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"If one is faced with the choice of playing online games all day for a week and studying

lessons for at least three hours a day for a week. One must ask oneself which course of action
fulfills one’s higher faculties more. One should also ask how many people can benefit from such
a choice compared to the other, as well as the kind of happiness it can bring these people."


Examine the case.

List all the Positive and Negative effects of the two issues at hand.
In relation to the Utilitarian discussion on happiness, which of the two will bring ultimate
happiness? Explain.

Positive Effects:

1. Social Skills - It builds up our social skills because some can be played with my/your friends
which also enhances teamwork for multiplayer online games. For example, you have to figure
out whom you can trust, who to make friends with,how to lead agroup.

2. Eye-hand Coordination - Online games help improve all hand-eye coordination wherein
vision and movement work together to produce actions. For example, in first person shooters,
gamers must aim rapidly and accurately at small targets. In driving games, we make small
stirring adjustments at high speeds.

3. Emotional Stability - Web based games (even from browser) are connected with
enthusiastic strength. A recent report, recommended that vivid games specifically appear to be
the most beneficial since they permit gamers to evaluate different versions of themselves. There
are games that are vivid to the point that individuals can go anyplace and do anything where
they can examine/investigate their own characters and see what fits best with their optimal self.

4. Blow Off Steam - Online games can help teens/adults blow off steam. A study found that
through this, teens/adults were relieving a lot of stress. Instead of causing aggression, online
games might help teens vent by getting aggressive in the game world instead of the real world.

5. Critical Thinking - One of the positive effects of online games is that it consolidate/enhances
our cognitive function. Games work progressively, and mostgames are determined and require
the player to settle on snappy choices in a brieftimeframe.

6. Decision Making and Accuracy - Online games make a player to decide fast with accuracy.
Critical thinking helps in developing decision-making skills that are valuable in real-life fields
such as sports or medicine, where split-second decisions under pressure are often required to
be taken

Negative Effects:
1. Health Issues - It is important to know that too much of anything is bad. In June2018, The
World Health Organization (WHO) declared gaming addiction as a mental health disorder. MRI
scans reveal that addictive video games can have a similar effect on kids’/adults' brains as
drugs and alcohol. Investing a great deal of energy playing computer games as opposed/battle
to enjoying physical exercises can be inconvenient to a kid's well-being in a few different ways.
A kid's psychological improvement may get influenced on the off chance that he doesn't get out
and associate in reality.

Playing often interferes with someone else's life. Gaming can have a negative impact on those
engaged in the activity. Some negative effects of video gaming include Poor school/work
performance, Relationship difficulties, Social isolation, Sleep deprivation, Hopelessness,
Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Poor health (dehydration, lack of nutrition), Obesity. These
problems may indeed be caused by too much time playing video games, but the jury is still out
on how many hours of video games is too much.

For some studying three hours a day is exhausting. It more likely to develop health and mental
problems, such as depression, sleep deprivation, lack of balance and alienation in their lives
especially if they are just forced to do it.

2. Some students tend to overstudy. Overstudying contributes to the factors of brain damage. It
leads to changes in school performance and causes mental distraction. Even if you are studying
a lot, it is still possible to get low grades.

3. Withdrawing from social activities. This is the most recognizable indication of overstudying.
Pulling back can take numerous structures. A student could be
investing increasingly more energy closed off in their room. They could quit mingling totally or
mingle recognizably less

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