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International Journal of Transgender Health

2021, VOL. 22, NO. 3, 217–224


Bell v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 3274:
Weighing current knowledge and uncertainties in decisions about
gender-related treatment for transgender adolescents
While the use of puberty suppression has become Australian Professional Association for
widely accepted as part of health care for trans- Transgender Health (AusPATH) and the
gender adolescents and access to this treatment Professional Association for Transgender Health
for minors has increased significantly (e.g., of Aotearoa (PATHA) (WPATH, 2020;
Mahfouda et al., 2017, 2019), progressively strong EPATH, 2020).
criticism has emerged (e.g., Laidlaw et al., 2019). The statement was prepared by the authors of
Unfortunately, this criticism can have serious con- the current editorial on behalf of the aforemen-
sequences for transgender adolescents, their fam- tioned organizations. The current paper is an
ilies and their care providers as, for example, extended version of that statement including the
shown in the USA by proposals to legally prohibit scientific evidence and references which the nec-
the provision of gender-related medical care for essary brevity of such policy statements precludes.
minors in several states (Walch et al., 2021). With this publication the authors wish to further
Another such consequence is presently occurring detail their concern regarding the harm which
in England, where a detransitioned patient and may be caused by legal judgements which inter-
a parent brought a legal claim against the coun- fere with necessary medical treatment for trans-
try’s main (and only) youth transgender clinic of gender youth, undertaken in a shared
providing gender-related medical interventions decision-making process between patients and
when, they claim, giving informed consent is not qualified clinicians, in precisely the same way as
possible prior to the age of majority at 18. In other necessary medical treatments for minors
December 2020 the court gave a verdict in this which are not transgender-related.
case with the result that transgender adolescents
can no longer start medical gender affirming
The case
treatment below the age of 16 unless a court
order is obtained; the same procedure is also On December 1, 2020, the High Court in London
suggested for those aged 16 to 18 (High Court, ruled (High Court, Bell vs. Tavistock, 2020) that
Bell v Tavistock, 2020). The World Professional “Children are highly unlikely to be able to con-
Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) sent to taking puberty blockers.” This was the
and its European chapter the European outcome of a legal case against one of the oldest
Professional Association for Transgender Health specialized youth gender clinics in the world, the
(EPATH) expressed their strong disagreement Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at
with this verdict in a joint statement on December the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation
18, 2020 (WPATH, 2020; EPATH, 2020). This Trust working with the University College London
statement was supported by the other regional Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Leeds
chapters - including the US Professional Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Dyer, 2020a).
Association for Transgender Health (USPATH), GIDS is the only provider of such care in the
the Asian Professional Association for Transgender United Kingdom (UK). It was concluded that
Health (AsiaPATH), the Canadian Professional youth under age 16 generally cannot consent to
Association for Transgender Health (CPATH), the the use of puberty blockers for gender dysphoria

© 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


since it is unlikely that they can understand the not to pursue further transition. Treatment of
immediate and long-term consequences of the transgender adolescents involving gender affirm-
treatment; and further that patients who use ing medical interventions (puberty suppression
puberty blockers inevitably move onto irreversible and subsequent gender affirming sex hormones)
cross-sex hormone therapy and therefore also has become the most widely accepted clinical
have to foresee the consequences of such treat- approach in specialized transgender clinics around
ment in order to be able to consent to puberty the world and is accepted best practice amongst
suppression. The far-reaching result of the judg- specialist clinicians. For this reason, it forms part
ment is that all applicants for gender-related of the two main international guidelines in the
medical intervention in the UK under the age of field: the WPATH’s Standards of Care as well as
16 will first have to go to court for authorization, the Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines
and if they are denied, will not have access to (Coleman et al., 2012; Hembree et al., 2017).
such treatment (Dyer, 2020b). The court further Indeed, no professional association with expertise
suggested that for those between 16 and 18 (18 in the field has opposed the use of these medical
being the age of majority in the UK) “it would interventions; instead, there is professional con-
be appropriate for clinicians to involve the court sensus - based on clinical experience and empir-
in any case where there may be any doubt as to ical evidence that medical interventions for
whether the long-term best interests of a 16 or carefully selected individuals are helpful and
17-year-old would be served by the clinical inter- potentially lifesaving for transgender youth before
ventions at issue in this case.” the age of 16 (Turban et al., 2020). The relevant
After years wherein access to medical care for professional associations supporting these guide-
transgender youth has gradually become much lines as co-sponsors include the European Society
more available and a concomitant expansion of of Pediatric Endocrinology, the European Society
clinical experience and outcome research is seen, of Endocrinology, the Pediatric Endocrine Society,
the current court order is a retrograde step which the American Association of Clinical
results in severe barriers to care for transgender Endocrinologists, and WPATH for the Endocrine
youth in the UK. EPATH and WPATH have seri- Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines. Further
ous concerns about this ruling and wish to state statements and consensus papers also support
that although treatment for young transgender these interventions such as the American Academy
adolescents involves uncertainties, as is the case of Pediatrics (Rafferty & Committee on
in many fields involving young people, studies Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health,
demonstrate the clear benefits of appropriate 2018) and the European Society of Sexual
medical treatment which includes puberty block- Medicine (T’Sjoen et al., 2020). The American
ers for many young people. Withholding such Psychological Association Task Force on Gender
treatment may therefore be harmful with poten- Identity and Gender Variance Report (APA, 2009)
tial life-long psychological, social, and medical also recognized the medical necessity and benefits
consequences, as summarized below. of gender-transition treatments for youth who are
evaluated carefully. These treatments are therefore
not typically viewed by professionals with exper-
Immediate and long-term consequences of tise in this area as radical or ancillary treatments
puberty blockers but, when administered by a trained provider
The provision of puberty suppression as a revers- following thorough assessment, as important and
ible medical intervention was introduced into commonly accepted practices which support the
clinical care in the late 1990s by Dutch clinicians well-being of transgender youth.
Cohen-Kettenis et al. (2008). The aim of puberty In contrast, the High Court in London judged
suppression was to prevent the psychological suf- the evidence base for gender-related medical
fering which stems from distressing physical treatment for children and adolescents to be
changes when puberty starts, and to allow the “highly uncertain.” Both within and outside of
adolescent time to carefully consider whether or the field of transgender health, the relative
International Journal of Transgender Health 219

paucity of scientific evidence is acknowledged and Sobrara et al. (2020) also found that when
(e.g., Byng et al., 2018; Pang et al., 2019) and all youth first present for treatment at an older age
involved agree there is a need for further research they experience higher levels of distress compared
(Chen et al., 2020a; Olson-Kennedy et al., 2016). to their counterparts who request treatment at
An explanation for the lack of studies may be an earlier age. Although the findings of these
that finding financial resources to conduct long cross-sectional studies need careful consideration
term longitudinal clinical follow up studies is (de Vries, 2020), they highlight the possible ben-
challenging. However, at present, various studies, efits of access to appropriate medical care earlier
including some relatively large scale prospective in life rather than later (Chen et al., 2020b).
longitudinal studies, are in progress in different Alongside other factors such as family and social
parts of the world (Olson-Kennedy et al., 2019; support, the prevention of an unwanted puberty
Reardon, 2016; Tollit et al., 2019). Importantly, with the associated physical changes (the devel-
the first such longer term longitudinal cohort opment of breasts for an affirmed boy or beard
follow-up research from the Netherlands, where and deep voice for an affirmed girl) is likely to
this approach was developed, shows promising have contributed to the alleviation of psycholog-
findings on the effectiveness (de Vries et al., ical distress and well-being and a healthy psy-
2011, 2014). Shorter term follow-up research in chological development. A legal judgment that,
the UK also shows improved psychological func- in most cases, will result in youth not having
tioning after 6 months of puberty suppression access to medical interventions which act to
(Costa et al., 2015). To date, these studies have reduce these health concerns, or only having
provided the main evidence for the effectiveness access after a significant delay, leaves little doubt
of puberty suppression. that many youth will suffer chronically, signifi-
Recently, two new longitudinal studies from cantly and unnecessarily. In addition, it may lead
the US have replicated the decline in depression to collateral negative effects such as academic
and anxiety scores and improved quality of life decline, social withdrawal, poor mental health
after approximately 1 or 1.5 year of puberty sup- and occupational dysfunction.
pression and/or hormones (Achille et al., 2020;
Kuper et al., 2020) as was previously found by
de Vries et al. (2014). One new cross-sectional Do puberty blockers lead to further gender
affirming treatment?
study from the Netherlands also showed decreased
emotional and behavioral problems in those on Gender affirming medical interventions for ado-
puberty suppression compared to those who lescents are usually offered in a step-wise approach
hadn’t started treatment yet (van der Miesen from reversible to irreversible treatments. Starting
et al., 2020). Just one other recent longitudinal with hormone blockers such as Gonadotropin
published study of a sample of 44 transgender Hormone Releasing agonists (GnRHa), whose
young adolescents (aged 12–15 years) using effects on pubertal development are considered
puberty blockers did not show an improvement reversible according to the current literature
in psychological functioning over a three-year (Panagiotakopoulos et al., 2020), young people
period, although there was no decline in psycho- are provided with ample time to explore their
logical functioning either, and adolescents were gender. If desired, this can be followed by a
satisfied with their treatment (Carmichael et al., reversion to their birth assigned gender role.
2021). Of further note, a U.S. National Institutes Whereas for those who wish to continue with
of Health-funded long-term study using a base- their physical transition and who have been care-
line mental health evaluation found that youth fully evaluated by qualified clinicians, partially
presenting for medical treatment of gender dys- reversible hormonal therapy, and finally irrevers-
phoria at early vs. late stages of puberty “endorsed ible surgeries are options; it is not the case that
lower rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidality one stage invariably leads to the next.
and higher body esteem and life satisfaction” So far, the follow-up studies after puberty sup-
(Chen et al., 2020b). Edwards-Leeper et al. (2017) pression from the Netherlands show that the rate

of adolescents that stop the reversible blockers experienced over time; this indicates that these
because they no longer wish to transition is very youth were able to make informed choices at an
low; 1.9% (Wiepjes et al., 2018) and 3.5% (Brik earlier age without regrets in later adolescence
et al., 2020) in two respective studies. This is not and early adulthood.
surprising since treatment is only started in those The recent increase of gender diverse adoles-
for whom gender incongruence is thought to be cents presenting to specialized transgender care
very likely to last into adulthood. However, this clinics for medical interventions such as puberty
does not mean that, as the UK court ruling erro- blockers has also raised questions. It has been
neously suggests, adolescents ‘automatically’ go suggested that new categories of patients are seek-
on to gender affirming hormone treatment after ing care with possibly lower diagnostic thresholds
puberty suppression; nor does it mean that (Landén, 2019). However, a study from the
puberty suppression somehow causes adolescents Amsterdam transgender clinic that investigated
to pursue further treatment. Hormone treatment trends over time by comparing certain key char-
is a carefully considered next step for which ado- acteristics from earlier to recent applicants,
lescents (and their parents) provide separate showed no changes in intensity of gender dys-
informed consent after having received informa- phoria, psychological functioning, and age,
tion about the effects, limitations, and potential between 2000 and 2016 (Arnoldussen et al.,
side effects of this treatment, with particular 2020). The only change was a shift in gender
emphasis on fertility. By the time adolescents are ratio in favor of birth assigned females. Although
eligible for this treatment they are usually around again these results merit further study, they also
the age of 16 years (and sometimes younger; show that the recently observed exponential
Hembree et al., 2017) and better able to foresee increase in referrals might reflect a societal shift
the consequences of this partially irreversible step. in which people feel more able to come forward
It is not reasonable to require adolescents to for help, rather than presenting with less intense
already foresee and weigh up all consequences gender dysphoria (for which medical treatment
of cross-sex hormone treatment at the time they might not be necessary) or more psychological
start puberty suppression as the High Court sug- problems (that interfere with assessment and
gests, since each step is clinically distinct. make it likely that treatment is less effective).
The High Court inferred from the low detran-
sition rates not that the young people were being
The harm of not providing puberty blockers
appropriately selected through the stringent clin-
ical assessment process employed, but rather that Our deep concern is that the High Court over-
puberty suppression was the first part of a treat- looked not only the immediate positive effects of
ment which would inevitably and causatively lead puberty suppression, which have resulted in
to affirming hormones and surgeries with life- decreased psychological suffering and a healthier
long consequences for fertility, relationships, and adolescent development; but also the lifelong ben-
gender identity. Therefore, the High Court con- efits of having a physical appearance which is
cluded that the younger adolescents must not congruent with one’s gender identity (e.g., no or
only make a decision on puberty blockers, with less breast development and less feminine body
reversible effects, but also on the subsequent shape in an affirmed male and no low voice,
treatment with irreversible effects. However, we Adam’s apple, or masculine facial features in an
do not agree. Our reading of the research find- affirmed female). Many transgender adults wish
ings is one of reassurance that careful assessment they could have had treatment in adolescence
before starting medical treatment leads to pro- (Turban et al., 2020). This is a vital point, where
vision of puberty blockers only to those adoles- not only research findings, as well as any lacuna
cents with a high likelihood of lasting gender within the available evidence, should be consid-
incongruence into adulthood. The fact that they ered. A medical ethics approach is also relevant,
continue with hormonal care when they are older one that appreciates gender diversity as an
validates a stability in gender identity expected aspect of human diversity, rather than
International Journal of Transgender Health 221

something to be avoided at all costs, including a treatment which young persons themselves, did
the cost of significant psychological decompen- not want. In all cases, unless this is not in the
sation of gender diverse individuals in the absence best interest of the adolescent, parents are
of affirmative treatments. It is important to real- involved in the medical decision-making process.
ize that allowing puberty to progress in adoles- The UK court argued that adolescents cannot
cents who experience gender incongruence is not fully foresee the impact that possible conse-
a neutral act and may have lifelong harmful quences of treatment such as infertility and
effects for a transgender young person such as altered sexual function may have on their adult
stigmatization, personal physical discomfort, dif- life. Most parents, however, are fully aware of
ficulty with sexual function, and difficulty with this, and can nonetheless support treatment of
social integration (Giordano, 2008; Giordano & their children because they see that the benefits
Holm, 2020; Kreukels & Cohen-Kettenis, 2011). of the treatment outweigh any potential harm.
In addition, individuals may have to endure Further, in this study, in the cases where young
expensive and invasive medical procedures when adolescents were not considered competent, the
they are older, such as hair removal or feminizing time that puberty suppression was provided was
facial surgery for women, and mastectomy for explicitly used to ensure that the adolescent
men, interventions that can be avoided by the developed competence in order to make fully
use of puberty blockers. Thus, while medical care informed decisions regarding subsequent treat-
for transgender adolescents deserves further ments which have more irreversible effects
research and evidence (as with many fields), (Vrouenraets et al., submitted). When prescribing
withholding such treatment is not an innocuous puberty blockers and gender affirming hormones
option and is likely to cause harm. before the age of 16, the same procedures are
followed as for other prescribed medication or
treatment that minors receive with informed con-
The age of consent sent given by parents acting as proxies, and youth
As noted in the case Bell vs. Tavistock and giving informed assent to the best of their abil-
Portman NHS Foundation Trust (High Court, ities. The assumption that medical interventions
2020), "The sole legal issue in the case is the for transgender youth are less necessary than for
circumstances in which a child or young person other areas of medical pediatric practice is mis-
may be competent to give valid consent to treat- guided and not supported by the evidence of the
ment in law and the process by which consent mental health burden carried by untreated trans-
to the treatment is obtained." Even when they gender youth. In pediatric care, there are many
do not yet have the legal right to give their own instances in which parents act as proxies when
consent to treatment, research has demonstrated their children are unable to engage in informed
that many minors possess the cognitive and emo- consent, such as when children are too young,
tional abilities to understand the consequences too impaired by their medical condition, or are
of their decisions, including decisions concerning psychiatrically or cognitively unable to consent.
health care. In fact, minors as young as 12 years In those cases, it is commonly understood that
of age frequently possess this ability (Hein et al., parents can make decisions regarding the best
2015; Redding, 1993). A recent study using a interest of their children and sometimes consent
standardized measure (MacCAT-T), determined processes can be adapted so that youth can assent
that 90% of the transgender adolescents about to to the best of their abilities (Shumer &
receive puberty suppression are assessed to be Tishelman, 2015).
competent to consent (Vrouenraets et al., sub- Finally, given the extensive diagnostic and coun-
mitted). This study also showed that in cases seling work that precedes decisions around gender
where there was doubt about the young person’s affirming medical treatment to minors, we are
competence, the decision to start puberty sup- convinced that the determination of the ability of
pression depended more heavily on the parents’ a particular adolescent to give consent should be
informed consent, although never to consent to made by a competent health provider who has

evaluated the adolescent, and not by a court of Joz Motmans

law. Current guidelines already recommend that Transgender Infopunt, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent,
this competence is assessed by a specialized health
professional prior to the start of treatment Sabine E. Hannema
(Coleman et al., 2012; Hembree et al., 2017). Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Emma Chil-
dren’s Hospital, Amsterdam University Medical Centers,
Conclusion location Vumc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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