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0 Tindakan Transplantasi Jantung

1 Angkat jahitan pada kepala
2 Ileostomi temporer
3 `
4 Injeksi pada canal spinal untuk menghilangkan nyeri
5 Insersi DES ( drug elution stent ) pada 2 vessel dg 2 buah stent
6 Netralisir keracunan alkohol
7 Pengangkatan esophagus sebagian
8 Pengangkatan radang usus buntu
9 Penutupan stoma intestinal
10 Perbaikan hernia inguinal secara bilateral
11 Resusitasi jantung dan paru
12 Thrombectomy pada artery di paha
13 Tindakan kontrol mimisan
14 Tindakan pengangkatan total kelenjar thyroid
15 Tindakan Transplantasi kornea mata
16 Trakeostomy sementara
19 Ventilasi mekanik tanpa invasif
20 Ventilator mekanik selama 90 jam
21 Debridement patah tulang terbuka pada paha
22 Infus elektrolit
23 Fusi spinal pada thorax ke 3, 5, 6 menggunakan methode teknik anterior dg memasukkan interbody s
24 Injeksi insulin
25 jahitan pada luka
26 Kateterisasi vena
27 Kontrol pendarahan pada prostat setelah operasi
28 Operasi reduksi terbuka dengan internal fiksasi pada tulang lengan atas

29 Operasi reduksi tertutup tanpa internal fiksasi pada tulang kering

30 ORIF tulang metatarsal
32 Pemisahan perlengketan pada peritoneal
31 Pemasangan NGT ( nasogastric tube)
34 Penjahitan tendon
35 Sequestrectomy pada paha

36 Tindakan curettage pada pasien yg mengalami keguguran

37 Tindakan laminectomy dengan memasukkan alat interspinal
38 Tindakan mencabut akar sisa pada gigi
39 Tindakan menghilangkan benda asing pada konjungtiva mata dengan methode insisi
40 Tindakan menghilangkan benda asing pada kornea mata secara magnetic
41 Tindakan pelepasan pen pada paha setelah operasi 1 tahun yg lalu
42 Tindakan pengangkatan sebagian kelenjar thyroid
43 Transfusi darah
44 Vaksinasi rabies
45 ventricular shunt ekstracranial untuk pasien hydrocephalus
Transplantation heart Transplantation

Ileostomy temporary Ileostomy

Injection cancer Injection
Spinal Canal Injection
Insertion of DES Insertion
fluid therapy alcohol
Esophagectomy Esophagectomy
Appendectomy Appendectomy
Closure of intestinal stoma Closure
Inguinal hernia ripeir Repair
CPR Resuscitation
Thrombectomy Thrombectomy
Control of epistaxis Control
Total Thyroidactomy NEC (Necrotizing enterocolitis)
Transplantation corneal Transplantation
stomy temporary
Transplantation Kidney Transplantation
transurethral (ultrasound) transurethral
Non-Invasive Mechanial Ventilation Ventilation
Ventilator Ventilation
Debridement Debridement
Infusion Infusion
spinal fusion fusion
Insulin Injection Injection
stitches on wounds stitches
Venous Catheterization Catherterization
prostate bleeding Prostat
Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation of the hum Reduction

Closed reduction of fracture without internal fixation Reduction

ORIF metatarsal Reduction
ORIF humerus Reduction
lysis of peritoneal adhesions
Insertion nasogastric tube Insertion
Delayed suture of tendon Suture of muscle, tendon, and fasc
sequestrectomy sequestrectomy

Curettage procedure in patients who experience miscarriage curettage

Interspinous Process Device (IPD) Interspinous
retraction residual root residual root
Removal Removal
removal removal
removal removal
removing thyroid gland thyroid gland
Tranfunsion Blood Tranfusion
Vaccination rabies Vaccination
Hydrocephalus VP Shunt Ventricular shunt
Transplant, transplantation - heart (orthotopic) 37.51

Ileostomy -temporary 46.21

Injection -for cancer NEC 99.25
Injection -spinal (canal) NEC 03.92
Detoxification - alcohol 94.62
Esophagectomy - partial or subtotal 42.41
Appendectomy (with drainage) Appendectomy (with drainage) 47.09
Closure - Bilateral
intestine 53.10
Resuscitation - cardiopulmonary 99.60
Thrombectomy lower limb - artery 38.08
Control, epistaxis epistaxis 21.00
Thyroidectomy NEC 06.39 Other Isthmectomy Partial thyroidectomy
transplant,Transplantation corneal
Temporary tracheostomy tracheo
Transplant, transplantation -Kidney NEC
TULIP transurethral ultrasound guided laserinduced pr
Ventilation -non invasive (NIPPV)
Ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours
open fracture
Infusion - antineoplastic agent electrolytes 99.18
fusion spinal
Injection insulin

Venous -central venous NEC 38.93

Prostat hemorrhage
humerus open 79.21
Reduction-fracture --Cont. with internal fixation 79.31
tibia and fibula
Reduction Leg NOS 79.46
Reduction - fracture (bone) (with cast) (with splint) (with tra
Reduction - fracture (bone) (with cast) (with splint) (with tr
peritoneal lysis of peritoneal adhesions (54.5)
Insertion nasogastric (for intestinal decompression) NEC
Delayed suture of tendon Tendon
sequestrectomy fermur

-uterus with (dilation), --aspiration (diagnostic) NEC ---after abortion or delivery 69.52
insertion or replacement of interspinous process devic interspinous process decompression device
retraction root residual root 23.11
-foreign body conjunctiva by incision conjunctiva by incision 10.0
-foreign body ---Cont. cornea by magnet 11.0
Removal---Cont. device (therapeutic) NEC 97.89
Unilateral thyroid lobectomy partial substernal thyroidectomy (06.51)
blood -Blood (whole) NOS 99.03
Vaccination (prophylactic) (against) rabies 99.44
Ventricular shunt Ventricular shunt to extracranial site NEC
37.51 Heart transplantation 37.51

46.21 Temporary Ileostomy 46.21

99.25 Injection or infusion of cancer chemotherapeutic substance 99.25
03.92 Injection of other agent into spinal canal 03.92

94.62 Detoxification therapy

42.41 Partial esophagectomy 42.41
47.09 Other appendectomy 47.09
46.50 Closure of intestinal stoma, not otherwise specified 46.50
53.10 Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, not otherwise specified 53.10
38.08 cardiopulmonary
Incision of vessel resuscitation, not otherwise specified
(lower limb arteries 99.60
Femoral (common) (superficial) 38.08
21.00 Control of epistaxis 21.00
partial or subtotal NEC 06.39 06.39
11.60 Corneal transplant, not otherwise specified 11.60
31.1 temporary tracheostomy 31.1
55.69 Kidney NEC Transplantation 55.69
60.21 transurethral (ultrasound) Guide laser induced prostatectomy amblation (conta60.21
93.30 non-invasive mechanial ventilation 93.30
96.71 continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours 96.71
99.18 Injection or infusion of electrolytes 99.18

99.17 Injection of Insulin 99.17

38.93 Venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified 38.93

60.94 for control of hemorrhage of prostate 60.94
79.3 Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation 79.31

79.0 Closed reduction of fracture without internal fixation 79.46

79.37 Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation (tarsals and metatarsals) 79.37
79.31 Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation (humerus) 79.31
54.5 Lysis of peritoneal adhesions 54.51
96.07 Insertion of other (naso-)gastric tube 96.07
83.62 Delayed suture of tendon 83.62
77.05 sequestrectomy femur 77.5

69.52 Aspiration curettage following delivery or abortion 69.52

84.80 interspinous process decompression device 84.80
23.11 removal of residual root 23.11
10.0 removal of embedded foreign body from conjunctiva by incision 10.0
11.0 Magnetic removal of embedded foreign body from cornea 11.0

06.51 partial substernal thyroidectomy 06.51

99.03 Other transfusion of whole blood 99.03
99.44 Vaccination against rabies 99.44
distal catheter of ventricular shunt 54.95 54.95

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