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“Study of WhatsApp”


“Software Engineering”




SUBMITTED BY- 22326,22336


Mr. I. J. Mulla





Sr No. Student Name Roll Enrollment No. Seat No.


1) Sarthak C Kamble 22326 2201310195

2) Vinay S Niranjan 22336 2201310205


This is to certify that, as part of the partial fulfilment of the Second Years
Diploma Course for the semester 4th, the Bonafide students studying in
Second Year Diploma (Computer Engineering), I Scheme, Mr.Sarthak C
Kamble and Mr.Vinay S Niranjan have completed the project report titled
as, “STUDY OF WhatsApp”, for the subject Software Engineering
under the guidance of Mr. I. J. Mulla and submitted it to Government
Polytechnic, Miraj. The information presented in this project report has not
been submitted earlier.

Dr. Mr. V. R. Falmari Mr. I. J. Mulla


Date: / / 2024 Place: Govt. Polytechnic, Miraj

We take it is an opportunity to thank all those who have directly and
indirectly inspired, directed and assisted us towards successful
completion of this project report. We express our sincere thanks to
the Prof. Nitin Sonje & the Head of Department, Mr. V. R. Falmari
for having us allowed to submit this report as part of our academics
learning. We express our sincere thanks to Mr. I. J. Mulla Lecturer
in Computer Department, Government Polytechnic, Miraj for
encouragement throughout the project report and guideline in
designing & working out this project.
Place: Govt. Polytechnic, Miraj
Date: / /2024
Yours Sincerely:
Sarthak C Kamble
Vinay S Niranjan

Sr no. Content

1. Introduction to the WhatsApp

2 History of the WhatsApp

3. General block diagram of WhatsApp

4. The SRS (Software Requirements Specification) WhatsApp

5. Different Diagrammatic Representation WhatsApp

6. Test cases of the Micro-project

7. Risk & it’s solutions

8. The CPM/PERT diagram of the Micro-project

9. The Gannt Chart for the Micro-Project

10. The Software & Hardware requirement of the micro-project

11. Approximate cost calculation of the WhatsApp

12. The Advantages & disadvantages of WhatsApp

13. The references & conclusion of the WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a widely used messaging application that allows users to send
text messages, voice messages, make voice and video calls, share images,
documents, user locations, and other media files. It was founded in 2009 by
Jan Koum and Brian Acton, former employees of Yahoo!. WhatsApp
quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity, cross-platform compatibility, and end-to-end
encryption for secure communication.

Here are some key features and aspects of WhatsApp:

1. Messaging: Users can send text messages, emojis, stickers, and GIFs to individuals or
groups. WhatsApp supports both one-on-one and group conversations.

2. Voice and Video Calls: Users can make free voice and video calls to other WhatsApp users
over an internet connection, either Wi-Fi or mobile data.

3. End-to-End Encryption: All messages and calls sent through WhatsApp are encrypted,
meaning only the sender and the recipient can access the content. This ensures privacy and
security for users.

4. Media Sharing: Users can share various media files such as photos, videos, documents, and
voice messages instantly with their contacts.

5. Status Updates: Users can post temporary updates in the form of photos, videos, or text on
their status, which disappears after 24 hours, similar to stories on other social media

6. WhatsApp Web: WhatsApp offers a web-based interface that allows users to access their
messages and media files from a desktop or laptop computer. This feature syncs
conversations between the mobile app and the web interface.

7. WhatsApp Business: WhatsApp offers a separate application called WhatsApp Business,

designed for small and medium-sized businesses to communicate with customers, provide
customer support, and showcase products and services.

8. Group Chats: Users can create or join groups with up to 256 participants (though this
number may vary in the future) to chat, share media, and make group calls.

WhatsApp has become an integral part of communication for millions of people worldwide,
both for personal and professional use, due to its user-friendly interface, wide range of
features, and reliability.
WhatsApp, conceived in 2009 by Jan Koum and Brian Acton, emerged as a response to the
growing need for a reliable, cross-platform messaging solution. Koum and Acton envisioned
a messaging app that would prioritize simplicity, efficiency, and privacy, aiming to bridge
communication gaps in an increasingly connected world. After a year of development,
WhatsApp made its debut on the iPhone's App Store in November 2009, offering a
straightforward yet revolutionary way for users to exchange messages without incurring SMS

The app's popularity skyrocketed, driven by its intuitive interface and innovative features. Its
expansion to Android and BlackBerry platforms in subsequent years further solidified its
position in the rapidly evolving mobile messaging landscape. By 2013, WhatsApp had
amassed a user base of over 200 million active users, a testament to its widespread appeal and
unrivaled growth trajectory.

In February 2014, WhatsApp made headlines with its acquisition by Facebook, a deal valued
at $19 billion. Despite concerns about potential changes to the app's ethos, WhatsApp
continued to operate independently, with Koum and Acton maintaining leadership roles
within the company. The acquisition provided WhatsApp with access to Facebook's vast
resources while preserving its commitment to user privacy and data security.

One of WhatsApp's defining features is its implementation of end-to-end encryption in April

2016. This groundbreaking security measure ensured that only the sender and recipient could
access the content of messages, safeguarding user privacy in an era of increasing digital
surveillance and data breaches. The move reinforced WhatsApp's reputation as a champion of
user rights and security in the tech industry.

WhatsApp's evolution also saw the introduction of several feature enhancements aimed at
enriching user experience and functionality. The launch of WhatsApp Web in January 2015
enabled users to access their messages from desktop computers, seamlessly synchronizing
conversations across devices. Additionally, the rollout of WhatsApp Business in 2018
marked the app's foray into the realm of enterprise communication, offering businesses a
suite of tools to engage with customers and streamline operations.

As of February 2020, WhatsApp boasted over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide,
solidifying its status as one of the most widely used messaging platforms on the planet. Its
success lies not only in its technological innovation but also in its unwavering dedication to
its founding principles of simplicity, reliability, and user privacy. Through continual
evolution and a steadfast commitment to its mission, WhatsApp has transcended its origins to
become an indispensable tool for billions of users seeking seamless, secure communication in
an increasingly interconnected world.
3.The General Block Diagram of WhatsApp:

1. Quality Focus Layer: This layer emphasizes the quality aspects of WhatsApp's service,
including reliability, security, and user experience.

- Focuses on ensuring that the application operates smoothly, with minimal downtime and

- Quality assurance processes, testing methodologies, and performance monitoring are

central to this layer.

2. Process Layer: This layer encompasses the core processes involved in the functioning of

- Includes message transmission, encryption/decryption, user authentication, and data

storage processes.

- Processes are designed to be efficient, scalable, and resilient to handle the massive volume
of messages exchanged on the platform daily.

3. Methods Layer:The methods layer involves the algorithms, protocols, and techniques
utilized by WhatsApp to deliver its services.

- This includes encryption algorithms for securing messages, protocols for message
delivery and synchronization across devices, and algorithms for message prioritization.

- Methods employed in this layer are crucial for maintaining the security and reliability of
the platform.

4. Tools Layer: The tools layer comprises the technology stack and infrastructure used to
develop, deploy, and maintain WhatsApp.

- Includes programming languages, frameworks, databases, servers, and other tools and

- Tools in this layer enable efficient development, deployment, and monitoring of

WhatsApp's services and infrastructure.

Overall, these layers work in conjunction to ensure that WhatsApp delivers a high-quality
messaging experience to its users, prioritizing reliability, security, and performance.
Functional Requirements:

User Registration and Authentication:Users must be able to register an account with

WhatsApp using a valid phone number. The system should authenticate users securely,
ensuring the confidentiality of user data.

Messaging: Users should be able to send text messages, emojis, stickers, GIFs, images,
videos, documents, and voice messages to individual contacts or groups.Messages must be
delivered reliably and in real-time to recipients.The system should support message editing
and deletion within a specified time frame.

Voice and Video Calls:Users should have the ability to make voice and video calls to their
contacts.Calls must be encrypted for security and should have good audio/video quality.The
system should support group voice and video calls.

Group Management:Users should be able to create groups, add or remove participants, and
manage group settings.Group admins should have additional privileges, such as the ability to
restrict who can send messages or edit group info.

Privacy Settings:Users should have control over their privacy settings, including who can
see their profile information, status updates, and last seen status. The system should provide
options for blocking or reporting users who engage in abusive behavior.

Non-Functional Requirements:

Performance:The system should be able to handle a large volume of concurrent users and
messages without degradation in performance.Messages and calls should be delivered with
low latency, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Security:All communications must be encrypted end-to-end to protect user privacy.The

system should implement measures to prevent unauthorized access, such as secure user
authentication and data encryption at rest.

Reliability:WhatsApp should have high availability, with minimal downtime for

maintenance or updates.Messages and media should be reliably delivered to recipients, even
under poor network conditions.

Scalability:The system architecture should be scalable to accommodate the growing user

base and increasing message traffic over time.Scalability should be achieved through
horizontal scaling and efficient resource utilization
The General format of the SRS of WhatsApp

1. Introduction: This section provides an overview

of the SRS document and explains

the purpose and scope of the software system. It may also include background

information about the project, an overview of the target audience, and a list of

assumptions and constraints.

2. Information Description: This section provides a detailed description of the data

that will be used in the software system, including the data types, sources, and

formats. It may also include information about data security and privacy.

3. Functional Description: This section provides a detailed description of the

functional requirements for the software system, including the specific features and

functions that the software must provide, such as data entry, calculation, formatting,

and data analysis. It may also include use cases, scenarios, and diagrams to help

illustrate the requirements.

4. Behavioural Description: This section provides a detailed description of the

behaviour of the software system, including how it should respond to different inputs

and scenarios. It may include flowcharts, state diagrams, and other visual

representations of the system's behaviour.

5. Validation Criteria: This section outlines the validation criteria that will be used to

ensure that the software system meets the specified requirements. It may include test

cases, acceptance criteria, and performance metrics.

6. Bibliography: This section provides a list of references used in the SRS document,

including books, articles, and online resources.

7. Appendix: This section includes additional information that may be relevant to the

SRS document but does not fit into the other sections. This may include glossaries,

diagrams, or other supplementary information

5.Different Diagrammatic Representation

1.Case Diagram
2.Data Flow Diagram
3.Sequence Diagram
4.Collaboration Diagram
5. Use Case Diagram
6.State transition diagram
6.Test Cases of WhatsApp
7.Risks and Solutions for WhatsApp

1.Privacy and Security Risks: Potential breaches of privacy due to unauthorized access to
messages or user data.

Solution: Implement robust encryption protocols, such as end-to-end encryption, to ensure

that messages are secure and cannot be intercepted. Continuously update security measures to
address emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Provide users with control over their privacy
settings and educate them about best practices for safeguarding their information.

2.Cybersecurity Threats:Exposure to cyber attacks, including malware, phishing, and social

engineering scams.

Solution: Employ multi-layered security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and

intrusion detection systems, to protect against cyber threats. Conduct regular security audits
and penetration testing to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities. Educate users about common
cybersecurity risks and encourage them to exercise caution when interacting with unknown
contacts or clicking on suspicious links.

3. Downtime and Service Interruptions:Potential for downtime or service interruptions due

to technical issues, maintenance, or cyber attacks.

Solution: Design a robust and redundant infrastructure to ensure high availability and fault
tolerance. Implement automated monitoring systems to detect and respond to issues
proactively. Develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan to minimize the impact of
service disruptions and expedite recovery efforts in the event of an outage.

4.Data Breaches and Compliance Risks:Exposure of sensitive user data to unauthorized

parties, resulting in data breaches and regulatory non-compliance.

Solution: Adhere to strict data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, to safeguard
user privacy and ensure compliance with legal requirements. Implement data encryption,
access controls, and data retention policies to mitigate the risk of data breaches. Conduct
regular audits and assessments to monitor compliance with data protection standards and
address any compliance gaps promptly.
5. Misuse and Abuse of Platform: Misuse of WhatsApp for spreading misinformation, hate
speech, or illegal activities.

Solution: Implement content moderation policies and community guidelines to identify and
remove harmful or inappropriate content. Collaborate with law enforcement agencies and
regulatory authorities to address instances of illegal activity or abuse. Educate users about
responsible usage of the platform and empower them to report abusive behavior or content.

6.User Trust and Reputation Risks:Damage to user trust and reputation due to security
breaches, service disruptions, or negative publicity.

Solution: Prioritize transparency and communication with users regarding security

measures, privacy practices, and service updates. Establish a dedicated support team to
address user concerns and inquiries promptly. Proactively engage with users through
feedback channels and community forums to understand their needs and enhance user

By addressing these risks proactively and implementing effective solutions, WhatsApp can
ensure the continued trust and satisfaction of its users while maintaining the security,
reliability, and integrity of its platform.
8.PERT Diagram of WhatsApp
9.Knapp Charts of activity
10.The Software & Hardware requirement of the Whatsapp

Software Requirements for WhatsApp:

1. Operating System:

- Android: Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or later.

- iOS: iOS 10 or later.

- Windows Phone: Windows Phone 8.1 or later.

2.Messaging Protocol:

- WhatsApp utilizes the Signal Protocol for end-to-end encryption to secure messages and

3. Development Tools:Programming Languages: Java (for Android), Objective-C (for iOS),

and C++ (for desktop and backend development).

- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): Android Studio (for Android), Xcode (for

- Version Control: Git for source code management.

- Build Automation: Gradle for Android, Xcode build system for iOS.

4. Database Management:

- WhatsApp employs databases for storing user data, messages, and media files. Common
database systems used include SQLite and Realm for mobile platforms, and MySQL or
similar relational databases for backend services.

5. Networking:

- HTTP/HTTPS protocols for client-server communication.

- WebSockets for real-time messaging and notifications.

- RESTful APIs for data exchange between client and server.

6. Security:

- OpenSSL library for encryption and cryptographic functions.

- Certificate management tools for handling SSL/TLS certificates.

- Secure coding practices and security testing tools to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.
Hardware Requirements for WhatsApp:


- Processor: Minimum requirement varies based on the operating system and version of

- Memory (RAM): Typically, devices with at least 1GB of RAM are recommended for
smooth performance.

- Storage: WhatsApp installation requires minimal storage space, but additional space is
needed for storing media files, messages, and app data.

2. Feature Phones (KaiOS):

- Compatible hardware configurations for KaiOS devices, including CPU, RAM, and
storage capacity, as specified by the manufacturer.

3.Backend Infrastructure:

- Servers: High-performance servers with sufficient processing power, memory, and storage
to handle message delivery, user authentication, and data storage.

- Storage Systems: Scalable storage solutions for storing user data, media files, and
message archives.

- Networking Equipment: Reliable network infrastructure with high-speed internet

connectivity to ensure smooth communication between clients and servers.

4.Security Hardware:

- Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) for storing encryption keys securely.

- Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and other security appliances to protect
against cyber threats and unauthorized access.

These software and hardware requirements enable WhatsApp to deliver a seamless

messaging experience across various platforms while ensuring security, reliability, and
11.Approximate cost calculation of WhatsApp
Estimating the cost of developing a colossal project like WhatsApp, employing the
COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model), involves several approximations due to the vast scale
and complexity of the undertaking. WhatsApp, as one of the most widely-used messaging
platforms globally, necessitates a comprehensive analysis considering various factors:

1.Project Size and Complexity: WhatsApp qualifies as a very large project, given its
extensive functionalities and intricate architecture. Its complexity is notably high, owing to its
real-time messaging capabilities, sophisticated encryption protocols, support for multimedia
content sharing, and seamless cross-platform compatibility. Developing and maintaining such
a multifaceted application demands meticulous planning, robust development methodologies,
and a highly skilled workforce.

2. Development Environment and Technologies: The development of WhatsApp spans

across multiple platforms and technologies, including Android, iOS, web, and backend
servers. Each platform requires specialized expertise and tools, adding to the intricacy of the
project. The utilization of diverse programming languages, frameworks, and libraries further
contributes to the complexity, necessitating a versatile team with proficiency in various

3.Team Expertise and Experience: WhatsApp's development team comprises seasoned

professionals with extensive experience in mobile app development, cybersecurity, network
protocols, and distributed systems. The successful execution of such a colossal project hinges
on the collective expertise and collaborative efforts of the team members. Their proficiency
in navigating the complexities of software development and their ability to address challenges
effectively are crucial for ensuring the project's success.

4.Cost Estimation using COCOMO:Employing COCOMO's estimation model, the effort

required for developing WhatsApp is estimated to be approximately 444.67 person-months,
considering a project size of 10,000 thousand lines of code (KLOC). This effort encompasses
various activities, including requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, and
deployment. Factoring in an average monthly salary per engineer of $10,000, the total
estimated cost of developing WhatsApp amounts to approximately $4.45 million.

5. Considerations and Limitations:It's essential to recognize that cost estimation using

COCOMO is subject to certain limitations and uncertainties. Factors such as project scope
changes, unforeseen technical challenges, market dynamics, and evolving user requirements
can significantly impact the actual project cost. Additionally, the accuracy of the estimation
depends on the reliability of input parameters and assumptions made during the estimation

In conclusion, while the COCOMO estimation provides a rough approximation of the

development cost for WhatsApp, it's imperative to approach such estimations with caution
and supplement them with thorough risk analysis, contingency planning, and ongoing project
monitoring to ensure successful project execution within budgetary constraints.
12.Advantages and Disadvantages of whatsapp
Advantages of WhatsApp:

1.Global Reach: WhatsApp has a vast user base spanning across the globe, making it an
effective platform for communication with friends, family, and colleagues irrespective of
geographical boundaries.

2.Cost-Effective: The app offers free messaging and calling services over Wi-Fi or mobile
data, reducing reliance on traditional SMS and phone calls, especially for international

3. Multimedia Sharing: Users can share a wide range of multimedia content, including
photos, videos, documents, and voice messages, making conversations more engaging and

4. End-to-End Encryption: WhatsApp employs robust encryption protocols to ensure the

privacy and security of messages and calls, providing users with a secure communication

5. Cross-Platform Compatibility: WhatsApp is available on various platforms, including

Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and web browsers, allowing users to access their messages
seamlessly across devices.

6. Group Chats and Calls: Users can create group chats and make group voice or video
calls, enabling communication with multiple contacts simultaneously, which is beneficial for
collaboration and social interactions.

7.Status Updates: WhatsApp's status feature allows users to share temporary updates in the
form of text, photos, or videos, providing a glimpse into their daily lives and activities.

8. WhatsApp Web: The web-based version of WhatsApp enables users to access their
messages from desktop or laptop computers, facilitating multitasking and convenience.
Disadvantages of WhatsApp:

1. Dependence on Internet: WhatsApp requires an active internet connection, either through

Wi-Fi or mobile data, limiting its accessibility in areas with poor or no network coverage.

2.Privacy Concerns: Despite end-to-end encryption, WhatsApp has faced criticism over
privacy issues, such as data sharing with parent company Facebook and concerns about
message backups stored in the cloud.

3. Misinformation and Fake News: WhatsApp has been used as a platform for spreading
misinformation, fake news, and rumors due to its encrypted nature, posing challenges in
combating misinformation and maintaining trust.

4.Security Vulnerabilities: Despite encryption measures, WhatsApp has experienced

security vulnerabilities in the past, leading to concerns about the integrity and safety of user

5. Overreliance on Mobile Devices: WhatsApp's primary usage on mobile devices may lead
to overreliance on smartphones for communication, potentially affecting productivity and
interpersonal interactions.

6.Limited Business Features: While WhatsApp Business offers some features for small
businesses, it may not be as comprehensive as dedicated business communication platforms,
limiting its suitability for larger enterprises.

7. Data Consumption: Sending and receiving multimedia content on WhatsApp can

consume significant amounts of mobile data, potentially leading to high data usage charges
for users with limited data plans.

8.Distraction: The constant notifications and alerts from WhatsApp can be distracting,
especially during work or study hours, impacting concentration and productivity.
13.The References & Conclusion of WhatsApp

1. Koum, J., & Acton, B. (2009). WhatsApp: From Founding to Acquisition. Retrieved from

2. WhatsApp. (n.d.). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from


3. TechCrunch. (2014). Facebook to Acquire WhatsApp for $19 Billion. Retrieved from

4. WhatsApp. (n.d.). WhatsApp Security. Retrieved from


5. The New York Times. (2020). WhatsApp Hits 2 Billion Users. Retrieved from


In conclusion, WhatsApp has emerged as a revolutionary communication platform,

transforming the way people connect and interact worldwide. From its humble beginnings in
2009 to its acquisition by Facebook for $19 billion in 2014, WhatsApp has continually
evolved to meet the growing demands of its users while maintaining its commitment to
simplicity, reliability, and security.

With over 2 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp has become an integral part of daily life
for millions of people, enabling them to exchange messages, make voice and video calls,
share multimedia content, and stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues across the

Despite facing challenges such as privacy concerns, security vulnerabilities, and the spread of
misinformation, WhatsApp remains a dominant force in the messaging landscape, continually
innovating to address user needs and enhance the user experience.

As WhatsApp continues to evolve and adapt to changing technologies and user expectations,
it is poised to remain a ubiquitous platform for communication and collaboration, shaping the
future of digital communication for years to come.

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