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Accumax Lab Devices Private Limited

Canteen Checklist
Canteen Checklist
Date: [Insert Date]
Area Checked: [Insert Area Checked, e.g., Kitchen, Service Area, Dining Area]
Person in Charge: [Insert Name]

Stock Inventory:
¨ Check stock levels of food items.
¨ Ensure adequate supply of grocceries.
¨ Verify availability of utensils, plates, cups, and napkins.

¨ Wipe down countertops, tables, and chairs.
¨ Sweep and mop floors.
¨ Clean food preparation areas and equipment.
¨ Empty trash bins.

Food Safety:
¨ Ensure proper storage of perishable items.
¨ Check expiration dates on food items.
¨ Monitor food temperatures.
¨ Check hygiene practices of staff.

Menu Planning:
¨ Review menu for the day.
¨ Ensure variety and balance in meal options.
¨ Check for special dietary requirements or allergies.

Service Area:
¨ Set up serving stations.
¨ Stock condiments and utensils.
¨ Label food items correctly.

¨ Encourage employee feedback
¨ Address Complaint register

Hygiene and Sanitation:

¨Check staff uniforms and hygiene.
¨ Maintain handwashing stations.
¨ Monitor overall cleanliness.

Equipment Check:
¨ Inspect kitchen equipment.
¨ Check temperature settings.
¨ Test dishwashers.

Special Considerations:
¨ Consider employee feedback and suggestions for menu improvements.
¨ Stay informed about dietary trends and preferences within the company.
¨ Consider seasonal factors.

Closing Procedures:
¨ Dispose of remaining food items.
¨ Ensure all doors are locked securely before leaving

ACCUMAX LAB DEVICES PVT.LTD Survey No.140/141, Moje - Medha , Tal: Kadi, Dist: Mehsana, Gujarat, India -

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