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Name: Arianne M.


3-Psych D

Midterm Assignment

Assessment Interview and Assessment of Intelligence:

Imagine yourself as a client meeting a clinical psychologist for an initial/ admission

interview. What attributes and behaviors would you as a client want your psychologist to
demonstrate? Explain your answer. (15 points)

If I will be in the position of being a client the attributes and behavior, I will be looking
for my clinical psychologist is someone that is understanding and compassionate. It's
crucial that they listen attentively to my thoughts and feelings without judgment, creating a
comfortable environment for me to open up about my experiences and challenges.

Additionally, I value professionalism and confidentiality. I expect my psychologist to

maintain a high level of professionalism in our interactions and keep our discussions
confidential, respecting my privacy and ensuring that the information shared remains
private and secure. These qualities help establish trust and foster a positive therapeutic
relationship, allowing me to feel safe and supported in seeking help and guidance.

Importance of Assessment of Intelligence in Clinical Psychology:

To summarize and integrate the information from this topic, kindly discuss or write about
the ways in which intelligence testing is useful to clinical psychology. Why include the
assessment of intelligence in a course on clinical psychology? How might information
about intelligence testing be used clinically? In treatment? In prevention? (15 points)

Intelligence testing acts like a roadmap revealing how well someone's brain functions.
When students study this in their clinical psychology course, it's akin to equipping them
with a special tool to comprehend people better. For instance, if someone struggles with
memory or problem-solving, intelligence testing assists therapists in crafting specific
plans to enhance these abilities. It's akin to discovering the right key to unlock someone's
abilities and simplify their learning experience.

In therapy, intelligence testing aids in creating personalized strategies that suit each
person's unique needs. For example, if a child faces challenges in school due to memory
issues, intelligence testing helps therapists design techniques to boost their memory
skills. The goal is to utilize this understanding to improve lives and enable everyone to
reach their utmost potential.

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