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Dear. Mr/Mrs HRD

Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations

Yours faithfully,

In connection with the job vacancy information listed on the LinkedIn website, I saw that the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is currently opening vacancies for the position of Program
Assistant. Therefore, along with this letter, I would like to apply for the vacant position.

Currently, I am in good health and have abilities in this area. The following is my biodata.

● Name : Edi Guntoro

● Place and date of birth : Banyumas, January 20, 1995
● Last education : S1-Agrotechnology
● Mobile phone number : 085786191647

Then, for consideration, I attach several documents that I have uploaded to the application application

1. CV
2. Scan of Last Bachelor Degree
3. Scan the Transcript of Grades
4. Scan TOEFL Scores
5. Scan KTP
6. Publication List

This is the application letter that I have written. I hope that we can continue this recruitment process. For
your attention, sir/madam, I say many thanks.


Edi Guntoro

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