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Problems with mental health that can come from playing too many video games.

The more they spend time playing, the less they may pay attention to other
important parts of their daily routine. This means that if you are not mentally
well, it will affect you even more. Many people have told stories of how playing
too many video games can harm mental health.

Playing too many video games can cause mental health problems such as:

Feeling very sad and hopeless for a long time is called depression. It can make it
hard to enjoy things you used to like and do everyday activities. It is a serious
condition that may require treatment.
Social anxiety is when someone feels very nervous or scared about being around
other people or being in social situations.
Not feeling interested or excited enough to do something.

Depression means feeling sad and hopeless for a long time. It can make it hard to
do everyday things and enjoy life. It's a serious problem that needs treatment.

Playing too many video games can make some people feel sad and down. When they play
video games a lot, they forget about other important things in their lives. For
instance, they don't have a lot of friends and don't take care of their body by
eating well and exercising. All of those things can make you feel very sad or make
your already sad feelings worse.

Feeling very nervous and afraid in social situations is called social anxiety.

If you only have friends on video games and online, you miss out on the good things
that come with having friends in real life. You miss out on fun experiences and
meeting new people when you only spend time online. Sometimes, the relationships
you have online may not be as real as those you have in person.

Not having enough drive or interest to do something.

Playing too many video games can make you not want to do anything else because
video games meet all of your usual needs for other activities. Video games help you
improve your skills and advance to higher levels, which is an important part of
being human.

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