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The Circle


1 p.246-251 3 p.262-277 5 p.292-304

Back at the office The kayaking Dream Friday

p.243-246 p.251-262 p.277-292

The bathroom stall 2 Mae visits her 4 A conversation 6
parents with Bailey
The bathroom stall
The Bathroom Stall
● Mae then goes to the bathroom
and gets a call from Kalden
● Kalden tell Mae he is coming to
the bathroom
● They makeout and have sex in
a bathroom stall
● Mae tries to take a photo of him
when he leaves
Back at the office
Back at the office
● Mae texts Annie about her encounter with Kalden again but
is intentionally vague as she doesn’t yet know how much
information she wants to reveal
● Gina sees her texting Annie and Mae tries to hide the screen
● Gina is there to explain some performance statistics to Mae
● While Gina is trying to explain conversion rates to Mae, she is
distracted by her time with Kalden and the text conversation
with Annie
● Gina is at first uninterested in the contents of the
conversation and lets Mae answer the messages
● Gina is just fascinated that Mae casually texts with Annie
● Mae lies to Annie about having more information about
Kalden than she actually does to reassure her
● Gina feels uncomfortable with some of the jokes Annie
makes and for invading in their private conversation
● Gina seems hurt by the fact that Annie messages Mae
● Mae refocuses on the conversation with Gina
● She is pleased and finishes her explanation and tells Mae
she will be getting a new screen to track the new statistics
she explained to her
Mae visits her parents
Mae visits her parents
● First time visiting her father since the Circle insurance
had taken effect

● Her father is making very good progress on his

recovery and they talk about the many benefits the
Circle’s program has

● Mae sees a chandelier made of antlers that Mercer

gifted her parents for free

● Mae feels generous towards him

● Her parents say he is coming over for dinner and Mae

is annoyed

● Mae drinks wine in the meantime and gets drunk

Mercer arrives

● Mercer arrives and Mae compliments him on his work

● Mae secretly posts a picture of the chandelier on
various websites
● When the family and Mercer want to start eating Mae
and Mercer get notifications on their phones
● Mae can’t hold it in and tells everyone about the
posting of the picture and shows Mercer how much
traction it’s getting
● Mae starts thinking about how this will also improve
her own performance
● Mercer tells Mae to stop but she won’t listen and he
leaves the house without her even noticing because
she is so engrossed in her device
● Eventually she looks up and sees that Mercer has gone
and is in the driveway
● She gets into the passenger seat to convince him not
to go
Mercer leaves

● Mercer complains that he didn’t give Mae permission

to photograph and post his artwork online
● He talks about how much the Circle invades in an
individual’s privacy
● Mercer says that the 3 wise men target people who
oppose the Circle’s agenda and ruin their reputation
● He says then when you give up control to an authority
you can no longer pick up on basic communication
● Mercer tells Mae she isn’t interesting as she spends all
day in front of a screen
● Instead of actually experiencing things she just leaves
smiles and frowns online
● While driving home, Mae thinks about how much she
hates Mercer and feels better the further away she
gets from him
● She cannot believe that she had ever dated him in the
The kayaking incident
The kayaking incident (1)
● She stops by the kayak rental shop despite
knowing that it has already closed
● She spots and borrows a kayak that had
been returned after closing
● Mae wants to go to an island that is rarely
visited to prove to herself that she is better
than Mercer
● Despite the potential dangers of the trip,
Mae continues
● She doesn’t bother taking a life preserver
with her because the water is calm
● She avoids being caught by the coast
guard by laying down in the boat
● During the trip her perception of distance is
distorted and is unable to tell how far away
the island is
The kayaking incident (2)
● She arrives at the shore of the island and
feels exhilarated having done something
she isn’t supposed to to
● She explores the island, enjoying the
thought that very little people have been
where she is right now
● She goes to the peak of the hill on the
● Mae takes in the different things happening
around her and takes comfort in the fact
that she does not and can not know much
at all in the grand scheme of things
The kayaking incident (3)
● When she arrives back at the Marion’s
beach, she is arrested by the police
● They contact Marion and she explains that
Mae is a regular member and not at fault
● Mae had gotten two reports. One from one
of Marion’s own cameras
● The next day after a sleepless night, Dan
calls her in to talk about the incident
● Dan is not only mad that she went kayaking
but also that she visited her parents
● Dan shows her the camera footage
● He also reprimands her for not wearing a
life jacket
● Dan also thinks it is a shame because her
performance had been so good the past
few days
● Finally he says that Eamon Bailey has taken
interest in the matter
A conversation with Bailey
A conversation with Bailey (1)
● Before the meeting Mae works hard to
redeem her mistakes from the night before
● In the evening she is escorted to Bailey’s
● On the way Mae pretends she is seeing the
office for the first time as the first time she
actually went with Annie was in secret
● She first expresses that she feels ashamed for
what she did
● Bailey then questions her whether or not she
would’ve done what she did if she was aware
of the SeeChange cameras
● Mae answers that she wouldn’t have done it
● Eamon Bailey then connects this with his
general goal of eliminating crime altogether
with these cameras
● Bailey explains to Mae that keeping secrets is
never a good thing by working through
different groups of people
A conversation with Bailey (2)
● First he shows that you shouldn’t keep secrets
from friends, then family and then in terms of
● He briefly explains that the goal of completion
is to allow everyone to have all information
about everyone else such that no one has a
distorted view of other people
● Bailey thinks that if everyone behaved as if
they are being watched, we would have a
fully moral world
● Bailey then gets Mae to confess that she had
been in the library before with Annie and she
admits she felt better after getting the secret
● Mae feels admiration towards Bailey
Dream Friday
Dream Friday
● Mae is set to go onstage with
Bailey for Dream Friday to talk
about her incident

● Mae describes what she did

despite the audience already
knowing what happened

● Bailey explains how surveillance

forces you to behave better than
when this is not the case
Dream Friday Secrets are Lies
● Mae then presents the phrase “Secrets are lies”,
explaining that when information is kept from us we
speculate and make up answers
● They then transition into talking about how Mae never
documented any of her kayaking trips
● Bailey explains that his son with cerebral palsy
experiences things he normally couldn’t through the
pictures and videos shared by other people

Mae feels sympathy as her father is also disabled
“Sharing is caring”
Sharing is Caring
● Finally Mae explains that keeping information private
is akin to stealing
● “Privacy is theft”
● The three phrases are displayed on a screen
● It is then announced that Mae is to go transparent

Privacy is Theft
Thanks for

CREDITS: This presentation template was created

by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.

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