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The data file BankFinanceData.

csv contains information about loans granted by a

bank during the 2013-2015 period. Following are the columns and their descriptions.

• LoanID

• GrantDate

• GrantSeason - Mentions special time of granting loans. YE (Year End), QT (Quarterly

Term), MT (Mid Term), N (Normal)

• LoanType – Type of the loan such as Mortgage, Personal, Business, Auto etc

. • LoanAmount – Amount granted for the loan (in Thousands)

• LoanReturn - Amount returned on the loan

• WebsiteViews - Number of views on the loan product's webpage

• WebsiteLikes – Number of likes of the loan product on the webpage

• WebsiteDislikes – Number of dislikes of the loan product on the webpage

1. How many records are present in the dataset?

2. How many loans were granted in each LoanType? Which LoanType had the
highest number of grants? Sort number of grants in each LoanType in
descending order.

3. How many loans in each LoanType were granted during different

GrantSeasons like year end, quarterly term, etc?

4. Which month of the year sees the maximum number of loan grants?

5. Which month of the year typically sees most grants of high-value loans, that
is, loans with LoanAmount of 500K or more?

6. What are the top 10 loans with maximum return on investment (ROI)?
Calculate return on investment (ROI) as (LoanReturn

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