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Judul Kecanduan Game Online pada Remaja: Dampak dan Pencegahannya
Penulis Eryzal Novrialdy
Kesimpulan Dampak game online dapat positif juga negative. Positif bila dapat menghibur, melatih
kemampuan bahasa asing, melatih konsentrasi, dll. Sedangkan dampak negatif hingga
kearah kecanduan akan berdampak pada beberapa aspek kehidupan, seperti aspek
kesehatan, aspek psikologis, aspek akademik, aspek sosial dan aspek keuangan.
Kecanduan game online perlu dicegah karena dampaknya akan membuat kehidupan
remaja terganggu.
Judul Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Gangguan Kecanduan Game Online pada
Peserta Didik Kelas X di Madrasah Aliyah Al Furqon Prabumulih Tahun Pelajaran
Penulis Hardiyansyah Masya dan Dian Adi Candra
Kesimpulan factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku gangguan kecanduan game online pada
peserta didik kelas X antara lain (1) Kurangnya perhatian dari orang-orang terdekat,
(2) depresi, (3) kurang control, (4)kurang kegiatan yang positif, (5) lingkungan dan (6)
pola asuh yang salah.

Review The two articles above, are both written about online gaming addiction in their teens.
The word addiction, referring to the WHO definition is a mental disorder that is
included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This is indicated by
the disruption of control over the game with increased priority given to the game more
than other activities. The behavior continues despite negative consequences on that
person. To a certain extent, playing online games turns out to have positive effects
such as increasing brain activity, where each game requires high concentration in order
to focus on reaching the highest score, and practice problem solving when faced with
challenges of the game looking for solutions in order to win. Online games can also be
entertaining because there are many things in the game that can be chosen as desired
where the main purpose is only to get out of boredom. Because most of the games are
in foreign languages, players can use them to learn foreign languages

Addicted to online games can have a negative impact or danger for teens who
experience it. The impact that will arise due to online gaming addiction includes five
aspects, such as:
1. health aspects. Teenagers who are addicted to online games have a weak immune
system due to lack of physical activity, lack of sleep, and often late eating
2. psychological aspects. The number of online game scenes that show acts of crime
and violence such as fighting, vandalism, and murder, have indirectly influenced
the subconscious of teens that real life is the same as in online games. The
characteristics of teens who experience mental disorders due to the influence of
online games, namely easily angry, emotional, and easy to say dirty words.
3. academic aspects. Free time that should be ideal for learning lessons at school is
actually used more often to complete missions in online games. Teens
concentration power is generally disrupted so that the ability to absorb the lessons
conveyed by teachers is not optimal
4. social aspects. Teenagers who are accustomed to living in cyberspace, generally
have difficulty when having to socialize in the real world. Antisocial attitude, not
having the desire to mingle with the community, family and also friends are the
characteristics shown by teens who are addicted to online games
5. financial aspect. Online games require vouchers for operations and buying
vouchers for an addict, is a need to be able to make lies, theft and other violence.

Seeing the negative impact of online gaming addiction on teenagers, it would be

interesting if we look at the factors that cause addiction to emerge, namely:
1. Lack of attention from the closest people. Some people think that they are
considered to exist if they are able to master the situation. They feel happy if they
get the attention of those closest to them, especially their father and mother. In
order to get attention, someone will behave that is not pleasing to their parents.
Because by doing so, the parents will warn and monitor that person.
2. Depression. Some people use media to relieve their depression, including playing
online games. And with the pleasure offered by online games, then over time will
become addicted.
3. Lack of control. Parents premises pamper children with facilities, the effects of
addiction is very possible. Children who are not controlled will usually over-
4. Lack of positive activities. Unemployed is an unpleasant activity. In the absence of
activities, playing online games is often used as an escape sought.
5. Environment. A person's behavior is not only formed from within the family. When
at school, playing with friends can also shape a person's behavior. This means that
even if someone is not introduced to online games at home, then someone will be
familiar with online games because of their association
6. Wrong parenting. Parenting patterns are also very important for one's behavior. So,
from an early age parents must be careful in caring for their children. Because of
mistakes in parenting, one day the child will imitate the behavior of their parents

Some tips or solutions for how to overcome online game addiction, including:
1. Serious (intention). The first step in order to stop being addicted must be an
intention in yourself that is to be earnest or to promise yourself you will not play
online games anymore, initially it must be very difficult to do it, but eventually it
will work out.
2. Having a thrifty mind. By calculating the amount of money spent to play online
games in internet cafes will make someone think again to not to spend money for
online games.
3. Looking for other activities. Looking for other activities that are positive and more
useful especially the preferred habits, such as sports, or reading books. So there is
no free time to play online games.
4. Limiting time to play online games. Reducing playing time by starting to set hours
of play and trying to comply with the schedule. For the initial stages of playing 3
hours a day and for the following days reduced little by little.
5. Don't hang out with online game players. The point of this is not you shouldn’t be
friends with gamers but don't get too familiar because friends' invitations and
influences will easily influence you to play online games again.
6. Asking for help from the closest person. It means asking the closest person to
temporarily become a reminder every time they want to go to the internet cafe or
want to play a game.

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