improve it, change it, publish an improved version, even use it within a commercial product.
English is not my mother tongue - so please forgive me any mistakes.
A piece of software will be never completely free of "bugs" - please inform me of any problem you will
encounter. Your feedback and ideas are always welcome.
My programming style is quite chaotic, and my software is mostly undocumented. This will annoy people
with much better programming habits than mine, but please bear in mind that LWT is a one-man hobby
project and completely free.
Thank you for your attention. I hope you will enjoy this application as I do every day.

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