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BMO2a/QTOI/KT DAP AN DE THI HQC KY 2 - NAM HQC:2022-2023 EQ HUTECH Nonntsy zipra PerRS eG GME PM oe phan : K¥ Nang Ghi Chép KHOA: TIENG ANH Mahoc phan: So DVHT/TC: 3 ‘Negay thi 28 / 6 /2023- 13:30 Thai gian lam bai: 90° Ma dé (Néu 6) : 002 Part 1: “DNA Testing” (20ms) (CLO 1-5) [nT 27 [3 F [4 F [8 T [6 F [7 T [& F | 10. F Part 2: “Multiple Intelligences” (20ms) (CLO 1-5) _ |teece 2. solve problems | 3. connect [4 shapes | 5. mental images 1 ] = Is. kinesthetic _| 7. social situations | 8, emotions || 9. smaller group | 10. environment | Part 3: “Global Epidemic” (20ms) (CLO 1-5) _ 1. body fat 2, normal 3.600 million _| 4.developing | 5. causes countries 6. affluence T.low-income __| 8. physical activity | 9. traditional food | 10. stress release Part 4: “Phobias” (20ms) (CLO 1-5) 1. Types, causes and treatments of phobias 2. Anextreme, strong, focused fear / an extreme fear that interferes with the person’ life 3. A specific phobia 4, A situational phobia 5, Felt terrified and panicked 6. A phobia isn’t a rational response 7. Long-lasting / lasts for a long time / lasts for several years, even a person’s whole life 8. By the thing or situation that the person fears 9. Greek or latin names 10. A fear of being in closed places Part 5: “Learning Differently” (20ms) (CLO 1-5) 1, memory 2. visual problem | 3. brains 4. breaking down | 5. pay attention | 6. directions 7. steps 8. both genders inherited 10. intelligence tess | TP.HCM, ngay 5 thang 6 nim 2023 Nguoi duy@t dép én Ngudi lam dip én (hy, ghi ee (ky: ghi rd ho ten) ( hau DS nee DS Mach Cig

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