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Computer games are bad?

it is true that computer games can be violent for some people. many of the games are very

violent and some people are influenced by them and do violent things themselves.

I also think that computer games can be addictive and this can be bad for people. Some young

people, for example, spend a lot of time playing these games instead of doing activities that

are healthier for them, like playing sports. This means that they can become unhealthy and

even spend less time talking to their friends and having good relationships with other people.

Playing computer games for too long also has bad effects on people psychologically. It can

make people grumpy and affect their relationships with their friends and family.

On the other hand, computer games are not so bad. People can learn skills while playing and

of course they can have a lot of fun. This gives them great entertainment. There is nothing

wrong with them unless people don't spend a lot of time playing them.

169 words
Big Brother

In my opinion, this show is the worst show on television right now so I just can't understand

why people would want to watch it. In this show, a group of people who have never met each

other are sent to live in a big house in the middle of the countryside. in the show they

demonstrate how they get along with each other.

The main problem with this show is that all the people in it are horrible. they are all desperate

because you are the famous one to appear on TV but they are not interesting people. They talk

about themselves all the time but they have annoying personalities and very silly opinions.

They are too egotistical and and they think that people watching them think they are

fascinating. in fact, I'm sure anyone would say they are horrible people.

Another thing that makes this show more annoying is that the people argue with each other all

the time. This makes me want to tell them to shut up.


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