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Subject/Grade: Math 9 Lesson/Date: Oct 9, 2021 Time:85 mins

Teacher: Martin Wong

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson In this lesson, we will start with a 15 min warm up activity for marks that involves non
Overview: calculator work, we will then move into note taking about similar triangles, and lastly we will
work on mathletics for practice on similar triangles.
GOs: Students will: Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes and analyze the
relationships among them.
SOs: Students will:
3. Demonstrate an understanding of similarity of polygons.
[C, CN, PS, R,

Learning Students will:

● Learn about the different rules that apply with similar triangles in order to solve questions
that relate.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative “You do”: During the portion of Summative 15 Min Warm Up Non calculator
Assessment examples, students will work on the Assessment questions
examples in their pairs using the white
board tables.

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson notes prepped and ready for Resources: Math makes sense 9, mathletics
Lesson: students. Mathletics pre assigned for
when it is time for students to work
and practice on skills.
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
20-25 Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning: 15 min non calculator. I will 5 questions for
project the 5 questions students are expected to complete without a calculator. 5 marks.
Students may work in partners. When we are done the 15 mins, we will correct
them for marks. For students
that may need
more time, an
extra 3 mins can
be added,
however this is
an activity
where I will not
compromise the
integrity of the
questions as
students are low
in these skills.
Subject/Grade: Math 9 Lesson/Date: Oct 9, 2021 Time:85 mins
High students
can then help
other students to
5 Transition Collect the 5 questions and ask students to open up their notes as we
will move into note taking for similar triangles
20-25 Learning Activity 1: Direct instruction going over the slideshow which covers For students
similar triangles with the students. We will first go over definitions of what does that find
it mean to be a similar triangle and what are the rules that apply to this. We will solving/ proving
then go over 2 different examples. The first comparing two different triangles for a similar
and checking to ensure if they are indeed similar or not using the rules that we triangle
know. The second example is finding the missing side length knowing that difficult, they
triangles are similar. In both examples there will be a “you do” portion for the can instead
students to try the question out using their whiteboard tables and partners. I will provide me with
be moving around the class answering questions if students have any. an example of a
similar triangle
Ex: one of the
triangles written
on the board
and they would
multiply each
side length by
the same
number, this
means they are

High students
can either help
their peers or
create their own
proofs and show
me if they are
indeed correct
in their thinking
of what is a
similar triangle
(could even
pose the
question of
10 Transition: Break time, after we have completed notes and examples, students
will get a 10 min break, this is generally reserved for washroom breaks, phone
time and just a time where students can disassociate from school for a bit.
20-25 Learning Activity 2: Homework or practice time for the students to work on For students
the mathletics assigned. If the students complete the mathletics early I will that are having
suggest and encourage them to continue on the different areas of mathematics as difficulty with
Subject/Grade: Math 9 Lesson/Date: Oct 9, 2021 Time:85 mins
there is a competition within the school and the winning class gets a pizza party. the concept,
pull aside and
guide by
Priority on
activity as this
goes 1-1 with
content and
Transition: at 2:29 ask students to pack up their belongings.
Consolidation: remind students what are the conditions which makes a similar
triangle, hint at would this be the same for other shapes.
Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class: What are the conditions which
makes a triangle similar?
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

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