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31T28L3 我母国的农业

1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Problems that hunter-gatherers in England faced in adapting to farming
B. The effect of flooding on England's Stone Age coastal settlements
C. A research finding that challenges accepted ideas about the spread of farming
D. Changes in agricultural practices over the course of 2,000 years

2. Why does the professor mention divers observing a lobster?

A. To identify part of the diet of Bouldnor Cliff's inhabitants
B. To describe the depth of the water above Bouldnor Cliff
C. To tell the story of how the Bouldnor Cliff settlement began
D. To explain the accidental discovery of the Bouldnor Cliff site

3. According to the professor, what benefit did researchers gain from the layer of peat that covered Bouldnor
A. The peat provided an easy way for researchers to collect samples of marine plants.
B. The peat preserved an ancient settlement in a largely intact condition.
C. The peat helped researchers prove that there were contaminants at the site.
D. The peat revealed that the site had been flooded earlier than archaeologists had assumed.

4. According to the professor, what did a new technique enable researchers to do? Click on 2 answers.
A. Determine that the type of wheat found at Bouldnor Cliff had its origins in the Fertile Crescent
B. Reconstruct migration routes from the Fertile Crescent
C. Detect that certain plants and animals were present at Bouldnor Cliff 8,000 years ago
D. Determine when humans first inhabited Bouldnor Cliff

5. What would researchers need to find at Bouldnor Cliff to confirm that wheat cultivation took place there?
Click on 2 answers.
A. Specialized farming tools
B. Evidence of the use of flour
C. Drawings of wheat plant
D. Genetic material from wheat pollen

6. What does the professor imply about the hypothesis involving boats?
A. She expects that the hypothesis will eventually be disproved.
B. She thinks that there is a possibility that hunter-gatherers imported wheat flour to England.
C. She strongly agrees with archaeologists who say that farming spread slowly across mainland Europe.
D. She is skeptical that the wood timbers found at Bouldnor Cliff are the remains of a boat.
Answers: C D B AC AD B

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