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Learning Journal Unit 1

University of The People

PSYC 1504-01 Introduction to Psychology

November 14, 2022

The scientific method is defined as “a method of inquiry that helps us understand nature around and
within us” (Smith, 2020). It is one approach used to provide an explanation for observed phenomena
that is empirically well-supported, consistent, and predictive. While scholarly research relies mostly on
scientific approach, it is important to note that not everyone is a scientist. People sometimes draw
conclusions based on everyday observations. As a matter of facts, until I became familiar with the
scientific method, I drew some conclusions based on my everyday observations or relied on those of
people who in the family or those who were famous around. The difference between both is the ability
to verify the trustworthiness of the information. In this era of fake news and conspiracy theories, it is
important to distinguish such unfounded claims from evidence based and well-informed conclusions.

Even though the scientific method uses data generated from observation to explain and understand the
world in a trustworthy way, it is not the only way used to explain behaviors (Smith, 2020). As stated
earlier, people sometimes draw conclusions based on everyday observations. While scientific research
informs people’s knowledge and helps us create theories, many people still form personal opinion to
draw their conclusions. By formulating their personal opinions, people use their everyday reasoning or
personal statements as facts. It is important to note that both the scientific method and the everyday
reasoning employ induction or draw general conclusions from specific observations. In other words,
though the everyday reasoning is not a scientific method, it is another way used to explain behavior.

As elaborated above, scientific method is one way of explaining behavior. It uses observable data to help
explain and understand the world around us in a trustworthy way. Everyday reasoning or personal
opinion is another way we use to explain behavior. Even though both the scientific method and the
everyday reasoning employ induction to draw general conclusions from specific observations, they are
different from one another. Scientific reasoning is different from the types of reasoning people often use
to form personal opinions. It becomes essential to understand the similarities and differences between
scientific and every day (non-scientific) statements as we increase our ability to accurately evaluate the
trustworthiness of various claims. Scientific methods come with accuracy, consistency, simplicity, scope,
and predictability, which are absent from conclusions formed from personal opinion (Smith, 2020).

Word Count: 396


Smith, E. (2020). Thinking like a psychological scientist. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba
textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from

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