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Karykat art club bylaws

ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be "Karykat Art Club," hereinafter referred to as the "Club."

Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of Karykat Art Club shall be to promote and support artistic endeavors and create a
community for those passionate about the arts within the American University of Kyiv.

ARTICLE II: Officers and Duties

Section 1: Officers
The officers of the Club shall consist of:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary

Section 2: Duties of Officers

President: The President shall have the following duties:
1. Chair all Club meetings.
2. Approve all financial reports and other relevant documentation.
3. Approve candidates for removal from the Club.
4. Conduct and oversee Club events.
5. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume their duties.

Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President in their duties and shall take on the
duties of the President in their absence.

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for financial records and other documentation as
required by the Club.
ARTICLE III: Adding New Roles
Any member of Karykat Art Club may propose the addition of a new role by submitting an
official letter to the President. If approved by the President, the Club shall hold an election for
the new role following the procedures outlined in this constitution.

ARTICLE IV: Officer Elections

Officer elections shall take place annually during the spring semester and shall be determined by
a simple majority vote among Club members, with at least 50% of the Club's membership
present at the vote.

Section 1: Eligibility Criteria for Candidates

To run for an officer position, members must meet the following criteria:
1. Active Membership: Candidates must have been active members of the Art Club for a
minimum of one semester before running for office.
2. Attendance: Demonstrated regular attendance at all club meetings, events, and activities
in the preceding semester.
3. Enrollment: Candidates must be currently enrolled in a four-year bachelor's or two-year
master's program.
4. Additional Requirements: Fulfill any additional requirements as stipulated in the Club's

Section 2: Nomination and Submission Requirements

Candidates seeking office must submit the following:
1. Artistic Portfolio or a brief statement of their involvement and interest in the arts.
2. Leadership Experience within the Club or other relevant organizations.
3. Commitment to fulfilling duties and responsibilities as an officer.
4. Letters of recommendation from current Club members or faculty who can vouch for
their dedication and suitability for the role.
Section 3: Continuation of Officers
At the end of the academic year during the Spring Semester, current officers may choose to
retain their positions for the next year without the need for elections.

ARTICLE V: Filling Officer Vacancies

Filling officer vacancies shall occur over a two-week period, every 2 years, commencing no later
than May 10th of each year or on the nearest working day if September 10th falls on a
non-working day. At least 50% of the total Club membership must be present for an election to
be considered valid.

ARTICLE VI: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of Club members present at a
regular meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given at the previous
regular meeting.

ARTICLE VII: Maintenance and Cleanliness

Section 1: General Provisions
Objective: The objective of this article is to establish guidelines and procedures for maintaining a
clean and orderly environment within the art club's meeting spaces.

Section 2: Equipment and Materials

Use of Plastic Shields: The art club acknowledges the importance of maintaining a clean
environment and, when necessary, shall provide and encourage the use of plastic shields to
protect tables, floors, or walls during art sessions.

Section 3: Responsibilities
Cleaning After Art Sessions: It shall be the responsibility of the person conducting the art lesson
or workshop to ensure that the workspace is cleaned and tidied after the session. Room must be
ventilated during and after the lesson for an hour before it can be used later.
Supplies and Resources: The club shall make available necessary cleaning supplies and
resources to assist in maintaining a clean workspace, and it is expected that these supplies will be
used as required.

Section 4: Compliance and Enforcement

Compliance: All club members, including instructors and participants, are expected to comply
with the provisions outlined in this article.
Enforcement: The club advisor and club officers shall be responsible for enforcing the cleaning
and maintenance procedures as described in this article.

___________________ 09-11-2023
Signature of 1st Officer Date
President Hordiiyenko Sofiia Andriivna
Officer Title Print Name

____________________ 09-11-2023
Signature of 2nd Officer Date
Vice President Tsymbalista Anastasiia Andriivna
Officer Title Print Name

____________________ 09-11-2023
Signature of 3rd Officer Date
Secretary Yelyzaveta Povstenko Dmytrivna
Officer Title Print Name

____________________ 09-11-2023
Signature of Advisor Date
Student Life Manager
____________________ Jacob McGrew
Advisor Title Print Name

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