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Topic: Clift lip

DR. HADDY: Hello, and welcome to Maamuus. I'm Dr. Haddy, your host. Today, we're delving into a
topic that's both important and touching – cleft lip. Joining us is Dr. Ubah Seed, a renowned plastic
surgeon specializing in cleft lip and palate repair. Welcome, Dr. Seed!
Dr. Ubah Seed (US): Thank you, Dr. Haddy. It's a pleasure to be here and discuss this crucial topic.
H: Let's dive right in.
Question 1: What exactly is a cleft lip, and how common is it?
US: A cleft lip is a congenital condition where there's an opening or gap in the upper lip. It can range
from a small notch to a significant separation that extends into the nose. Cleft lip occurs early in
pregnancy and is more common than people might think, affecting approximately 1 in 700 live births.
US: It's more prevalent than some might realize.
Question 2: How is a cleft lip diagnosed, and what does the diagnostic process involve?
US: Cleft lip is often diagnosed through routine prenatal ultrasound. After birth, it's visible and diagnosed
by a physical examination. In some cases, further imaging may be done to assess the extent of the cleft
and plan for corrective surgery.
H: Early detection is crucial.
Question 3: Can you speak to the emotional impact a cleft lip diagnosis can have on parents and
US: Absolutely. A cleft lip diagnosis can be emotionally challenging for families. It's essential to provide
support, education, and connect them with resources. Thankfully, with advances in medical care, we can
address and treat cleft lip effectively.
H: Support is key during such times.
Question 4: Tell us about the surgical procedures involved in repairing a cleft lip.
US: Cleft lip repair typically involves surgery to close the gap in the lip. The timing of the surgery can
vary, but it's often done within the first few months of life. Skilled surgeons work not only on the physical
repair but also on ensuring proper alignment and symmetry for the best aesthetic and functional
H: Precision is crucial in the surgical process.
Question 5: What challenges do individuals with a cleft lip often face, both medically and socially?
US: Medically, there can be challenges with feeding and speech development, which is why early
intervention is vital. Socially, individuals with a cleft lip may face societal stigma and misconceptions.
Support groups and counseling can play a significant role in addressing these challenges.
H: Comprehensive care is necessary.
Question 6: How has technology and medical advancements influenced cleft lip treatment over the
US: Advances in imaging technology, surgical techniques, and multidisciplinary care have transformed
cleft lip treatment. 3D imaging helps in detailed planning, and collaborative approaches involving speech
therapists, orthodontists, and psychologists contribute to holistic care.
H: Technology has played a pivotal role in improving outcomes.
Question 7: Can you share a success story of a patient you've worked with, highlighting the
transformative impact of cleft lip repair?
US: I had a patient, let's call her Emily, who underwent cleft lip repair at an early age. Watching her grow
into a confident, vibrant individual has been incredibly rewarding. It emphasizes the transformative
impact these surgeries can have on not just the physical appearance but also on a person's overall well-
H: Truly inspiring.
Question 8: What advice would you give to parents of children born with a cleft lip?
US: My advice would be to seek a specialized cleft care team, connect with support groups, and know
that with the right medical care and support, their child can lead a fulfilling life. Early intervention is
crucial, and there's a wealth of resources available.
H: Solid advice for parents navigating this journey.
Question 9: In your opinion, what's the most significant misconception about cleft lip that you'd like to
US: One common misconception is that cleft lip is purely a cosmetic issue. In reality, it involves
functional aspects like speech development. It's not just about appearance; it's about ensuring individuals
can lead healthy, fulfilling lives.
H: Important to clarify that misconception.
Question 10: What do you envision for the future of cleft lip treatment and awareness?
US: I envision continued advancements in research, technology, and increased awareness. It's not just
about the surgeries; it's about comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of a person's well-being.
More awareness means more support and understanding in society.
H: A hopeful vision for the future.
Closing Remarks:
H: Thank you, Dr. Ubah, for sharing your expertise and insights on cleft lip. It's been an enlightening
discussion. And to our listeners, thank you for joining us on Maamuus. Remember, knowledge and
understanding are powerful tools that can pave the way for a more compassionate world.

US: Thank you, Dr. Haddy. It's been a pleasure discussing this important topic.

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