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Waiting for Godot

The COmpetion
The original
A rewrite of waiting for Godot reflects on the world as of
now while also incorporating the script from the original
Samuel Beckert play​
Waiting for Godot is a play where nothing happens both
acts mirror the other. The play follows the characters of
Vladimir and Estragon conversing while both waiting for
a man called Godot who never comes.​
The new
I want the play to reflect on our current world. Where abortions
are illegalized, gay marriage is under threat and the feminist
movement is being sent back.
The idea is that if we keep pushing back the clock and
oppressing people eventually it won't matter, and this setting
will be the result.
My goal is for this performance to occur in the playhouse
theatre in qpac to gain the best and most effective use of this
space and meaning.
The sounds demonstrated in
the background of this slide
are the background noises of
the play that consisted of bird
noises, screams, creaks wind
and rain.
Sounds are never addressed
in the play showing the
meaninglessness of the
final the part of the song I
know the end by Pheobe
bridges. This song will play at
the beginning and end of
each act helping to give the
illusion of mirroring acts
Lighting &
set in a more dystopian run-
down highway that we can
see at the entrance to LA
The play's acts will also start
with lighting that gives the
feeling of dawn or dusk
The rest of the play will be set
in a light blue light
The boy's costume is a simple
stable boy attire but it's all
white giving the boy an almost
angelic look showing the
promise of a better life with
Pozo's costume is inspired by
a 70s pimp, the air of fake
wealth is one that Pozo brings
to the stage
Set choice
These are the posters scattered
across the stage of far-right
propaganda this choice really
helps to demonstrate symbol and
2022 Brisbane Fringe
new take of the classic play waiting for Godot will bring attention to
modern issues giving audiences a larger draw to the adapted version
of the performance

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Waiting for godot redesign

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