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Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

How is the behavior of the

chromosomes during meiosis related
to heredity?
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.What demonstrates the differences

among individuals?
a. Chromosomes c. Heredity
b. Genes d. Variation
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

2.The dominant trait dominates or

prevents the expression of the recessive
a. Law of Dominance
b. Law of Segregation
c. Law of Mendel
d. Law of Recessive
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

3. Which of the following is a

phenotype of genotype RRYy?
a. Round, green
b. Wrinkled, yellow
c. Round, yellow
d. wrinkled, green
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

4. What is the ratio of the cross between Rr

and rr?
a. ½ round; ½ wrinkled
b. 100% round
c. 1/3 round; ¼ wrinkled
d. ¼ wrinkled; 1/3 round
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

5. When he has pure-breeding plants,

Mendel began cross-pollinating peas
with contrasting traits. The pure-
breeding peas constituted the
______ .
a. F1 b. F2 c. F3 d.P1
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

6. What principle states that dominant

trait dominates or prevents the expression
of the recessive trait.
a. Principle of Segregation
b. Principle of Dominance
c. Principle of Codominance
d. Principle of Variation
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

7. What will be the genotypic ratio of the

cross DD and Dd?
a. 25% DD; 50% dd; 25% Dd
b. 50% DD; 50% Dd
b. 50% DD; 50% dd
d. 50% Dd; 50% dd
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

8. How many numbers of

chromosomes do humans have?
a. 23 b. 46 c. 47 d. 49
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

9. Based on the Punnett square produced

when you crossed XX and XY, what percent
of children would you expect to be male?
a. 25% c. 75%
b. 50% d. 100%
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

10. What will be the sex of a child produced

when an egg is fertilized by a sperm that
has a Y chromosome?
a. Female c. Neither of the two
b. Male d. Cannot be determined
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

2.The dominant trait dominates or

prevents the expression of the recessive
a. Law of Dominance
b. Law of Segregation
c. Law of Mendel
d. Law of Recessive
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

At the end of lesson, learners should be able to:

Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following
simple patterns of inheritance (S8LT-IVf-18)
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

At the end of lesson, learners should be able to:

Explain the importance of Mendel’s experiment
to the science of heredity.
Distinguish between phenotype and genotype.
Solve problems on monohybrid and dihybrid
crosses given the phenotypes and genotypes of
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

How is the behavior of the chromosomes during meiosis

related to heredity? In order to answer this question, we must
first look back at the experiments of Gregor Mendel. The
results of his garden experiments laid down the foundations of
Modern Genetics.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Mendel’s Discovery of the

Principles of Heredity
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Gregor Mendel
✓ was an Augustinian monk in a monastery in Brünn,
Austria-Hungarian Empire (now Brno, Czech
✓ He was interested in investigating how individual traits
were inherited.
✓ He wanted to find out whether both parents
contributed equally to the traits of the offspring.
✓ He also wanted to know if the traits present in the
offspring were produced by the blending of the traits
of the parents.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Garden Pea
(Pisum sativum)

Before he started his experiments, Mendel first produced

pure-breeding plants. Mendel allowed his pea plants to self-
pollinate for many generations until all the offspring had the
same features as the parents, generation after generation.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

First filial (F ) generation


- the offspring of the parental cross

- Also known as HYBRIDS, because they resulted
from a cross between two pure-breeding plants with
contrasting traits
- (for example, pea plants with round seeds crossed
with pea plants with wrinkled seeds).
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

When the plants from the F1 generation were crossed with each other or self-pollinated, the offspring (F2 or second
filial generation) were of two types.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Based on the results of his experiments,

Mendel hypothesized that there was a
factor in the plants which controlled the
appearance of a trait. These factors are
what we call genes today.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Since two alternative expressions of a trait (e.g., round or wrinkled seed) were possible, he hypothesized that traits
were controlled by a pair of genes, now called alleles. Mendel’s first hypothesis was: in each organism, there is a
pair of factors which controls the appearance of a particular trait.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Mendel's laws include the:

1. Law of Dominance and Uniformity,
2. The Law of Segregation, and
3. The Law of Independent Assortment.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Which one is recessive and dominant?

Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Principle of dominance: The dominant trait dominates

or prevents the expression of the recessive trait.

A. Dominant - one trait that dominates the other.

- represented by letter R
A. Recessive - appearance was either prevented
or hidden by the dominant trait.
- represented by a small letter r.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Since genes occur in

pairs, a pure-breeding
round-seed plant is
symbolized as RR and
pure-breeding wrinkled-
seed pea plant as rr.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Law of Segregation
The pair of genes segregate or separate from each other
during gamete formation.

Before Mendel’s time, it was believed that all traits become mixed when they are transmitted from generation to
generation, as red and blue paints mix to give a violet color. However, when Mendel crossed pure-breeding pea
plants, the pea plants did not produce offspring with blended or intermediate traits.

In Mendel’s experiments, the pure-breeding parent plants had two identical genes for a trait: round seed = RR,
wrinkled seed = rr.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Genes and Gametes

Homozygous and Heterozygous
Genotype and Phenotype
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Mendel’s law of segregation states that the

genes of a pair, for example RR, separate during
gamete formation.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Now recall what we have learned

in meiosis. During anaphase I of
meiosis I, the chromosome pairs
separate and move to opposite
poles. Now remember that a trait
is governed by a pair of alleles.
Each allele is found in a
chromosome of a chromosome
pair. In other words, the
chromosomes serve as vehicles
for these alleles.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

At fertilization, when the gametes formed during gametogenesis by RR and rr plants

unite, all the zygotes will have the genotype Rr (Figure 9). Thus, all the F1 plants will
have a genotype of Rr. An individual with contrasting alleles (a dominant and a
recessive allele) for a particular character is said to have a heterozygous genotype.
However, Rr individuals will still produce round seeds because of the presence of
the dominant allele R. These will be just as round as all the seeds produced by the
RR parents. The expression of the genotype of an individual for a particular
character is referred to as its phenotype
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Genotype-the genetic
composition of a trait.

Phenotype -the physical

appearance or feature of a trait.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Knowing the Genotype

1. Self-fertilization Technique
When self-fertilized, homozygotes always produce pure-breeding plants. Thus,
round-seeded peas will breed only round-seeded peas. What about heterozygotes?
Heterozygous round F1 peas produce round and wrinkled seeds in the ratio three
round seeds to one wrinkled seed. This ratio (3:1) is called a phenotypic ratio.

Self-fertilization enables us to determine whether an individual is homozygous or

heterozygous for a given trait by observing the phenotype(s) of its offspring.
Homozygotes are pure-breeding. Heterozygotes produce two kinds of offspring;
three out of four offspring show the dominant trait and one out of four excessive the
recessive trait.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

2. Testcross Technique

Testcross involves a cross between the recessive parental type (rr in

our sample cross) and the individual with the dominant trait but with
unknown genotype. You will observe in Figure 10 that homozygote
dominants, when crossed with recessives, produce only one kind of
offspring and all exhibit the dominant trait. Heterozygotes, on the
other hand, when crossed with recessives, produce two kinds of
offspring. About one-half of the offspring show the dominant trait while
the other half exhibit the recessive trait.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Diagramming a Cross
Mendel’s crosses can be recorded in a chart called a
Punnett square. The Punnett square helps us to predict
the outcome of a given cross. It allows us to determine the
possible combinations of genes in a cross.

The use of the Punnett square can be best illustrated by

solving an actual problem, like determining the expected
result when two hybrid round-seeded peas are crossed.
From previous discussions, you know that the expected
phenotypic ratio from this cross is 3:1. This time, we will
determine the expected genotype of the offspring.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Answer the following monohybrid crosses:

1. A plant can produce either a white flower or a

purple flower, with the purple flower allele being
dominant. If a heterozygous purple flower producing
plant is matched with a white flower, what are the
possible offspring?
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Cross with Two Factors

(Dihybrid Cross)
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Mendel also studied the inheritance of two

pairs of factors in an individual. A cross
between individuals that involve two
heterozygous pairs of genes is called a
dihybrid cross.
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Mendel crossed a plant with genotype RRYY (round, yellow

seeds) and a plant with genotype rryy (wrinkled, green
seeds). The F peas exhibited the dominant traits for the

heterozygous genotype RrYy. Assuming Mendel’s Law of

Segregation, each pair will segregate during the formation of
gametes. Each gamete will therefore receive one allele from
each pair. If the pairs of alleles are found on different
chromosomes, then each dihybrid will produce four different
types of gametes with ¼ probability each .
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Self-fertilization of F1 peas
produced four phenotypes. The
phenotypes with a ratio 9:3:3:1 are
as follows:
9 (round, yellow seed)
3 (round, green seed)
3 (wrinkled, yellow seed)
1 (wrinkled, green seed)

Can you show, using a Punnett

square, how this phenotype is
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

Law of Independent Assortment

From the results obtained from his hybrid crosses, Mendel formulated his last
hypothesis: The distribution or assortment of one pair of factors is independent of
the distribution of the other pair.

The law of independent assortment explains why traits are inherited independent
of each other. The law applies to factors (or genes) that are found on separate
chromosomes. Since they are found on separate chromosomes, the segregation
of one pair of factors is not affected by the segregation of the other pair. Therefore,
their distribution in the resulting gametes will be at random (Figure 13).
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4
Grade 8 – SCIENCE GENETICS MENDELIAN Q4: Module 3 – Week 4

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