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Act 5 Scene 1

 Two clowns (serve as gravediggers);

 Hamlet – the prince of Denmark;
 Horatio – a friend of Hamlet;
 Gertrude – the Queen of Denmark;
 ClaudiusOphelia's – the King of Denmark;
 Dead Ophelia body;
 Laertes – brother of Ophelia;
 Priest.
Act 5 Scene 2
 Hamlet – the Prince of Denmark;
 Horatio – the friend of Hamlet;
 Osric – a servant in the castle.
 Gertrude – the Queen of Denmark and mother of Hamlet;
 Claudius – a new King of Denmark;
 Laertes – son of deceased Polonius;
 Fortinbras – prince of Norway.





Laertes: loyal, passionate, vengeful, impulsive, contrasting

Horatio: intelligent, loyal, level-headed, stable, supportive, unwavering,
Hamlet: Melancholic, introspective, intelligent, witty, conflicted, indecisive

Claudius: Politically savvy, manipulative, charismatic, murderous,

remorseful, conflicted

Gertrude: Sensual, pragmatic, conflicted, loyal, misunderstood, tragic

Polonius: Wise, long-winded, self-important, caring, manipulative, tragic

Ophelia: Dutiful, conflicted, loving, victimized, tragic, fragmented

The Ghost: Mysterious, authoritative, vengeful, ambiguous, influential,


Laertes: Loyal, passionate, vengeful, impulsive, contrasting, tragic

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: Betraying, weak, manipulated,

disposable, consequential, tragic

Horatio: Intelligent, loyal, level-headed, stable, supportive, surviving

Fortinbras: Strong, decisive, honorable, dutiful, contrasting, symbolic

Yorick: Symbolic, reminder of mortality, deceased, influential, existential,


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