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Name _____________________________________________________ Class ______

Picture Story Using can,can’t,do,don’t,vave to or don’t have (10 points)

• Ask 5 questions (from a choice of ten) about four of the people or things in the pictures.

Questions Observations Score

1 How many puppets can you see in the picture #1?
2 What color is the boy’s t-shirt?

3 Can the children buy the puppet in the picture

4 They have /don’t have money to buy the puppet
5 Can they make some puppets?
6 The girl can / can’t think about puppet show
7 They have / don’t have to act for their parents
8 Can you see an animal in the pictures?
9 Can their parents clap at during the show?
10 How many puppets are there in picture #4?

Name _____________________________________________________ Class ______
Find the Differences (10 points 2pts each one)
• Ask five general questions for children to answer about themselves,(from a choice of ten) based on the topics of
Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in Story Central 3. An example conversation might go like this (see right). Encourage children to
say what they can, but allow them to give short answers or just one sentence

Questions Observations Score

1 • Do you like going on school trips?
2 • Where do you go?
3 • Do you have to wear a school uniform on
school trips?
4 • What do you have to do on school trips?
5 • What was your favorite school trip?
6 • Do you have to wear a school uniform at
7 • Can you use cell phones at your school?
8 • Can you take computers out your school?
9 • Can you play soccer inside your classroom?
10 • For the school trips; we have to /don’t have to
our parents permission

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