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I've heard you want to take a dancing class; I think I can

help you with that. I would like to recommend /ˌrek.ə

ˈmend/ the Move With Me dancing class. It's located on
42 Nguyen Trai Street. This dancing class teaches hip-hop
dance, which kind of dance I think suits you very well.
This class opens from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. from Monday to
Saturday. You should buy a duffel bag to store a variety
of items, including outfits, shoes, and cosmetics
/kɒz'metik/. The key to dressing for hip hop is choosing
clothes that accentuate /ək'sent∫ʊeit/ the fluidity /flu
ˈɪd.ə.t̬i/ of your moves, like sweatpants, loose tees, and
sweatshirts. Most studios don’t allow shoes that have
been worn on the street because they can leave marks
and debris /dəˈbriː/ on the floor, so buy a pair or two just
for dance class. I recommend sneakers. Remember to
bring a water bottle in case you get thirsty. Dancing can
get you sweaty; that’s why a must-have for your dance
bag is a sweat towel. Keeping your body clean and dry is
essential and can prevent unwanted accidents like
slipping and falling off lifts, so make sure to always pack a
clean towel. Ms. Hoa is one of the best teachers at Move
With Me Dance Studio. She's a great choreographer
/ˌkɔːr.iˈɑː.ɡrə.fɚ/. She knows how to simplify the
choreography if you cannot keep up with the pace /peis/
of her teaching. She creates a positive and encouraging
environment in her classes, making it easier for students
to ask questions and seek clarification /,klærifi'kei∫n/.
Additionally, Ms. Hoa's attention to detail ensures that
every dancer understands the movements correctly,
allowing them to fully enjoy and excel in their dance

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